246 – Betrayal

“Power is a scary thing.”

Yun Seol-hwa said.

“The stronger the power, the easier it is to become addicted and misused. It’s also easy to make mistakes.”

“You mean like Maman found out Libra’s location while defeating criminals?”

“Be quiet.”

It was purified, but in the end, it meant that the mouth was ripe. Yun Seol-hwa created ice in Haru’s mouth, creating a situation of enforced silence. Eupeup! I heard a sound that sounded like a protest, but I ignored it.

“Ahee, Jaejoong. And one day for you too. Listen seriously.”

“Why are you leaving out Deneb!”

“Is Ayun the same as you? “He’s a kid who knows how to use his power rationally.”

Jo Ayun was proud, but there were a few things that bothered her, so she did not actively cooperate.

‘Whenever something happened that made me angry, I would go to Nabi and beat up the kids I didn’t like.’

The biggest victims were the gangs that bullied him during his school days.

Haru, who was sometimes harmed, kept quiet and Ara moved to a distant place. No one knew about her flight now.

‘It was a good stress reliever, so is this also a rational use?’

This may not be the wrong meaning.

“Ahi, your strength is great. This means that you do not have the strength to carelessly hit others with a competitive spirit. If Jaejoong asks you too much, you’ll end up with bad habits. This is something that could seriously hurt both of you. “It’s not something you can take lightly.”

“Gah, it’s not light….”

Baek Ah-hee’s eyes became watery. It seemed quite unfair. Jo Ah-yoon, who was worse than that, opened her mouth.

“But what can I do about my sister’s use of reason?”


Jo Ah Yoon stabs her to the core.

Yun Seol-hwa just pouted her lips in displeasure and was unable to mount a counterattack.

“A magical girl is a being who protects love and peace, but ultimately, she is a being who pursues her dreams.”

“That’s right! That’s right!”

“So, if Ahi’s dream requires that battle, I will support it. “Because that is my role.”


Baek Ah-hee smiled at Yun Seol-hwa as if she was showing off her triumph.


Han Jaejoong opened his lips.


“What was your dream?”

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“The best magical girl!”

Baek A-hee answered immediately.

“Then is it really necessary to battle me for the ultimate magical girl?”

Han Jaejoong noticed. Jo Ayun’s words weren’t just support for Baek Ah-hee.


“Is this a dream that cannot be achieved unless you fight with me?”

“Well, that’s because… to be the best, you have to be the strongest first… to beat Watcher, who is my strongest enemy… and to climb on top of Jaejoong… hm? What?”

“There’s no need to climb up.”

Baek A-hee realized.

As Jo A-yoon said, battle with his rival is not necessary for his dream.

The best magical girl. To achieve this, battles with various powerful enemies are inevitable, but not essential. There was no need for him to go out and fight.

“It’s good to gain growth momentum from the presence of rivals, but you shouldn’t get buried there.”

In the past Libra’s fight, Baek Ah-hee affirmed that meeting Han Jae-joong helped her dream.

But the positivity was just a positivity.

You must not become obsessed with that meeting and lose yourself. This was the second lesson learned from the battle with Libra.

There was no reason to become obsessed with fighting rivals.

“Think about it a little more. Understand?”


Baek Ah-hee answered helplessly.

‘Hmm… Still, something feels off… Don’t Ribbon think the same way?’

[I’ve given up now….]

‘Don’t do that, think together! Battles with rivals are essential! But… logically… it doesn’t seem like it…’

Her brow wrinkled. It was a sign of worry.

“Don’t be too disappointed. “You never know, we might end up fighting again.”

Did I disappoint you too much? Han Jaejoong felt sorry for no reason and put his hand on her shoulder and offered words of comfort.

I suddenly thought that it was strange that the words that we might end up fighting were used as a consolation.

But what can we do? She’s such a strange person that she has to give me this strange consolation.

‘In the first place, all heroes are strange people.’

This proves that the attitude of thinking of others before oneself is strange. Her strangeness may be something special in some way.

“I’ll be happy to help you with things like training later.”


Baek Ah-hee raised her head and looked at Han Jae-joong. The eyes that were full of depression, confusion, and worry were suddenly sparkling again.

“There is no softness! “I’m going to be working hard for quite a few hours, so be prepared!”

Baek Ahee pulled Han Jaejoong’s arm, which was placed on her shoulder. Han Jaejoong lost his balance for a moment and stumbled. She regained her balance by placing her free hand on the mattress.

At that time, he had already gotten close to Baek A-hee. Baek Ah-hee’s lips were located close to Han Jae-joong’s ear.

“As I said before, it’s okay to be treated roughly.”


Baek Ah-hee whispered to her softly, so that only the owner of her ear could hear.

Han Jaejoong got scared, covered his ears, and fell off the bed. Even after she distanced herself, Baek Ah-hee continued to make eye contact with him and smile meaningfully.

“…What did you say?”

“s*xual harassment.”

Han Jae-joong answered Yun Seol-hwa’s question immediately.

“Ayoon, go and hit me.”


“It’s a day. You also.”


Jo Ayun and Haru rushed to Han Jaejoong’s command. Considering the special characteristics of patients, they were carefully selected to cause only pain and not cause serious injury.

“Jaejoong, can I hit you just once?”

“If you hit the child, he will die.”

Baek Ah-hee raised her arms amidst the overflow of beatings.

“You… betrayed me…!!!”

“Shut up, s*x offender.”

Yun Seol-hwa glared at Baek A-hee with contemptuous eyes.

‘Seolhwa, isn’t that what you want to say?’

Han Jaejoong didn’t bother to say those words.


As time passed, the remaining members except Baek A-hee left the hospital. This was a measure to ensure the patient’s stability.

“Ah, I feel relieved.”

“The facial expression Jiknyeo makes when she gets hit is also pretty ugly!”

“Oh, that’s a bit much.”

It seems like stability has already passed, but no matter what, she will spend this night in peace.

At least I didn’t get any injuries where I got hit.

Han Jaejoong returned to his headquarters.

Jo Ayun dispersed, saying she had to clean up the messy cafe, and Yoon Seol-hwa went home tired because she used Starlight too much today.

In the basement of the headquarters, Haru and Han Jaejoong were there as always.

“Master. I’m going to have a great time now, so please don’t disturb me. “It will become very sensitive, so if you touch it, it will attack you.”

“Uh… Sure.”

Shortly after returning to headquarters, one day I opened my laptop and scrolled through the community site, making loud typing noises.

I heard before that they mainly fight against magical girl antis. Recently, I am also serving as Han Jaejoong’s shield.

Han Jaejoong’s public opinion is so bad that the backlash has been so strong that his account has already been suspended or blocked in numerous places.

But no one could stop her from using multiple accounts and VPNs.

It didn’t matter whether the site was male or female, whether the age range was high or low, whether the political ideology was left or right, etc.

If there is a topic related to magical girls, they will appear and fight. He will not let go until the opponent who brings shame to his colleagues runs away.

This was a magical girl named White Davih.

“The dog is cool.”

This is an attitude that everyone should emulate.

If I had the same heart, I wanted to applaud, but Haru is a very sensitive person who should not be messed with, so I only applauded inwardly.

“You f*cking idiots! Thanks to someone, I can eat and live!!!! Kuso! Kuso!!!”

Haru’s typing became faster along with the swearing.

‘It’s going to be quite a long game tonight….’

Han Jaejoong roughly predicted the situation and quietly left his place and moved to his bathroom. This distance is within the limit of one day.

I am slowly getting used to this kind of life.

A life that involves being together all day long.

‘It’s a cheap price to pay for escaping death.’

There is no need to be so close that there is no sense of privacy.

It’s an ability that I just developed today, but it’s okay to be away for a few hours.

Even though Haru was noisy, it wasn’t so much that he couldn’t bear it, and he raised the tension at times, so he wasn’t a bad roommate for Han Jaejoong.

‘Still, I feel sorry for Haru.’

However, if you think that a young lady in her prime is stuck with a man like this, you will not feel sorry. Han Jaejoong smiled bitterly.

‘I can’t keep begging you….’

He took out the belt from his chest. The exterior is broken so that the internal structure is visible. The lens was cracked, and quite a few parts were missing.

It’s the same as it is now. A state of helplessness in which one cannot perform one’s original functions.

It’s broken.

“Who is the master and who is the dog….”

Han Jaejoong mocked himself. In fact, if we only look at the contractual relationship, Haru is closer to Han Jaejoong’s owner. However, she tactfully reversed the relationship and made Han Jaejoong comfortable.

-‘Don’t look for the belt.’

Haru and Yun Seol-hwa’s words linger in my mind. This was a worry of their own.

The argument itself is not wrong.

Going into battle on your own and fighting is a foolish act.

Magical girls have become stronger in their own ways. It has become possible to easily defeat most S-class monsters.

The problem is that future enemies will not be ordinary S-class monsters.

When monsters become stronger, magical girls become stronger.

‘In the same way, when magical girls become stronger, monsters become stronger.’

The two starlight beings draw parallel lines as if trying to balance.

Many of the first generation of magical girls who had awakened to divinity died in battles with numerous S-class monsters.

As a result, peace was maintained for several years without any saints or S-class monsters appearing on the surface.

But not anymore.

Peace has been broken for a long time. As magical girls who have awakened to divinity appear, it is clear that a new, powerful S-class monster will appear.

‘This is not the only problem.’

There are contradictions that will appear when a magical girl reaches the peak of her growth.

There are also Jason and Hydra, which will completely become Argonauts.

‘The case of these two is completely unknown.’

Apart from Jason, Hydra is also like that.

Even in the original work, it was only mentioned as the biggest monster. There was no direct appearance.

There are more sightings than lions, but there has been no fighting at all.

The constellation Hydra appears in the sky above the center of the Pacific Ocean. The only information about the monster was the eyewitness information that the sailors who went out to investigate saw a whitish figure in the sky there.

It is said that it is so large that it blocks the entire sky. No one has ever confronted it directly.

The worst beast is the scorpion.

The strongest beast, the lion.

And the biggest beast snake.

This was the modifier attached to the galactic beast.

‘I definitely said Sky Polaris is a world-eating snake.’

It was also said that the lion would appear after death.

A world-devouring snake that appears only after the beasts of all galaxies die.

‘What on earth is the purpose? They say he’s strong enough to bring about the destruction of the world, so why hasn’t he shown up until now?’

The question is repeated endlessly.

“And I….”

Han Jaejoong held the belt in his hand harder.

No matter how strong the enemy is, he cannot fight anything if he is helpless.

In the end, there was only one answer.

You must become strong.

I put the belt back in my arms, and this time I removed the butterfly that was sticking to my skin like a tattoo. It’s as thin as a tattoo sticker, but it’s sharp enough to easily cut through most flesh.

The original function is commendation.

The ability is connection.


“What is it?”

When Han Jaejoong mumbled his name, the butterflies disappeared and light fluttered. Another person appeared in the bathroom, where there had been only one person before.

“I have something to tell you.”

“Just send a text. “Why do you have to call me out?”

Although she was grumbling, the corners of Jo Ayun’s mouth slightly turned up, as if she was not in a bad mood.

“I did it because my child, Yoon, wanted to talk while looking at her face. “Did you hate it?”

“You say such strange things again! “You should only do that to Seolhwa.”

Jo Ah-yoon, whose face suddenly turned red, got nervous and avoided Han Jae-joong’s gaze.

“This is….”

“It’s in the bathroom?”

“…?! Oh, you pervert! “Why do we have to come to a place like this? We can’t possibly wash together…”

“This is the only place where we can talk, within the boundaries of the day.”

“Well, I see….”

Jo Ayun became embarrassed and scratched her cheek.

“So? “Why did my brother call me because he wanted to say something?”

“The belt.”

Han Jaejoong hardened his expression and murmured in a serious tone.

“Can I contact my former boss tomorrow? “I want to gain strength again as soon as possible.”

“Ah… About that.”

Ayun Jo blurted out her words. As if there was something to sting.

“Oppa, do you really need to look for that?”

“Ayoon, did you betray me?”


Mosun looked around.

Now, the familiar air of Dark Matter filled his respiratory tract. The smell of blood, rotting corpses, burnt firewood, and melted gunpowder chemicals.

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Even though we were together every day, I felt like I wanted to destroy this place every day.

“The environment is important.”

Mosun moved forward, clearing away the dried, twisted pieces of wood with his feet.

“In an environment like this, anything will rot, twist, and break. “Not just things, but also spirit.”

Gradually, I, a rotten corpse, became stronger. Blood was trodden on the feet of contradiction. Traces of someone running away.

“But sometimes there are things that only bloom in this environment.”

The trace of flight could not continue for long and ended after a few steps. The drop of blood turned into a puddle of his blood.

There was a corpse on top of the pool of blood, and on top of the corpse was a monster eating the corpse.

“Yes. “Like you.”

The monster’s eyes were instinctive and ferocious like an animal.

“What’s the matter?”

But words came out of the monster’s mouth. Tools for communication. It was evidence that he had intelligence and that his level of intelligence was comparable to that of humans.

“How much is this? “A new high-level monster appears.”

As stars fall, new stars are born.

The law of the world is that constellations appear again in proportion to the number of constellations that have disappeared.

The monsters up until now were rotting and stagnant. Since the constellations do not disappear, new ones are not created.

But recently, countless constellations have fallen.

As a result, a high-level monster appeared for the first time in a very long time.

A being who gradually evolved from a low-level monster and eventually blossomed into a constellation appeared.

“I have a proposition for you.”

Contradiction has a dream. A duel of the strongest. There was a desire in him to find out which of them would be the winner.

Recently, he encountered the strongest being he had longed for.

A magical girl who crossed the horizon of thought.

That power deserved to be called the strongest.

But things had to be decided carefully. She touched her carelessly and if she wasn’t the strongest, she would be in big trouble.

So, she planned an experiment to prove whether she was the strongest or not.

“Have you ever thought of jumping into bigger water?”

After all, strength is revealed in battle.

For this purpose, many battles were prepared.

Newly appeared monsters, monsters that existed until now. He had the ability to provide an environment for them to run wild.

‘Most people will die… But that’s their fault because they are weak.’

Mosun didn’t have the slightest sense of guilt.

Compatriots and citizens who will die due to this proposal. I didn’t even feel a single drop of regret towards all of them.


“Thank goodness.”

The corners of Contradiction’s mouth rose even higher.

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