135 – Life of Fall (8)

The archer immediately fell into confusion while preparing the next arrow. Because he couldn’t believe the scene before his eyes.


A person’s body is wrapped in starlight. It is not the bright and warm starlight like a magical girl. It is ominous and dull, dark starlight. A sticky curse-like light that is exactly the same as that of the monster.

Han Jaejoong attempted a transformation.

Did I hear something wrong from Botis before? I heard that life expectancy has been shortened due to overuse of transformation.

Nevertheless, Han Jaejoong chose to transform.

“Something is different from what I knew….”

However, Han Jaejoong was different from before.

I don’t feel as much power as before. There are no thunderbolts that shatter the sky or tear the ground. There is no white starlight that makes you feel like you have to worship in despair. Covering his body was old bronze armor, and in his hand was an old-fashioned long gun with a rusty mainspring.

I don’t feel any threat. There is no fear.

Where has the ferocious and ruthless power of the beast that was shown before gone and why is it decorating its body with such a small star?

That wasn’t the only reason the archer was surprised.


It was none other than the words spoken by Han Jaejoong.

His eyes can even read the surrounding frequencies and the characteristics of the air. Even if it was covered by a helmet, it was not difficult to guess what the other person was saying through the tremors of the air.

“If you can, please come…?”

Looking at what Han Jae-joong said, Archer couldn’t believe his eyes for a moment. The expression turned cold.

He even had doubts that he had misunderstood something and had seen something wrong.

However, the archer, who soon realized that his eyes could not be mistaken, changed his thinking to reading the opponent’s intentions.

In fact, the intention was so simple that even archers who are usually short-thinking and quick to make decisions could easily read it.

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“…Ha, hahahaha….”

Now he is competing.

I won easily in the close battle before, so I will win this long-distance battle as well.

It is a beast-like provocation that scratches the pride of an arrow-shooting monster.

“You son of a b*tch…! “On a third-rate subject…!”

The archer gritted his teeth in anger and shame, changed the arrow he was about to shoot to another, and fired a new arrow.

A smile gradually spread across his lips, contrary to the anger inside him. My heart, which had not been beating for a long time, seemed to be finally beating.

He prepared his special move without delay, with the feeling that he would make him pay for daring to provoke him by sniping.

This arrow is the same arrow that was given to Red Vega just now.

It was an unusually shaped arrow with twelve tips on a single shaft.

This is the attack that archers are most confident in, as it splits into twelve branches the moment it is fired and causes twelve simultaneous explosions with just one shot.

Gaeseilsa (蓋世一射).

We will show destruction worthy of the name of turning the world upside down.

Of course, trying to perform special moves in succession will be quite taxing on the body, but it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, there will be no need to shoot anymore after that.

He hung a bow on the demonstration and focused the starlight flowing throughout his body on the arrowhead.

At that time, an arrow that Han Jae-joong had shot before his transformation got closer to him. The archer also focused on how far the arrow would reach.

‘It will be difficult to block that one too.’

If you have activated the constellations like before, what can you do with a one-star body that even a low-level monster like that can’t do?

You may be able to survive once, but the next time will be impossible.

The archer was confident that he would not be able to defend himself properly.

“I think I used that trick with the intention of saving my body… Do you think you can survive today?”

Just then, the arrow that was about to be fired was ready. The archer wasted no time removing his hand from the demonstration. One arrow flying in the sky split into twelve and drew a line like a colorful firework.

“hehehehe, that was a stupid decision. “It would be better if it looked the same as before.”

Even if you can block the arrow in front right now, it is obvious that the arrow behind you will kill you. However, the archer did not take his eyes off, as if he was determined to see the obvious outcome.

It was then.

A strong light began to condense on Han Jae-joong’s rifle. It was dark green, contrasting with the archer’s crimson. It was a light with the same color as a firefly. And it was a weak light like a firefly.

“…It’s shabby.”

The archer suddenly muttered that.

It’s as if something was expected of him, and it’s still like that.

I’m looking forward to seeing how that shabby twinkle can pierce that vast amount of light.

The archer’s heart has not stopped yet.


The watcher saw an arrow approaching high in the sky. The size of one arrow was not that big, but the light surrounding it was so huge.

The closer I got, the more it felt like a meteorite was approaching.


There is no belt assistance. The belt’s assistant always displays the optimal route and predicted range during battle. The world seen through the helmet was always overflowing with a lot of information.

But now the belt has switched to sleep mode and all assistance has disappeared. The world was not only clean but transparent.

It felt like I was playing a puzzle game with a strategy book open and without any information.

This is probably normal. Originally, the fight against monsters must have been so daunting.

Han Jaejoong once again gained respect for magical girls.

“It was so difficult.”

Watcher put his finger on the trigger, his heart pounding like crazy as the background sound.

“Fighting without any help and trusting only in my own abilities was such a scary and daunting thing.”

Light gathered in the muzzle of the dog’s gun. It was a shabby, insignificant, small light. It was like a candle in front of the wind.

“Even though I was so scared, I kept going.”

The line drawn in the sky easily surpassed dozens. Each one was so powerful that it could not even be compared to the light gathered at the gate.

“Maybe it was me who was weak.”

But he had just witnessed a sparkle greater than that baptism of arrows.

“…The door was open.”

I just can’t give up like this.

“There is no going back now.”

The mainspring attached to the gun and the mainspring attached to the armor rotated simultaneously. The sound of the mainsprings hitting each other was similar to that made when the engine is running.

Opening the door.

As the name suggests, opening the door, all the limiters that had been locked until now have been lifted.

The light of about twenty condensed stars all gathered into one.

Merak’s form, which was originally created to handle only the seven stars of the Big Dipper, was overworked beyond its original performance.

My body became hot and the barrel of the gun also overheated.

I had to endure it.

At least it’s better than Red Vega’s abuse just now.

There was no need to compare with others. Compared to the headache I got when writing Ursa Major, it was no different from a fairy.

The sound of the mainspring turning became more intense. It got to the point where I wondered if iron could be melted just by the sparks emitted by the mainsprings colliding with each other.

Watcher canceled the thought he had just had. She is not a fairy. If she were to just judge the pain she felt at the moment, she didn’t know it would be worse now.

All these overloads existed to come together at one point.

One by one, small dots of light gathered into the muzzle of the gun. The starlight is like the footsteps he has walked so far. Pieces of the stars that we have risked our lives countless times to obtain. Each one may be small in number, but the moment they come together, they will erase a mountain.

Even if it is an insignificant candle, if thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of millions of candles gather together, they can burn down a city.

At some point, the muzzle of the dog’s gun began to emit a radiance so intense that even the sun was briefly obscured.

The arrow coming this way got even closer. A new attack was even following the arrow. It was the same ferocious twelve flashes that had been fired at Red Vega just now.

Unfortunately, he did not have the skills to shoot down each of those arrows. Even with the assistance of a belt, it is difficult. There has never been time to hone such advanced skills, and there will be no time in the future.

You don’t have to think about shooting it back and dropping it. What we need to do now is not show off, but defense.

As always, it’s Suho.

[Charging complete. 100% Aggregation rate.]

Using the starlight collected in this way as paint, we can only reproduce it as imagined.

Just before the line reached, the Watcher pulled the trigger.


The brilliance concentrated to the limit was shot out. It was not in the original shape of the Big Dipper, but in the shape of an ordinary sphere.

However, the small bead-like bullet soared upward and gradually became distorted. Like ink spreading through water, a green light began to flicker in the sky centered around the sphere. The appearance resembled Aurora.

The bullet’s influence on the sky gradually became vast, and its brilliance spread wide enough to encircle the sky.

Dozens or hundreds of arrows fired by the archer were blocked by the round membrane. Numerous explosions shook the green starlight, but the light only briefly wavered and did not break.

The girls covered in blood and sweat, the young man who was trying hard to run away, and the children who were crying for their parents looked quietly at the light.

The green scenery that unfolded like a miracle gave people who were running impatiently a moment of relaxation and helped them catch their breath.

Orderly breathing leads to flexibility in thinking, flexible thinking leads to clarity and accuracy in actions, and precise and clear actions of individuals create a more orderly group.

“Move here quickly!”

“There are people over there now!”

“Thank you! I’ll go there… Mr. Sirius! Quickly rescue them somewhere else! “You have someone to protect now!”

“Uh, yes! Thank you!”

Green aurora lasting about 30 seconds.

It was a picture, a shield, and a milestone.

[Focus On.]

They weren’t the only ones who found their way.


The owner of green also found the way by looking at the signpost.

The Watcher did not lose focus even after opening the veil and activating protection. She succeeded in estimating the approximate distance and location by looking at the direction in which the arrow was fired.

“It’s been a long time.”

Watcher stroked the back of the black-green bike. A bike that couldn’t be used for a while after being destroyed by Contradiction. It might not have been known back then when there was a lack of starlight, but it can be made easily now.

It has become difficult to move using the power of lightning, so now I have to use what I used to.

Fortunately, its movement ability is not inferior to that of Ursa Major.

Vroom. As soon as the bike started, Watcher’s body rose into the sky. Flying bikes were still romantic enough. Intense flames spewed out from the exhaust pipe, and the Watcher flew across the sky in an instant.

Cheonchukbeop. The fast movement that folded the sky succeeded in moving him to the estimated location in less than a second.

Watcher changed the angle of the bike and raced down.

“You damn bastard!!!”

At that time, a strong roar was heard from below, and at the same time, an arrow flew. The arrow went straight into the engine room of the bike.

The Watcher immediately manipulated the belt to change his focus.

[Focus On.]

However, what we are focusing on now is not one star, but one technique.

[SET. Seven Star Bogak.]

Watcher jumped down using the bike as a stepping stone. Quang! At the same time, a strong explosion occurred on the bike, pushing him.

First step.

Boom! Unlike the heavy impact sound, the landing itself was light. As he landed on the ground, an archer rushed at him, holding an arrow like a sword in his hand.

“Wasn’t the game decided by sniping?!”

“Why should I accept the fight on your battlefield?”

“Hey, profit! “A romantic bastard!”

I easily dodged that sword strike. The archer became even more vicious and rushed at him. His random sword swings could have been avoided by just moving his upper body. Unfortunately, he wasn’t used to being unassisted, so he had to take a few extra steps.

“As expected, you are third-rate!”

Two steps, three steps, four steps.

“I knew that if I overused transformation, I would fall behind! “You didn’t want to die right away?!”

“It’s natural for humans to not want to die right away.”

Watcher took advantage of the recoil to avoid and swung his fist. A heavy fist landed in the archer’s solar plexus.


Five steps. The Watcher stepped forward.

“You idiot… Even if you don’t die now, you will die later. In the end, you will die after such a great transformation!”

“I know. “But what does it matter?”


While the archer hesitated, the watcher moved forward once again.

“All life dies anyway. I’m just a little closer to that. “What’s important is how you live.”

“How do you want to live?”

“Of course….”

Six steps with this.

“I go where I want to go. “Whether it is a thorny road or a cliff.”

One last step.

“If only I could dig up trash like you. And if we can give glory to heroes.”

With determination.

“I will go wherever it is.”

Quad! A crack appeared where his last step touched. Plasma rose from the crack, and the energies gathered and condensed on the Watcher’s right leg.

“Even if the result is to rush the four people?”

“Yes, even if I die as a result.”

And then, without hesitation, he swung that leg.

This is easy even without assistance. A posture repeated countless times. A high kick that accurately hits the opponent’s vital area, whether it’s the solar plexus, abdomen, or head. This time I hit him on the head.

Boo! The archer who was kicked flew behind the wall and rolled on the ground like a wheel.

“Look, it’s refreshing.”

A weak smile appeared on the corner of his mouth where his helmet was broken.

His life was in decline, but the romance still remained.

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