The more you sneeze, the more you will feel.

"If you suddenly sneeze"

"That must mean I'm thinking of you"

"If in the middle of the night..."

As the prelude of the song "Love You" entered the main song, outside the parking lot at this time.

Everyone has surrounded the three girls in a small circle.

With excited smiles on their faces, they clap their hands to the rhythm.

And in the middle of the circle.

Liang Qiao was in a hurry, looking at Xinling for a while, then at Chengzi, and dancing with their movements.

But soon.

This royal sister smiled and quietly stood aside to fish.

Clap with everyone.

So now only Xinling and Mucheng are left.

Of course...

In fact, the two girls had already discovered that Qiaoqiao had left their team.

But the two girls smiled at each other.

Just pretended that nothing had happened.

She continued to maintain her gentle and powerful body movements, following the melody of the lyrics, singing softly and stepping on the beat.

Because she had just washed the quilt with laundry detergent.

At this moment, there was still some foam on Mucheng's little feet, and it was very slippery when she put on slippers.

So she was walking barefoot on the ground now.

That jump.

The youthful, lively and bright side-face smile instantly made many people feel that they were hit by beauty.

Several boys stared at this girl without blinking.

Chengzi's dance is really beautiful!

It feels sweeter than Xinling's original dance! ! !


"I'm always bothering you"

"Ho baby~"

"Say more sweet words"

"Look at me more if you miss me"

"Show more"

"Let me really see"

"Oh bye......"

And at this moment.

Under the relaxed and happy rhythm.


It's the chorus!

I saw Mu Cheng and Xin Ling smiled at each other in tacit understanding. The girl curved her eyes, crossed her hands on her thin waist, and moved her white and smooth long legs on tiptoe.

The high ponytail tied on the little head.

At this time, it seemed to be playful with the owner, and it was scattered smartly and gently.

A breeze blew by.

With the girl's good fragrance and her sweet smile.

This scene.

The audience in the live broadcast room was so excited.

They were typing on the barrage crazily.

"Military Advisor! Where is the Military Advisor! I want to chase this!!!"

"Don't shout Military Advisor upstairs, Military Advisor wants to chase this too!"

"Ahhh, sister is so beautiful! Can I live in this video, without eating or drinking!"

"It's so funny, look at those boys, their eyes are wide open."

"No... who can resist this (laughing and crying/)"

"Zhou Keyu! You better send me the photos in your phone!"


Just when the popularity of the live broadcast room has exceeded 10 million, and countless fans are crazy.

Here at the scene, it is indeed as they said.

Several boys have been completely dumbfounded.

That stupid look.

Very funny.

And Zhou Keyu is also a smart guy, he took out his phone and took photos of Mu Cheng continuously.

The smile on his mouth is almost stretched to the back of his ears.

You can imagine how sweet he is.

Of course...

It wasn't just the boys who were there, in fact, the girls in the cabin were doing the same.

They were also jumping and waving their hands in ecstasy.

Miaomiao even turned on the flashlight on her phone.

Cheer for Chengzi!

In short, the atmosphere at this time can be said to be very exciting, completely comparable to a small concert.


"Let me be willing"

"Love you~"

If it's a short dance, then it won't be a whole song.

The music ended here.

The two girls turned around on the spot, and Mucheng smiled at the girls in the cabin over there and winked playfully.

Instantly, their excited screams rang out at the scene.

Liang Qiaowei couldn't help it.

He jumped up directly and shouted excitedly: "Ahhh Chengzi, I love you too!"

"Okay, we can see that this fan not only didn't punish, but also wanted to hug his idol."

Teacher He joked.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.


This is...

Liang Qiaowei was a little embarrassed.

He smiled.

The music gradually stopped.

Xinling was a little out of breath, but she still had her signature smile on her face.

She looked at Mu Cheng, clenched her fist and praised her: "Chengzi, you are really amazing. I feel that you dance better than me."

Moreover, she noticed that the other party danced so lively and didn't even sweat now.

This physical strength is amazing.

"No, sister Xinling, you are the original singer. I will be proud of you saying this."

"Proud is proud, you are so beautiful, it's right to be proud."

"And I like to listen to your songs, they are well written!"

"Thank you~"

The two women started a little bit of commercial praise.

Of course...

There may be sincere praise in this.

After all, Xinling really likes this amazingly beautiful girl in front of her. She thinks Mu Cheng will definitely have a transcendent position in the domestic entertainment industry in the future!

Well, it comes from the vision of an artist who has debuted for decades.

And, the intuition of a woman!

The two walked out of the dance atmosphere with smiles on their faces, and Mu Cheng also put on shoes.

Not to mention.

It hurts a little to dance barefoot on this cement floor.

But fortunately, her "anti-aging" can ensure that her skin is still intact.

It's great~


"Wuhu!!! Chengzi, you dance so beautifully!"

At this time, everyone in the hut reacted, applauded excitedly and gave extremely lively cheers.

Mu Cheng smiled lightly: "I haven't danced for a long time, and I almost couldn't keep up with Sister Xinling just now~"

"At least it's better than me who can't..."

At this time, Liang Qiao said weakly.

Instantly, it makes people laugh.

Recalling the scene of Qiaoqiao dancing just now, it's almost hilarious.

For a while.

The parking lot is just like a vegetable market in the urban village.

Very noisy.

Teacher He saw that he couldn't stop it, so he could only smile helplessly, looked at Zhou Keyu, and waited for them to calm down.

After a while.

He clapped his hands, made a sound, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's prepare for the third link next, okay? Speed ​​up, otherwise the sun will set soon, classmates."

I have to say, he is really a teacher.

As soon as those words came out, people were quiet.

The friends in the Heartbeat House stood up one by one like military training.

Waiting for the next game.


At this moment, there are still people who haven't walked out of the dance just now.

The picture in my mind.

Always stay in the smile of the girl wink.

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