Just as the two were making a dirty transaction, the office door was pushed open by Qi Hong. Immediately afterwards, Tang Shi’s slender and round jade legs appeared in the eyes of the person in charge and the high-end woman.

“This is…” The person in charge just wanted to reprimand Tang Shi, who came in without knocking, but when he saw her true face, he swallowed it back.

Such a beautiful woman, the first time he saw it in his life, whether it was body shape or temperament, it was also a first-class stick.

Before the person in charge had too much activity in his heart, the high-end woman pointed at Qi Hong with a high spirit: “Qi Hong, did your mother call you and ask you to come and apologize to me!” I tell you, even if you apologize, I will not forgive you, and there is no way to find a job. ”

Qi Hong didn’t receive a call from her mother at all, let alone know that the high-end girl would be here, she just followed Tang Shi over.

This is unfortunate, the road is narrow!

“I won’t worry about your work.” Qi Hong said, “Miss Tang has already arranged it for me. ”

Qi Hong’s tone was not a show-off, but a general statement, which was her steadiness as a veteran.

“Just her?” The high-end woman looked at Tang Shi again, and said with a disdainful expression: “A little girl, what ability does it have to help you arrange work?” She herself is afraid that she is not the gold who was raised by some old man…”

Before the high-end woman’s words were finished, a suffocating gaze shot away.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Hong came to the high-end woman with an arrow step, and the fierceness on his body when he was a soldier was exposed, and said: “Qi Xiaolian, if you dare to talk indiscriminately again, I will tear your mouth apart.” ”

In the face of such a fierce and vicious Qi Hong, Qi Xiaolian was provoked, she really couldn’t beat it.

Cao Zong was treated as a transparent person, and the stage of the office was handed over to three women, which made him very unhappy, and loudly reprimanded: “If you have any personal grudges, go out and settle them.” This is my office! ”

Qi Hong took out the title certificate of the Brilliant Building and said to Mr. Cao: “The owner of the Brilliant Building has changed, and now this building belongs to our Miss Tang.” ”

Mr. Cao saw the information on the property certificate, and then looked at this cold and frosty goddess, the speed of changing her face was faster than turning a book, and her face was gone, and she came to Tang Shi like a pug, and said with a fawning smile: “Miss Tang, you are here, please sit down.” ”

Looking at the place where President Cao had just sat, Tang Shi felt a little sick.

“I won’t sit down, you immediately call all the employees of the building now, I want to have a meeting.” Tang Shi said in a cold tone. For this kind of person, she naturally hates it, and of course she will not be polite when she speaks.

“Okay, I’ll call them.” Mr. Cao immediately picked up the phone on his desk and dialed the internal line.

While making the call, President Cao kept thinking in his heart why Tang Shi suddenly came to the Brilliant Mansion for a meeting.

This is not the first time that the ownership of the Brilliant Building has changed, and after the previous change, the owner will call him to explain it, and he did not come in person.

After all, the Brilliant Building is a commercial office building, which is rented out for the owner. As long as the rent collected every year is quite large, basically it will not come.

Looking at everything that happened in front of her, Qi Xiaolian was dumbfounded. She never dreamed that the owner of this office building turned out to be Tang Shi, and just said that people are little girls, canaries who are raised by old men, and this retribution came too quickly.

Qi Hong saw that Tang Shi was unwilling to sit on the boss chair where the old man Cao sat in, so she found a chair that looked relatively clean, wiped it, and asked Tang Shi to sit down.

For Qi Hong’s performance, Tang Shi became more and more satisfied.

Tang Shi’s sitting posture is very standard, and after becoming a girl, she deliberately went to the Internet to check the girl’s sitting posture. Sitting with his legs spread like a boy will definitely not work, not only will he be gone, but also dignified.

After the girl sits down, her legs should be closed together to prevent her from walking away. Especially when wearing skirts in summer, you should pay more attention.

Tang Shi is now wearing shorts, plus she feels that her calves are a little sore, so she cocks her legs and overlaps them. While preventing the light from disappearing, it can also add some high and high momentum.

Just such a leg-cocking action, President Cao, this LSP, couldn’t help but swallow his saliva, so that Qi Hong, who was standing beside Tang Shi like a bodyguard, couldn’t help but frown.

Soon, the employees of the Brilliant Mansion arrived, including President Cao, a total of twelve people.

Tang Shi did things neatly and crisply, never dragged mud and water, and said domineeringly: “From now on, the person in charge of the Brilliant Mansion is this Qi Hong, President Qi, who is standing beside me. ”

After that, Tang Shi got up directly from his seat and walked towards the door. It was the first time that she had announced something as a person in power, and although it seemed light on the surface, she was really super nervous inside.

When President Cao heard this, everyone was stunned. Qi Hong is the person in charge, so what does he do? Is it rising or falling?

Quickly catching up with Tang Shi, who was about to leave, he anxiously asked, “Miss Tang, Qi is always in charge, what about me?” ”

“You?” Tang Shi didn’t even stop walking, and said as she walked: “You can go to the finance to settle the salary.” ”

In an instant, a sense of powerlessness filled Cao Zong’s body, and his legs were like pouring lead, and he could no longer move.

It turns out that he is neither rising nor descending, but rolling!


PS: Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, urge tickets, monthly passes, tips!!!

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