“What do you say?” Tang Shi found a place to sit down and asked.

“He does have a backup.” Qi Hong replied, “And there is more than one. ”

Saying that, Qi Hong put the three USB disks on the table in front of Tang Shi.

How could this kind of scum easily delete videos and photos, dogs don’t believe it.

“Miss Tang, I also found intimate videos and photos of other women on his computer.” Qi Hong continued: “In addition, in his personal account on his computer, the draft box also stores videos and photos, and as long as he moves his finger, these photos will all be uploaded to the Internet. ”

Listening to Qi Hong’s words, Tang Shi didn’t have any special reaction, but Du Yawen was a little excited.

As a woman, she is well aware of the harm this kind of man does to women. This scum does not deserve to live in the world.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Du Yawen waved her fist and kept landing on Li Hanyu’s face.

Liu Yuan, a girl who was Wen Qing, also led by Du Yawen, kept kicking Li Hanyu’s body with her feet. Take all the anger of the year out on him.

The last kick was even more fiercely kicked on Li Hanyu’s crotch, wanting to make him desperate.

For women, having scum like Li Hanyu in society is like a nightmare. Cut off the root of his sin, and he will not be able to do bad things again.

After relieving her hatred, Tang Shi said to Liu Yuan: “Sister Yuan, call the police.” The 3 million are still in his account, and conversations in the hotel during the day are also recorded. Even without your intimate photos and videos, it proves that he is extorting. ”

Liu Yuan faced Tang Shi, Du Yawen and Qi Hong’s three daughters, and bowed sincerely to thank her: “Thank you.” 23 Tang Shi didn’t say anything, just hugged gently, and then left with Tang Yi. The next thing, I believe Liu Yuan will be able to handle it well.

When I returned to the hotel, it was already past eight o’clock, Tang Shi went to take a bath, and then lay down on the bed to rest. By the way, take a look at the Goddess mission refreshed today.

[Goddess mission: As a girl, the words must be written well, and the words must be seen like people! ] Ask the host to copy a Manjiang red article with a brush, and the system will automatically determine the advantages and disadvantages. Mission reward: 100 goddess coins. 】

Seeing this character, Tang Shi was a good guy in his heart!

The system really wants to cultivate her to be a talented woman. This Qin chess calligraphy and painting, the task of the Qin has been completed. Now there is another task of the book, and tomorrow is chess, and the day after tomorrow is painting.

But if you think about it, what’s so bad about that? It’s better than refreshing you with a particularly difficult task.

You can not only get goddess coins, but also improve your insides, why not.

However, this time the task needs to be judged by the system, and she can’t take a brush and copy it all over and finish it. It is still necessary to practice a little, after all, 100 goddess coins, don’t do it in vain.

Tang Shi did not tell Tang Yi what to do again, but directly picked up the landline on the bedside table, connected to the service desk, and told them to let people send paper, ink and pen, she was going to start practicing words.

After making the call, Tang Shi used her mobile phone to find the practice video of brush writing, pondering in her heart, it seems that this task is not easy to complete.

Because the criteria for task completion are too vague and determined by the system. Then it is very likely that she thinks she wrote well, but the system feels very bad.

When she submits, the task will naturally fail.

Now it’s up to her to make the trade-offs. If you have to win these 100 goddess coins, you must practice well.

Another is to casually copy a piece of “Manjiang Red” with a brush to break into the big luck, even if it fails, it doesn’t matter, at least it can speed up the refresh time of the goddess task.

After thinking about it, Tang Shi still decided to practice the words well and then hand them over to the system for judgment. Not for the sake of taking these 100 goddess coins, but for yourself. The system is helping her to improve in all directions, so she must also work hard.

Starting from today, I will practice calligraphy for half an hour every day before going to bed. Although it is not long, if you persevere, there will definitely be growth and progress.

In less than fifteen minutes, the hotel attendant delivered the pen, ink and paper, and did not enter the room, and was handed over to Tang Shi by Tang Yi.

Learning brush characters is actually training qi cultivation kung fu, because if you want to write well, you must be stable, and if you want to be stable, you must be slow. Of course, as you improve, the speed of writing brush characters will also increase.

The early stage requires a lot of patience and endurance.

I don’t have those messy ideas, and I don’t care if it’s too late to start learning brush writing now. As long as you want to do it, there will be progress.

Since you want to be a goddess, you must be the most perfect goddess.

The first day of practice, a little longer, did not end until half past nine. Then a bedtime mask for fifteen minutes, nine fifty into the bed, ready to sleep.

Tang Shi was resting, but Liu Yuan and them were still busy in the police station.

After all, the total amount involved is as high as more than 3.5 million, and it is impossible for the police not to pay attention to it. Li Hanyu This is a typical crime of extortion, the money in the account, the documents in the computer, the recording of conversations in the hotel, etc., everything is evidence.

Videos and photos of Liu Yuan were deleted, but the other girls, as well as the police, quickly found the victims to obtain evidence. The reason why everyone does not call the police is actually the same, that is, they do not want their private videos and photos to be known by parents, relatives, and colleagues.

Li Hanyu can always blackmail and succeed, also because of their inner fear.

Otherwise, Li Hanyu would not dare to engage in such rampant blackmail. If someone had called the police earlier, not so many things would have happened.

Equality between men and women is now advocated, but there are some things that women are inherently vulnerable.

Especially when encountering such a thing, men can not face, but women want face!

Liu Yuan was glad that she could meet people like Tang Shi, Du Yawen and Qi Hong. Otherwise, she might have become a corpse by now.

If her parents, after their daughter died, if they received videos and photos like that, it would be even more tormenting.

This time, she really experienced a word.

There is true love in the world!

A rich girl like Tang Shi must have an unusual status, but she can help herself without asking for anything in return. Except for what she said just now, she really couldn’t think of how to explain this matter.

This night at the police station, she is still not alone, with Du Yawen and Qi Hong by her side, her heart is warm.

What is a friend? She finally realized it today.

This night, in addition to Li Hanyu being arrested, the news of the first shareholder of the Tanuki Group once again became the focus.

Tang Shi’s photo made headlines in many news, but not a photo of a front face, but a side face. But even so, it made everyone very interested.

The first shareholder of the Tanuki Group turned out to be such a young girl, and she will also have a place in the business community of the Dragon Kingdom in the future.

Li Hanyu was arrested, and the charges were determined, but the random task was not completed. Tang Shi knew that there was still more than a decade left in prison.

However, from the filing of the case to the investigation, to the sentencing of the court, there is a procuratorate in between. This is all a process, not a problem that can be solved in a day.

The key is that Tang Shi’s shadow is not seen behind this matter, and the public security bureau of Tianhang City has not contacted her, let alone make up for it like the public security bureau of Fengcheng.

Even if Tang Shi came forward, the case would also be carried out in accordance with the procedure, and there would be no special handling of special cases.

If the random task is to be completed, it must wait for Li Hanyu’s sentence. From the current point of view, ten years to the bottom. There is no suspense in completing the task, all that can be done is to wait patiently.

Until this random task is not completed, the system should not flash a new random task. During this time, Tang Shi can also enjoy life.

The next morning, the four women ate together in the hotel restaurant. Through Li Hanyu’s incident this time, Tang Shi has an intuitive understanding of Qi Hong’s ability.

Being meticulous and careful will be a good assistant. However, after this matter is over, there is nothing she needs to do for the time being, and 867 let her take today’s plane back to Fengcheng, after all, she is still needed in the Brilliant Mansion. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Du Yawen was fine, and she stayed in Tianhang City to accompany Tang Shi.

Tang Shi planned to leave Tianhang City after Li Hanyu’s case was over, and when she came once, how could she feel the beauty of Tianhang City.

There is heaven above, and Suhang below.

This is not a vain statement.

“Sister Yuan, I have a job, I wonder if you can help me?” Tang Shi took a sip of porridge and asked.

“What job?” Liu Yuan asked.

“I don’t tell you that I came to Tianhang City this time because of the Tanuki Group.” Tang Shi said: “I am now the first shareholder of Ah Tanuki Group. But there is no one in the entire group who belongs to me, and you happen to be a financial auditor. I want to arrange for you to enter the Tanuki Group and help me keep an eye on the account. ”

As soon as the words fell, the three women were shocked at the same time.

“It turns out that the mysterious woman who kicked away SoftBank Group and took over the position of the first shareholder of Ah Tanuki Group is you.” Du Yawen said: “No wonder you told me that you will know in a few days. No, I have to digest the news well. ”

Qi Hong was just surprised for a moment, and then returned to his normal expression. For her, no matter how many identities Tang Shi has and how scary her background is, she is the Miss Tang who is willing to give her a chance and make her superior!

Liu Yuan said: “Tang Shi, although I am doing financial audit work, I have never had work experience in a large group, and I am afraid that I will not do it well. ”

“No one is born with work experience in large groups.” Tang Shi said: “Besides, among the people I know, the only one who is professional is you. ”

“You helped me so much, I can’t even repay me. Now you want me to join the Tanuki Group as an executive. Liu Yuan said excitedly: “I don’t even know how to repay you.” ”

“That’s not easy.” With a joking tone, Du Yawen interjected: “Make a promise.” ”

Although Du Yawen was a joke, Liu Yuan understood that this promise was actually to let her work for Tang Shi.

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