During the time introduced by Zhou Bo, with a swoosh, Tang Shi’s Red Flag S9 rushed through the starting point. The two sides were ready to compete with Tang Shi and start instantly.


Five cars caught up.

The Aston Martin DBS driven by Wang Qiansheng immediately became the number 2 ahead of other sports cars.

Good sports car, acceleration is very fast per 100 km. Especially this kind of straight, as long as the speed goes up, you can catch up a lot in an instant.

Tang Shi’s current speed is also about 220, but Wang Qiansheng’s foot went down and went directly to about 260, and the distance between the two cars was constantly narrowing.

Feeling the car behind him constantly chasing him, Tang Shi also stepped on the accelerator deeper. Want to surpass her, no way!

The speed of the Hongqi S9 also increased a lot in an instant, and the straight road actually soared to 280, flashing in front of the eyes of those in the stands like a phantom.

Everyone looked at the cue card in amazement. Tang Shi actually raised the speed of the car to 280, which is already a very high speed, and few people in the stands dared to raise the speed of the car to 280 on the straight, which was really terrifying.

“Groove, this woman is crazy.”

“280, am I blind?”


In the midst of everyone’s incomparable shock, Fang Yizhuo shouted, “Sister Tang, come on!” ”

This voice can be said to have temporarily gained the attention of many supercar members. Because from Fang Yizhuo’s tone, it was inevitable to judge that he knew this most beautiful young lady.

As for how they met and what the relationship was, they could only be known by talking to Fang Yizhuo.

But Fang Yizhuo is not too indecent in the eyes of some brothers. After all, Zhongxing Business is not his own, and his father is only the fifth shareholder.

However, everyone only pays attention to him, and does not have any substantive contact with him at this time. After all, Tang Shi is not yet a member of the supercar club, and no one knows whether people are willing to join the supercar club.

Not to mention Tang Shi’s Hongqi S9, even the LC500 is qualified. It’s just that everyone has not contacted Tang Shi and does not know her temperament.

As Liang Shao said before, if you don’t even know what background people have, they dare to go over and provoke, which is purely an act of looking for death.

“Slow down!”

“No, is this young lady going to turn corners at full speed?”

“It’s impossible, this speed corner will definitely rush off the runway.”

“Slow down!”

Wang Qiansheng, who was chasing Tang Shi, was impressed by the strength of the woman in front of him, is this to win and not even want his life?

Wang Qiansheng, who did not dare to die like Tang Shi, took the lead in stepping on the brakes and slowing down his car in order to better corner.

Tang Shi drove the Hongqi S9 to the corner, and almost all the people in the stands stopped breathing temporarily, and the excitement and nervousness were probably stronger than Tang Shi sitting in the car.

Several female superrunners unconsciously covered their mouths with their hands at this time, so that they did not make screaming sounds.

Inside the car, Tang Shi lightly stepped on the brakes, cooperated with the steering wheel to tilt the body, and then slammed the accelerator.

Brush with a bang!

Hongqi S9 corners by inertia, drawing a half-moon wheel imprint on the corner that clings to the edge of the track.

Perfect cornering!



“Lao Tzu’s scalp is numb!”

“Comparable to a professional driver’s corner, perfect!”

At this moment, everyone in the stands was impressed by Tang Shi’s car skills, there are many drivers who dare to go like Tang Shi, but there is only one who dares to turn like this in the Fengcheng Supercar Club, and it is not there today.

Tang Shi is the first female sports car owner in Fengcheng City to turn such a corner.

Not to mention how much those supercar members adored her now, even the female members who came to watch were all excited beyond match. It seems that Tang Shi’s bull is not only representative of herself, but of all female members.

After the first corner, Wang Qiansheng’s car had been pulled away by Tang Shi’s car for a long distance. It’s really not easy to catch up.

More importantly, Tang Shi’s average speed is still increasing, and each short straight can exceed 260, not giving Wang Qiansheng a chance to catch up at all, nor did he deliberately reduce his speed to hang him. There is only one answer, and that is to ride the dust, and the distance is getting farther and farther!

When the Hongqi S9 turns the last corner and comes to the big straight before the finish.

Tang Shi directly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom with one kick!





The eyes of the people in the stands are constantly switching back and forth between the real-time speed monitoring screen and the Hongqi S9!

At this moment, no one does not understand Tang Shi’s thoughts, she is going to increase the maximum speed to 300 and make a perfect curtain call for herself.




Everyone was excited! As if it was not Tang Shi who drove the Hongqi S9, but them. Nothing excites them more than feeling the ultimate speed.

Zhou Bo faced the mobile phone camera, blushed and said in a thick voice: “Family, did you see it?” This is the strength of our goddess Fengcheng, at a speed of 301 per hour, I dare say that the entire Fengcheng city can’t find a second person.

All those who like the goddess, now, immediately, immediately, hit the ” on the public screen! ”

[Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, urge tickets, monthly passes, rewards].

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