Transformed into a comic book artist

Chapter 364: Full of Offensive Power

In the previous life, "Pure Land" was a song composed by toku, a member of the Japanese music group GARNiDELiA, and written and sung by MARiA.

The song is undoubtedly of high quality, but it is impossible to take the whole of Asia by storm. But the scene where singing and dancing are paired together achieves this effect.

Once the original dance was released, it triggered countless domestic dance imitations. It can be said that the dance area at that time had been bloodbathed.

The dance music of Pure Land is very charming. MARiA's dance movements and expressions in the original dance are very sultry, and the butterfly steps and oiran steps in the choreography are very distinctive. You may not be used to it the first time you watch it, but the more you watch it, the more you like it.

The choreography is very well done, it matches the rhythm and theme of the song very well, and complements each other.

Undoubtedly, Pure Land combines singing and dancing into one, and has become a hit in house dance.

As soon as it was released, it didn’t take long for it to spread across Asia. Almost overnight, countless teams and individuals competed to imitate the dance in China. It can be said that it directly swept through major social platforms such as Bilibili and Weibo.

This is the magic of "Pure Land". At that time, "Pure Land" was said to be number one, but no one dared to say it was second. Even after the limelight has passed, you will still see some individuals dancing to the Pure Land from time to time and then making the list.

This is a dance song that will go out of style, but will never go out of style.

When Su Xianer came to the recording studio, she naturally recorded songs first and then went to the dance studio to record dances.

Today is a difficult day for her. But I've been following Lin Jingshu for so long, and it's too much to do it anymore. Besides, it's just recording songs now, and dancing is the big problem.

Thinking of herself as a mentally retarded person, jumping around in the dance studio and complaining to the air... Su Xianer's scalp went numb.

As for why she was alone, of course Su Xianer wanted to occupy the dance studio and drive everyone else out.

The BGM of "Pure Land" is a synthetic music, and the rhythm can be produced using electronic training software. Coupled with the presence of a professional music teacher and Lin Jingshu, who has superb musical literacy, the three of them quickly came up with the BGM.

When Xu Wenqin started to test playback, a BGM sounded from the speakers after three seconds...

Xu Wenqin and Lin Jingshu's eyes widened as soon as they heard it, and then there was the sound of electronic drum beating. The sound of the drum seemed to hit the hearts of the two of them, but Su Xianer was confused. , what are these two people so obsessed with?

Obviously, Su Xianer has forgotten the amazing emotion she felt when she first listened to this song.

The BGM coming from the speakers has a strong sense of rhythm. Coupled with the fact that it is a professional recording studio of the Huaxia Conservatory of Music, the professional quality of the instruments is fully guaranteed.

When this sense of rhythm spread throughout the recording studio, Xu Wenqin and Lin Jingshu were driven by the strong rhythm, and they felt as if they felt an electric shock in their hearts.

The next moment, Xu Wenqin turned off the sound. Seeing Lin Jingshu's confused look, she exhaled and said, "Let's just start recording. The BGM with the sound is the complete music. If you listen to Classmate Su after listening to it for the first time, Otherwise, it would be a lot less amazing.”

As a teacher, she didn't want to lose this first-time feeling, so she wanted to listen to BGM and Su Xianer's singing.

Hearing this, Lin Jingshu nodded. Although the two of them stared at Su Xian'er with expectant expressions on their faces.

Su Xianer was speechless, but she had no objection to singing. In other words, in terms of music, Yuan Yi’s musical literacy of more than ten years allows her to sing in front of the audience without any feeling of shame.

And my voice is so great, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Dance is different. It is a rhythm and beauty formed by body movements, which requires the body to swing. This is a nightmare for Su Xianer... so shameful.

"I'm letting you go, are you ready?" Xu Wenqin looked at Su Xian'er expectantly.

Su Xian'er didn't speak and nodded directly.

In an instant, a piece of rhythmic music passed by, and the next moment the sound of electronic drums suddenly sounded. It was very rhythmic, and between the ups and downs, it seemed to tighten the heart, making Xu Wenqin and Lin Jingshu stare at Su Xianer, knowing that Su Xianer was about to speak.

Su Xianer kept the lyrics in mind, so neither of them knew what the lyrics were like, or even knew it was a Japanese song.

Just when the electronic drum suddenly paused, Su Xian'er's voice immediately sounded, without any rhythm changes, and the slightest opening made people's hearts skip a beat.

"When the moon rises tomorrow,

Lanterns and candles are burning.

Announce the start of the ritual music,

Attracting dancing butterflies..."

It turned out to be a Japanese song. When Su Xianer opened her mouth, Xu Wenqin and Lin Jingshu were surprised, especially Lin Jingshu. She studied Japanese songs and usually liked Japanese songs...

I thought this Pure Land song was a Chinese song, but I was shocked by this sudden surprise.

However, soon, without waiting for the two of them to be surprised, they continued to be immersed in the song.

When she started singing, Su Xianer had been thinking about what voice to use to express it well. Although the original song was in the voice of Yu Jie, it was charming and fit the lyrics. But Su Xianer felt that she was tired of hearing this kind of music, and she might be able to sing this version in the future, but this time she wanted to sing it very aggressively!

Also using the voice of a queen, but when Su Xian'er sang, she revealed a sense of dominance under her voice, which shocked Xu Wenqin and Lin Jingshu.

"Please take a sneak peek

If you are lost, it is difficult to find the source.

If you want to find joy, please come here, the pure land of bliss.

Sing and sing, as you please.

Where is your voice, dance and dance, forget the days.

Tonight, let's have fun together, the flowers will eventually fall after blooming

Because of this, I want to cherish this night more.

Let's have some fun..."

As a teacher in the music department, Xu Wenqin's teaching system spans a wide range, and naturally he also understands Japanese. And Lin Jingshu is even more so. The two gradually heard that there was something wrong with the lyrics.

As Su said, the lyrics were a bit wild. Xu Wenqin didn't care, because she had listened to too much music, and she had also heard vulgar songs. Su Xian'er's songs were just child's play.

Moreover, Su Xianer's voice completely controlled the song. Although the lyrics were charming, Su Xianer sang it with another aggressive voice. The contradiction between the lyrics and the voice had an addictive trend...

This trend, in addition to the rhythm of the song itself, is Su Xianer's own vocal strength.

Xu Wenqin was attracted, not to mention Lin Jingshu.

And Lin Jingshu always felt that Su Xianer was looking at her while singing this song, making her cheeks rosy. Coupled with the teasing of the lyrics, Lin Jingshu didn't dare to look directly at Su Xianer.

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