PS: This will also be a short story.,After all, short and concise is the style of the old man.,And the old man has decided.,Let's open it again.,Of course, the specific scene won't describe everyone's brain in detail.。

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"Sure enough, it doesn't work..."I tried to use this well to cross like Kagome, but obviously the energy of this well didn't work on me, so I couldn't do anything about it.

Helplessly out of the well, Lin Ling was thinking about whether his next step was to get Inuyasha's weapon out in advance, when an obscure demonic aura entered the scope of his perception, this demonic aura was very heavy, but it was very weak, and there was no lifeless breath, which immediately reminded Lin Ling of things like puppets and clones.

Disappearing in an instant, Lin Ling found the target in the grass outside the village, an unknown figure in a baboon skin was observing the situation in the village, and under a large tree not far from here with all its leaves, Kagome and Inuyasha were sitting together, with a basket of fruits and white radishes beside them.

"Naraku?" Appearing next to the other party, Lin Ling was quite surprised, she didn't expect to meet this guy's doppelganger here.

"Oh? Do you know what's next? Turning to look at Lin Ling, Naraku was even more surprised than Lin Ling, and the look of shock in his tone was unconcealable, after all, he had only been a monster for fifty years, and he had no fame outside at all, and the other party actually knew about his existence, which really made Naraku a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, you're still safe for the time being, if you're not a clone here, of course." Lin Ling grinned, and easily wiped out his clone on the spot with a wave of his hand.

"Click..."In the castle tower of a castle somewhere, with the death of the doppelganger, the puppet placed in the center of the wooden board also directly shattered and turned into ashes.

"With such a strong strength, at least it's a top-notch monster, it seems that it's eyeing me, it's troublesome, you have to check the details of the other party first." Inside the curtain, a figure swayed, then calmed down again.

After getting Naraku's doppelganger, Lin Ling returned directly to the Ten Thousand Demon City, and at first glance, he saw that the Douya King and Ling Yue Xianji were enjoying the flowers in the courtyard, because of the enchantment set by Lin Ling, the flowers in the courtyard were in full bloom, and the same was true of the transplanted cherry blossom trees, which were extraordinarily beautiful under the hundred flowers, and the cherry blossom rain in the sky looked extraordinarily beautiful like a fairyland on earth.

"Lord Lin Ling! You're finally back! "As soon as possible, Thor flew out of the house and greeted Lin Ling, it can be said that Thor is the only one who is the most sensitive to Lin Ling's breath, and he was detected the first time he came in, of course, it is also related to Lin Ling's lack of hiding, otherwise Thor would not be able to detect Lin Ling's return.

"I'm sorry, Thor." Looking at the tearful Thor with some embarrassment, Lin Ling descended and came to the pavilion.

"Yo, my sister is back, how comfortable are you playing outside these days?" Ling Yue Xianji was the first to greet with a smile, but it always gave people a sarcastic taste.

"It's okay, then again, the two of you are so Yaxing, you eat me and use mine to live in mine, as a guest is a little inauthentic." Lin Ling said-for-tat, although she understood Ling Yue Xianji's mood, understanding didn't mean that she had to swallow her anger.

"That's... Lin Ling just came back, she should be tired, let's go rest first, don't you like to drink tea, Xianji? The tea is almost cold. Looking at the two women with a headache, the king of fighting teeth hurriedly played a round and said, it can be said that he is the most difficult to do now, sandwiched between the two of them is not a person, although it is true that it is not a person, but it is also very difficult to be not, after all, they are all their lovers.

"Shut up!" The two said in unison, in the final analysis, the main thing is to blame the Fighting Tooth King, although polygamy is normal in this era, but who makes the two lovers of the Fighting Tooth King are relatively strong and like to be single-minded.

However, as soon as the Fighting Tooth King stirred up like this, Lin Ling and Ling Yue Xianji were not in the mood to continue arguing, Lin Ling went back to the room directly, and Ling Yue Xianji continued to sit and enjoy the flowers by herself, only the Fighting Tooth King looked left and right and didn't know whether to go or stay, and stood in place very embarrassed, and finally sat down honestly.

At noon the next day, after Lin Ling got up comfortably, Thor had already prepared a meal, Meimei had a meal with Thor and Connor, and when she was about to go out for a walk, in the sky, a ray of light passed through the sky, like a meteor shower was extremely beautiful, but the fluctuations and breath that emitted were undoubtedly the jade of the four souls, and sure enough, as he expected, the jade was still broken after all, and because of the shattering of the jade of the four souls, the whole story was about to start completely.

This scene is exactly what Lin Ling wants to see, after all, if you don't let the Jade of the Four Souls be shattered, and let Inuyasha and Kagome embark on a journey, there won't be so many interesting things happening as before, and how can you brush the task if you want to brush it when the time comes? In this way, it is naturally much simpler, as long as you shoot at the critical moment, you can easily complete the task, and a large amount of pleasure value can naturally be easily credited to the account.

Otherwise, the jade of the four souls will not be broken, and what unpredictable circumstances will happen when the time comes, how can I interfere in the plot, and then change the plot, and properly ask for the rhythm of mission failure, so Lin Ling has already seen that the last ring system still sets such a trap, fortunately, I was smart enough to see it, but fortunately, the jade of the four souls still broke according to the original trajectory, and I was actually a little worried in my heart, after all, Inuyasha has become so powerful, but now it is enough to see this result.

"Damn! Now it's a big problem. Inuyasha frowned at the situation in front of him, but soon thought that this seemed to have nothing to do with him, anyway, he didn't need the Jade of the Four Souls anymore, and if it was broken, it would be broken, and it would have no effect on him.

Compared to Inuyasha, who immediately calmed down, Kagome felt a little guilty, but he didn't know the seriousness of this matter, so he didn't care too much, but after the two returned to the village, under the explanation of Granny Kaede, Kagome understood what kind of serious consequences he had caused, even the fragments have not weak power, and if they are obtained by powerful monsters, they can also cause very serious consequences, and all the fragments must be collected back, but it is naturally impossible to rely on Kagome alone, After all, she can't even use spiritual power, and as for Inuyasha, it's a high-hanging attitude that doesn't matter to herself, and it's obviously not enough to expect the two to partner up, so Kaede decided to take some strong measures, which is also the last resort left by Kikyo for her.

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