157 – All you need is a little money and a place to live tomorrow (18)

It was a good day.

The sky was blue and the wind was cool, making my mind clear. It made me realize that spring was coming. It was one of those days when the chill, which had not yet completely gone, was pleasantly seeping into my skin.


The timer has passed 1 second.

The ice pieces that broke with the jumping sparkled like diamonds.

A huge ax the size of a human body flashed with lightning. The lightning was cool, not hot. It was a cold burning flame.

The thunderbolt, which contradicted its original nature, burned magnificently and added a new chill to the ice.

A pure flame flickered next to the thunderbolt. Red Vega flew up like a rocket with red flames wrapped around its entire body.

November turned and ran into the river, ignoring those who were running towards him. Now that the water has turned into ice, he cannot control it. No matter how much the temperature was raised, the iceberg-shaped waves showed no signs of melting.

November has one remaining instinct: to run wild.

So, he headed to the river to find his weapon.

November’s ability is not creation or manipulation, but just manipulation.

Ability can only be used in places where there is water. What was my biggest weakness even before the runaway, has now recurred here and there.

However, the moment he enters a quasi-divine state and runs wild without worrying about the consumption of starlight, the city comes to an end the moment he touches the river. It is not at the level of half-wave. All tall buildings will collapse and be completely submerged under water.

November’s advance must be stopped.

During these 10 seconds.

In fact, it is no different from gambling. Will Blue Sirius be able to control divinity in this short period of time or not? This difference.

If you cannot control it, the city will be destroyed by Blue Sirius’ magic, and the person who used the magic will also suffer great damage.

Han Jaejoong did not bother to look at Blue Sirius. He decided to believe and wait. Everyone has just a few seconds of patience.

Even if it is a friend who has a weak heart and often collapses since long ago, you may not see it.


It’s been a while since I used the power of Ursa Major, so I know for sure. This barbaric energy is not something an ordinary person’s body can endure. If I were sane, I would have realized it the previous evening, but I was so blind that I couldn’t feel it. He thought it was just natural overload.

It is a burden that must be endured if it is the price of exerting one’s strength. This power is so absurd that we take this pain for granted. Rather, it was considered a good deal. Han Jaejoong resisted the urge to grab his heart and instead grabbed his ax harder.

The ax blade drew a long line on November’s neck and body. Along that line, lightning brutally tore up the place it passed through. All of these processes came first.

Shut up!

The sound was heard later.


Not even one second has passed yet. I was planning on holding on for the remaining 9 seconds like this. He picked up the ax again.

Then he cut up his legs, arms, shoulders, stomach, chest, knees, ankles, wrists, and everything in sight. The starlight armor, which was supposed to be hard, was cut more smoothly than tofu.

Wow! Sigh! Countless ugly marks, resembling animal claws, appeared on the ice. His blood poured on it. It was soon burned by lightning.


2 Seconds have passed. The enemy is not even able to regenerate yet. Wouldn’t it be okay if I chopped it up like this? Without even catching my breath, I lifted the ax again.

At that time, something tied my wrists. It was a black and red thread.

The realization that I had let my guard down followed.

Ability to control water. I didn’t think about the scope of that ability. He had also controlled the muddy water just a moment ago. If he can control water mixed with impurities, then of course he can control his own blood!

The thread wrapped around the wrist was blood. I thought that all the blood that flowed from that body just now had all evaporated in the lightning, but unfortunately, it seems that wasn’t the case.

Tch, he clicked his tongue and cut the thread of blood with force. The thread that was cut in vain was burned by white lightning.


A very short delay of less than 1 second. But that was enough. A body suddenly grew from November’s fluttering head. Playback is complete.

“It’s not worth cutting.”

As soon as he landed on the ground, he ran to the river. He was smaller than before, but shinier than before.

He gave up part of his body to increase starlight.

November collected starlight on the soles of her feet and sprayed it as is. A foolish and ignorant way of using one’s abilities. There was no such waste.

However, it was quite an effective method for him who was in a quasi-divine state. Unlike other monsters, he wouldn’t be in a position to worry about wasting starlight. He would lose stamina and put a lot of strain on his body, but that was of no concern to him as he was unconscious.

“Then, if you don’t cut it, it will be okay.”

However, the Watcher was not an easy opponent either. He hit the ground with his ax and the impact made him jump into the sky. Looking down at him from higher than November, I raised the tip of the ax, not the blade. It was as if he was using a spear rather than an axe.


3 Seconds have passed.

I brought the ax to November’s back and pressed it down with my weight. He could not resist properly and began to fall. He tried to struggle, but the air resistance below him and the Watcher held him above him, so he couldn’t escape.

Just before he touched the ice, Watcher grabbed his head and lifted him up so that he wouldn’t touch the ice. I heard the sound of my spine being shattered, but it didn’t matter. Anyway, there was no blood.


He hit his raised head on the ice without hesitation. Perhaps because it was sturdy, it didn’t explode. He then placed his foot on the ax blade resting on his back and pressed it down.

“What is this….”

“Push! “Don’t let it move!”

Red Vega approached him and desperately pressed his foot on his neck. Her firepower is also quite impressive. All she had to do was press down so he couldn’t turn his head.

Kwasik! The sound of a spine breaking was heard again. Red Vega did not let down his guard and increased his pressing force. Like shooting a rocket from the sky towards the ground, she sprayed flames into the sky, not forgetting to increase her pressure.


4 Seconds have passed.

“Continue… Continue….”

November is still stuck.


5 Seconds have passed. There was hope. It is difficult to maintain this state, but it also means that there is no problem in holding on as long as you maintain it.

‘It’s harder than a plank… no, it’s harder than doing a handstand with one finger…!’

Red Vega built the Oman Statue. Her posture itself was stable, but the force going into her whole body was different from usual. He must not let down his guard even a little. So far, surprises have occurred several times. There is a good chance that will happen this time too.

‘Just a little more…’

At that time, November wiggled her arm and tried to bring it to her head. She quickly blocked the movement with the Watcher’s other foot.

I don’t know what it was, but I couldn’t let him do something stupid.


It was dangerous. Just as I was feeling relieved, this time she started trying to move her neck, which was holding her down.


Red Vega did not lose any of her power. Suddenly, his head turned halfway and looked at the sky. It was disgusting to see his head turned at an impossible angle, but it was fortunate that his actions were prevented.

That was the problem. November turned his head again and took a turn. Suddenly, the head, twisted to its limit, began to separate from the neck.

Wonjik! His neck was broken like a pine board, and his head was shaking like that. Rather than letting down my guard and giving my all, it was actually a mistake.


Just before six seconds passed, a piece of flesh flew out from November’s neck.

Chi Ik. From that flesh, November began to regenerate. However, the entire body had not been regenerated yet.

The Watcher went to his square and picked up the ax again. It doesn’t matter. All you have to do is press it again.

But instead of regenerating, he stopped regenerating, leaving only his upper body. Without a moment to wonder, blood flowed from the part that had not been regenerated.

The Watcher tried to destroy the bleeding part with the lightning blade, but first a few drops splashed into the world.

“Hey! When it evaporates as is….”

The Watcher who was shouting at Red Vega was embarrassed. The blood droplets that came out were not directed to the Watcher or Red Vega, but to what had been his body just moments ago.

The drops of blood turned into sharp wires and cut into his body. The body, which seemed to be made of wooden planks glued together, was cut into several pieces, and more blood flowed out from there.

The scattered blood immediately rushed somewhere.

This time, it wasn’t towards Watcher or Red Vega.

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Blue Sirius, heading towards the place we had just departed from.

It is difficult to disturb her concentration. The Watcher ran in front of the rushing blood and swung his axe.


On a day filled with lightning, drops of blood were lightly burned and frozen. Still, you never know. Watcher turned his head to check if there was any blood he missed.

“…What is it?”

And he felt strange. Blue Sirius’s condition is strange. Her indigo starlight was bursting out of her like a flower. He didn’t seem to be suppressing it at all. In her right hand was a snowball-like shape of starlight.

However, the other hand was holding her breast. He exhaled painfully. Her eyes were empty. Even in this cold weather, beads of sweat were flowing down her forehead.

“No way….”

Does your heart still hurt a lot? Well, if it’s natural, it’s natural. Even Han Jae-joong, who had a normal body when he became the constellation Ursa Major, was overcome with pain. If it were a nova with a greater amount of starlight, the burden would be on a different level.

No matter how much starlight can be purified with magical power, there will be limits.


7 Seconds have passed.

Blue Sirius stood up, taking a deep breath. It was very unstable. His steps are unsteady. Starlight gathers in her hands. The shape became clearer.

“I… I’m fine….”

What was once an ordinary sphere shape became a heart shape and quivered. It looked reminiscent of a pendant or hand mirror.

“Forget my worries and just fight!”

Fortunately, it seemed like control was successful again.

While I was distracted, November’s playback completely ended. Watcher had to give up his regrets.

“Belt, measure the heart rate of everyone here!”

But I couldn’t completely abandon it. It was left just for a moment. The Watcher turned his head and looked at November.

Something like a hazy fog had gathered in his hand. When I swung it, Red Vega nearby complained of pain.

“Kek…! Ugh…!”

There was something like a handprint on my neck. It was as if he was strangling her from a distance. It was strange. That thing is neither water nor blood. But what is it?


There is a saying:

Magical girls grow faster as monsters become stronger. And vice versa. The monster also becomes stronger as the magical girl becomes stronger.

It’s a simple story.

November also became stronger like Blue Sirius. He raised his abilities to the next level.

Perhaps what he is controlling now is water vapor. Resources must be overflowing in this place that has become extremely wet due to the floods.

“Red Vega! Light…! “Oh my.”

What has already evaporated cannot be evaporated again. Now Red Vega’s abilities have lost their power.

There is only one way left: to freeze. It is possible with his low-temperature thunderbolt. However, in that case, there is no guarantee that Red Vega will not be swept away.

Whoosh, the fog blew, the direction was Blue Sirius.

“There are so many lost things here.”

At that time, Jason muttered.

“This was land. “Water is not supposed to flow here.”

He put his hands on his belt. An unusual buckle that resembles a ferry decoration.

“I am not strong enough to get rid of them all, but…”

Space is distorted. Things that were here are relocated.

“It might be of help for a moment.”


Eight seconds have passed. The fog disappeared. Jason also fell to the ice as if his strength had run out.

“Go…You strong one….”

The Watcher ran once again. Pieces of ice fluttered around. He slammed his ax down hard right in front of November.

November’s entire body was engulfed in lightning.

It was simple from the beginning. If it had been struck by lightning, it wouldn’t have bled and wouldn’t have moved, but I thought it was too difficult.


Now 9 seconds have passed.

The Watcher had to stop his lightning at that moment.

[Yun Seol-hwa’s heart rate has become 0.]

And then he threw the ax.

In an instant, the flying ax touched her heart and sent an electric current through it.

“It’s going to tickle a little, you sickly brat…!”

Forcibly awakened her heart. She flinched and her fingertips trembled.


10 Seconds have passed.


The time limit is now over. The 10 seconds designated by the belt were all consumed, and Ursa Major’s power was released.

Kugu Palace. The ground split apart. To be exact, the ice. The ice began to move. It probably wasn’t Blue Sirius’s will. Detailed decorations were being engraved on the heart-shaped transformation tool in her hand. She was still concentrating all her attention on the control.

So this is something someone else did.

In a way, it was natural. If water vapor can be controlled, then the solid ice can also be controlled.

November has reached a new level.

“I told you to ask for a favor….”

Jason muttered.

The wind blew. For some reason, I felt like I heard something sarcastic like ‘I know, you idiot.’ The wind lightly shattered the ice.

Shoot, an arrow hit November’s forehead. The moving ice stopped.


“I’m sorry for not being able to keep my promise.”

Blue starlight was shining.

Divine power.

Pure starlight completely converted into magical power.

“This is the end.”

Ice covered November’s entire body. Like a curse. The ice rose high and high. It soared as if it would reach the sky. As if the heart that had been endured was released and accumulated here.

A tower of ice was built.

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