A week passed calmly, Walter seemed to be immersed after he came, and the Black Beast Mercenary Group did not make any moves, and Lin Ling did not get any reply to the news reported, I don't know what the reason was, but Lin Ling didn't have the time to stare at Walter's situation at this time, and there were still a lot of things to deal with in his own country.

In addition to daily trivial matters, Lin Ling also has to prepare the army, arrange physical objects, and select capable and virtuous ministers, after all, once a son of heaven and a courtier, most of the court are old men, it is long overdue to change a batch of new blood, and the national policy will also be modified, if a series of changes are placed on those big countries, there will definitely be chaos and even lesions, but thanks to the fact that Flender is a small country, and the prestige of the royal family among the people is very high, although Lin Ling's change policy has also had bloodshed, but the scope of the impact is not large.

Within a week, a large part of the old ministers were dismissed and replaced by young and capable ones, and various power agencies also arranged for their trusted people to go in, grasp both military and political affairs, and directly implemented the centralized system, but those nobles Lin Ling did not move, after all, it will affect the foundation of the country if they move, and these honest Lin Ling don't bother to pay attention to it, anyway, there is no real power, and those who have positions are just idle positions, which will not cause much impact.

"Report~!Your Majesty the Queen!A letter of help has come from the Third Fortress, and the Black Beast Mercenary Regiment and the Monsters are attacking the First Fortress!" a soldier ran in and said loudly.

"What!?" got up in surprise, Lin Ling didn't expect the black beast to move so quickly, and without a little news, he had already attacked the first fortress in the city.

The location of the first fortress is only less than a hundred miles away from Flender, if it is impossible for the black beast's soldiers and horses to bypass Flender to come to the first fortress, and the other roads of the first fortress have set up strongholds and the existence of other small countries, and watch each other over the corners of the fourth and fifth fortresses, can the other party still fall from the sky?

"Do you know how the rebels entered the First Fortress?" Lin Ling asked the soldier after a moment of calmness.

"I don't know, Your Majesty, there were suddenly a large number of soldiers and horses outside the city overnight, and the army of monsters, please Your Majesty quickly send troops to rescue, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist the opponent's attack after a long time!"

"I see, you can step back and rest. Nodding, Lin Ling thought of a possibility, maybe a little ridiculous, but it was only this possibility.

Call the Minister of the Interior, let him sort out the registration and information of the caravan during this period, if he guessed correctly, the black beast is transported through the checkpoint through the identity of the slave caravan, and there are traitors and black beasts inside, so that he can sit so quietly send a large number of troops without being discovered, since he has sat at this point, then Walter must have a great degree of confidence that he can take the fortress city, then sending soldiers and horses over is tantamount to sending meat to the door, there is no return, it is better to consolidate his defense, ready to fight a tough battle。

More than two hours later, the Minister of the Interior came back with two soldiers and put a bunch of documents in front of Lin Ling, this is all the information in this week, Lin Ling didn't look at them all, just flipped through them, sure enough, during this time, slave caravans appeared very frequently, and the number was surprisingly large, and the soldiers who were originally checked were also bribed, and they were dazzled by money and let them go without careful inspection.

Everything is a routine, but there is no way to do it, after all, people are digging the root of the wall in the dead corner, it is difficult to pay attention to it at all, immediately issue an order, let the country enter the highest state of alert, war is coming, I am afraid that it will not take a month, and several other fortresses will also be captured, once the Seven Shields Alliance collapses, then the dependent small country will also become the garbage that will be cleaned up, and Flender, as one of the most important strategic kingdoms on the border, will not be able to escape Walter's poisonous hands.

As Lin Ling thought, at night, two more soldiers came in to report to Lin Ling, both of them were bad news, the third fortress had fallen, because the internal minister had been bribed, opened the city gate and put in the enemy army, plus used the people to threaten, directly let the last resistance also give up, and completely surrendered.

After all, Alicia, who is also known as "Knight Ji of Eris", a famous nobleman of Eos, the only daughter of the Arquetarus family, and the knight captain of the "Knights of St. Eris", the main military unit of the "First Fortress", has obtained the strength of the light that is not stained with her parents, and is very popular among the residents of the walled city, very respected and admired by her subordinates, respected by knights, and it is normal to see the people suffer, and it is normal to surrender for the sake of the people, but unfortunately what awaits her will be a situation that she regrets.

The other soldier did not convey any news, but handed over a letter, which was a very delicate and formal diplomatic letter, after opening it, Lin Ling briefly read it, it was Walter's declaration of war on himself, and the content of the treaty of service to the country was attached to it, so that he could surrender as soon as possible and save everything, otherwise the Flanders kingdom would suffer a threat of destruction on the day the city was broken.

What makes Lin Ling feel helpless is that in addition to the third fortress, Walter also generously told himself that the other six fortresses are also being attacked by his own army, this seemingly strong alliance and powerful countries are completely chaotic under the internal rebellion and betrayal, and most of the small countries attached to the seven countries have also rebelled, and the countries that are still neutral or die-hard have also suffered a devastating blow, so to speak, Walter's violent storm that broke out after being immersed for a long time completely destroyed this seemingly solid building.

"I'm really not afraid of god-like opponents, I'm afraid of pig-like teammates. Lin Ling sighed, this is a big trouble, when the time comes, I am afraid that there will be more than 100,000 troops under the city of my country, and more than 300,000 or 400,000.

Are these royal families and sovereigns of the Seven Kingdoms all pig brains? In such a simple way, they were bought internally, attacked and captured, and the military and political power was dug up by others without grasping the corners, all of them were vases, and he cursed fiercely in his heart, the matter has come to this point, it is useless, and now Flender will be unable to protect himself.

If you stick to it, Lin Ling is sure that Flender won't last long, destruction is the only possibility, and you can only find another way, after thinking about it, without hesitation, Lin Ling issued several orders in a row, and held a court meeting late at night, this time, Lin Ling decided to drive the expedition in person, and bring his most elite escort team, although the black beast's offensive is very fierce, but there will also be many problems left, after all, the prestige of the Seven Kingdoms is still there, the popularity is still there, and the resistance strength of the captured places will definitely appear, and these are the breakthrough points that Lin Ling can use, just like Walter to win over the monsters, Lin Ling himself can also win over the unconvinced people and the strength of resistanceto confront Walter.

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