PS: The old decay is going to speed up the progress.,When the annoying goods are gone.,There's more free time.,The old decay will have more to compensate you.,The end of this world.,The old H soul will break out again.。

===============Dividing line=================

"If you don't die, you won't die..."Shaking his head, watching Chunxue and Tuowu kneeling on the washboard there being criticized by the three girls in turn, Lin Ling entered the room refreshed and fell asleep early, since an alliance has been formed, it is natural to follow everyone's footsteps, and his original plan is naturally nullified, not to mention that Kuroyukihime and Yurenko are not simple characters, and the brain-stirring things such as giving advice will be left to the two women to do, as long as they grasp the general direction and seize the opportunity, Sure enough, it's still the easiest way to do it.,It's not to mention the brain pain like when you think about it.,The plan didn't go according to what I thought but found other changes.,Even increased the difficulty of the strategy.,Sure enough, I'm not the kind of material that uses the brain.。

Early the next morning, when Lin Ling woke up, what she saw was Hei Xue Ji's defenseless sleeping face, to be honest, except for the shortcomings of Ou Pai, Hei Xue Ji is undoubtedly the ideal dream lover of most boys, but unfortunately the good cabbage was arched by pigs, it seems that more than Hei Xue Ji, Chiyuri and Yurenko seem to be interested in male pigs, absolute winners in life, in the past, I only had envy, jealousy and hatred, and even with the consumption of the pig-killing knife over the years, I have given up the idea of continuing to struggle, But the system has given him new hope, no matter what, as long as he wins the three worlds, he can become the master of the system, then of course he will be able to completely turn over the serf and sing.

Of course, because there are too many antecedents in the system, I don't know how many times I have been pitted, Lin Ling doesn't fully believe in the system's discipline, but after all, it is the last straw, no matter what, I always have to give it a try, and it didn't disturb Hei Xueji's sleep, Lin Ling got up lightly and walked out of the room, picked up her mobile phone and looked at the time, it was only six o'clock in the morning, and it was still very early before the time to go to school.

Entered the bathroom to wash up, the others in the morning have not woken up, Lin Ling went straight to the kitchen to take the initiative to take on everyone's breakfast, when it was more than seven o'clock, everyone got up one after another, and what caught their eyes was the rich and exquisite breakfast in the living room, for the cooking, Lin Ling is still very confident, her current cooking level is the level of the god of food, and no matter how ordinary the ingredients are processed by themselves, they can make shocking deliciousness.

"Thank you for your hospitality!"

"I'm full."

After ten minutes or so of breakfast, Yurenko spoke: "Last night, I already asked Meizao to spread the news of our alliance, and sent an invitation to the three kings to discuss~. "

"Well, have you made an appointment?" Head Dao, Lin Ling didn't know about this, but seeing everyone's faces without surprise, it was because she made a plan after falling asleep, and this business was the first ring of Heixue Ji's plan.

"On the weekend of this week, at one o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, there will be a meeting of the six of us, and before that, the Three Kings promised us to restrain our subordinates to a temporary truce." replied, although Yuriko was also very confident in the layout and commander, but compared to Kuroyukihime's plan and mind, Yuriko had to admit that Kuroyukihime thought more and more thoughtfully than herself, and the plans were all beneficial to her own side and aimed at the enemy's weaknesses.

"That's easy, then there will be three kings on the weekend." Breathe a sigh of relief, although Hei Xue Ji is sure, it doesn't mean that it will be successful, since the other party is willing to talk, then the plan will continue to be implemented, if it is not even discussed, it will be difficult to do, and another method will be needed.

Finalized the matter, the group walked out of Chunxue's house, and the six of them went to school together, although there was a temporary truce promised by the six kings, it didn't mean that it was really safe, be careful, and given that Lin Ling didn't know anything about the plan, Hei Xueji handed over the task of explaining to Chunxue to carry out, and it would take ten minutes to go to school, just talking while walking.

More than ten minutes later, when everyone came to the school gate, Chunxue said about the same, Lin Ling also understood a rough idea, Hei Xue Ji's plan is actually very simple, in this chaotic accelerated world, the alliance of the three kings is not very strong in Hei Xue Ji's opinion, just like the princes in the troubled times have different thoughts, and the temporary alliance is also a compromise for the sake of interests, after all, people are separated from each other, and there will always be some suspicions and scruples between each other.

········ Asking for flowers·· 0

The next thing Kuroyukihime has to do is to persuade the three kings to compete for a fair and just turf with the usual competitive rules, which is the so-called team battle and single challenge, and put everything on the bright side, so that although they are still at a disadvantage in terms of power, they can undoubtedly reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble, not to mention that they are not inferior to the enemy in terms of high-end combat power, and they can maximize the disadvantage and create more advantages on the rapidly changing battlefield, after all, team battles are not won by many people.

As long as the rules are set and approved by everyone, then everything will be much simpler, to put it bluntly, this is just a plan that has been made with some modifications to Kuroyukihime's original policy, although it is simple and straightforward, but because of this, it can bring more advantages to your side in this situation, and get a fair chance to fight on the frontal battlefield, as for the private intrigue is another matter.

......... 0

Lin Ling is still very satisfied with Hei Xue Ji's plan, at least she can't think of any better way so far, as long as she follows Hei Xue Ji's rhythm, she eats away at the other party's territory step by step, expands her own power, and pulls herself into the rules, or it won't be long before the three kings will be unable to sit still, and then it will be the final decisive battle, as for any other ideas or follow-up plans, I don't know if Hei Xue Ji has taken it into account, but at least, this is a rare good opportunity for Lin Ling, On the battlefield, Lin Ling is confident that she can kill a king at the very least, and if Kuroyukihime and Yurenko can grasp the opportunity, they may be able to defeat the three kings at once.

Of course, this is all thought of by the enemy for the better, and the changes and accidents contained in it are not taken into account, not to mention that as a king, he is not a fool, Kuroyukihime can think of it, even if the other party can't think of all of it, he can think of a part, after all, it still depends on the result of the meeting on the weekend, success is naturally excellent, and failure is not a loss to the current state of their alliance. _

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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