Chapter 120: Me! Tangyuan! Tactics to catch mice! The goddess is in love with me!.

Seeing this picture, the audience in the live broadcast room were shocked.

If Tangyuan is not interested in these mice, then Dahei they are coming, but you will not be polite!!

After all, Da Hei and Da Bai are all stray cats in the wild, catching mice and eating this kind of thing should be taken for granted!!!

At this time, so many test mice, for these stray cats, it is a good meal!!! Truly…

At this time, the eyes of these mice on the ground began to glow. It’s all a big supplement of food!!

For these cats who often wander on the streets outside, and even often eat the last meal but not the next, they will not abandon these natures.

This is not cruelty, this is the natural law of the animal world.


Tangyuan gave an order!

And then

More than a dozen cats went straight in! Rushed in! One cat and one target, they directly began the slaughter!

The big rat looked at Tangyuan standing on the stage in horror, with despair in his eyes!!!!

In this panic, there was also a trace of doubt, how could they not know that this cat was eating them like a fool a second ago, and now why did they suddenly send so many cats to catch them???


“Good fellow! This belongs to being backstabbed! ”

“Good fellow, it turns out that Tangyuan didn’t forget his nature at all, it turned out to be pure laziness to do it himself!!”

“Oh my God, is this the cat who has seen the Romance of the Three Kingdoms? It’s amazing, I took ^7”

“If nothing else, as far as this strategy of tangyuan is concerned, basic”

Six Four Seven”

On is invincible, okay! ”

“Straight to the!!!”

“Good guys, I kind of know now what happened to their eyes just now, this is watching these rats eat their last meal!!!

, [This trick, this trick is called the Last Supper]”

“It’s worthy of my well-being, it’s really awesome, but it’s not an ordinary cow!!!!”

“I just asked my cat why he didn’t use this method to find mice to eat? He said it was all live streaming!!! ”

Seeing the actions of these cats, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but get excited, after all, at first they thought that Tangyuan would not do anything to these mice.

I never expected that Tangyuan was not only ready to do something to them, but also the kind of direct snacks that was ready to hit them all.

What is this called???

This makes God let him perish, and he will first drive him crazy!

The rats reacted and fled in panic, wanting to rush to the previous rat hole.

But it soon came out, because there was a big black and white in the mouse hole to guard it! Can’t get out at all!

At this moment, they really had no way back.

The royal guards have completely surrounded them, and it is impossible for them to escape if they want to.

This change between the electric flint made all the viewers in the live broadcast room stunned and unable to believe their eyes.

Tangyuan actually let his team successfully surround these rats in such a short time!! And looking at what he meant, it was obvious that he was preparing to cut the grass and remove the roots.

It’s not that you catch one or two test rats and make a little effort, but you have to completely solve the mice in this building at one time!!!

“Good guy, Tangyuan is so ruthless, I’ve never seen such a ruthless cat, okay!!!”

“My family Tangyuan is a cat that has always been very ruthless, well, he is directly a one-time permanent solution, this labor mouse!!”

“I’d like to call it a ruthless cat rice ball!!”

“It seems that we were still too underestimated before, Tangyuan, his heart to catch mice is still very firm,

“It is incumbent upon me to fight thieves and rats!!!

“I would like to call it the first ruthless cat in the national service!!!”

For the mouse, the audience in the live broadcast room still has no good impression.

After all, the vast majority of mice are usually sneaky, and often bring some very unclean diseases, many people even because of the home things were eaten by rats, and then ate the kind that got sick.

So to a certain extent, cat catches mouse, from a human point of view, it is a relatively more just side.

Therefore, the audience in the live broadcast room saw that Tangyuan had killed these mice at this time, and their hearts were still very happy.

After all, if so many rats are in the girls’ dormitory, it is estimated that it is difficult to avoid wrongdoing.

After all, in a place like the girls’ dormitory, if mice steal food, then these girls really can’t take these mice for a while!!!

Girls who have a hand in dealing with boys are really not very good at dealing with little mice.

Otherwise, there would not be a picture of Qin Yu and the four of them being frightened by a little mouse yesterday and curled up in a corner.

You know, Zhang Xiaowen, this nizi, is famous for her wind and fire on weekdays, not to mention cats, even dogs, she is not afraid!!!


After all, it still can’t resist the deterrence of rats.

It seems that there is really nothing wrong with the phrase that one thing descends from something.

Seeing this sudden change scene, Nuan Nuan was also shocked and a little speechless.

Unexpectedly, the mouse that was still majestic last night was actually surrendered so easily by Tangyuan at this time

Moreover, it is still the kind of submission that he did not do himself.

Even if it is warm, at this moment, I can’t help but want to raise a cat like Tangyuan.

In this way, when there is a test mouse at home, I will have to block the front of the dead ghost in my own house!!!

Time, Nuan Nuan actually couldn’t tell whether Tangyuan was a man or the dead ghost in his own family was a man???

Or rather, who the hell is more like a man to rely on!!

Of course, as an extremely professional host, it is naturally impossible for Nuan Nuan to expose his emotions.

Still with a faint smile on his face, he looked at Professor Miao and asked:

“Professor Huang, is this tactic of tangyuan really something that a cat can have?

The corner of Professor Dong’s mouth twitched, and his heart was speechless for a while. You ask me, who am I asking meow???

After all, at the beginning, she also thought that Tangyuan didn’t want to catch these test mice!!

But I never expected that at this time, I actually let my royal guard directly catch these mice. To be honest, this really surprised her.

However, Professor Huang is not an emotional woman, and the expression on his face still looks indifferent and calm, and he muttered:

“Well, I should have learned from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.”


“You’re looking for fault, aren’t you? Fast forward to splitting my melon, huh!!! ”

“Hahaha, good guy, Professor Huang is now completely starting to mess up!”

“The Romance of the Three Kingdoms can be used to explain cat behavior???”

“What are you talking nonsense? We Professor Huang, this is not rotten, this is called keeping pace with the times!! ”

“Well, yes, this wave is called keeping up with the times!!”

“Yes, I strongly recommend that in the compulsory courses of cats in the future, there is one more Romance of the Three Kingdoms!!”

“I agree!! In this way, when there are mice in my house, the cats in the house will not hide behind me like this!! ”

“!! The last time there were mice in my house, my cat ran faster than a dog! ”

Hearing Professor Huang’s explanation at this time, who can’t help but want to complain???

After all, when can the Romance of the Three Kingdoms also be used to explain the behavior of cats? Could it be, a cat should watch the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!

Wrong! It should be a little more outrageous, why can cats understand the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

But although the tangyuan at this time is a little outrageous, the audience in the live broadcast room still can’t help but feel a burst of envy.

Although Tang Yuan did not make a move at this time, he used his wisdom to directly catch the mice in the entire building of the girls’ dormitory.

Moreover, the most outrageous thing is that to catch these mice, Tangyuan himself has not yet shot. This is really awesome for her mother to open the door for Niu Qi, and the cow is home.

Seeing this picture, the bald director couldn’t help but mutter:

“This little thing, there are quite a few skills.”

He had thought that Tangyuan might catch these mice, and he thought of this possibility when he had already opened Tangyuan to feed them.

But how did I not expect that the trick of tangyuan is actually to directly lead the snake out of the hole, and then kill it all!!! It can only be said that even as a person at this time, the bald director can’t help but have some wisdom of Pei Tangyuan.

This is really not something that ordinary cats can do.

Of course, the execution of these cats that appear at this time is also very strong. And at this time in the picture.

A large group of rats were surrounded in the room and killed by the cats that rushed in….

Ten minutes later, the battle was over, and a bunch of rats were lying on their backs.

In the animal world, this is inevitable.

In the animated story, there may also be a situation where the cat and mouse fight wits and become good friends in the end. But in the real world, there is almost no room for negotiation and reconciliation between natural enemies.

Even if they feed the rats as they did before, the mice just treat the rice balls as a free meal ticket.

If the rice balls don’t give them anything to eat one day, then they will continue to steal their own food. This is difficult to change by nature!!

There is no possibility of indoctrination, because this is how rats survive, and their weak strength is destined to only let them survive like this.

At this time, those cats crawled respectfully in front of Tangyuan.

At the same time, he dragged the rats one by one to Tangyuan, meowing and meowing. As if to say:

“Your Majesty, please!!! meal”

“Groove! Tribute?????! ”

“Nishihachi!! Jin Gong!! ”

“Good guy, these cats are really going to come, I didn’t expect that when I got the food at this time, I actually knew to let the tangyuan eat first.”

“This is the imperial throne of Tangyuan!”

“The status of my family’s tangyuan, that is really not an ordinary cat can replace.”

“Explain and explain, what special lady is called his mother’s status???”

At this time, all the cats are extremely respectful crawling in front of Tangyuan, and in front of these cats, there are some mice that have died.

Even at this moment, rats are the most delicious food under the sun.

But they still don’t dare to eat these things before Tangyuan, which shows the high status of Tangyuan in the hearts of these cats!!!

Seeing this scene, Professor Huang did not wait for Nuan Nuan to ask, but took the initiative to explain:

“This is the tissue effect in cats, which will make Elvis eat and reproduce first!!!”

These things are really not nonsense, and in the past research, Professor Huang has indeed seen relevant theoretical knowledge, and there is such a situation.

Even in the world of cats, it exists!!

Nuan Nuan nodded gently, and then asked curiously:

“So, will tangyuan eat mice?”

Professor Wong said:

“Definitely!! For humans, mice may be disgusting, but for cats, mice are one of their most delicious foods, and it has been for thousands of years!! This desire to eat is engraved in their genes. ”

“Just as humans can’t help drooling when they see some sour things, cats can’t help drooling when they see mice, and they can’t help but drool and eat!! It’s bound to be eaten!! ”

At this moment, Professor Huang is extremely confident. 5.3

She had seen many cats that weren’t interested in mice, but!!

Without exception, even the cats in this world who are least interested in mice will enjoy eating mice!!

But at this time, the rice balls in the picture….

In the face of the tribute of many cats, he just waved his hand leisurely, and then called indifferently:


Soon, all the cats ran out with one or two mice in their hands. Only left, the big rat from last night was on the floor.

Professor Huang excitedly shouted:

“Look!! Tangyuan really wants to eat mice!! ”

In her opinion, at this time, tangyuan must be the one who wants to enjoy the fattest and the fattest.

At this moment, everyone thought exactly the same as Professor Huang, after all, being a king eats the fattest one

Only, as it should be.


What makes everyone wonder… The tangyuan in the picture did not move. Two hours later, it was noon.


Zhang Xiaowen pushed the door in. And then……


She screamed.

“There are mice!!!?”

It is the opposite of Zhang Xiaowen’s frightening painting.

At this time, Tangyuan looked at Zhang Xiaowen lightly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. Hehe….

Next, just watch my watch (pretend) act (cup) and it’s over.

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