With a loud bang, an extremely thick purple thunder fell from the sky, seemingly splitting the entire world in half!

As the first thunder fell, one after another thunderstorms followed, and the whole sky was like a thunderstorm, and there were purple thunderstorms everywhere.

These heavenly thunders are thick and fine, strong and weak, and the Tianyuan Sect, which has already become scorched earth, has been scorched again...

This thunder tribulation lasted for half an hour!In

the end, the pitch-black tribulation cloud reluctantly left the sky above the Tianyuan Sect.

In a large area of scorched earth, there are huge deep pits that have been blasted out by the thunderstorms.

In one of the deep pits, there was an inconspicuous little ding, whose body was scorched black by lightning and half buried in the pitch-black soil.

At this time, Ruan Dongling, who was in the Dingzhong world, had also broken through.

She officially entered Yuanying from Jindan!

The powerful power made Ruan Dongling feel comfortable.

She knew that the reason why she was able to break through so quickly was the bowl of "brush basin water" that Ran Bing gave her.

Look, it's good that she was witty and didn't drink the milky liquid directly.

Ran Bing must have diluted some of the remaining liquid in the stone basin before letting her drink it.

In this way, she felt that those spiritual energy and energy were too huge, and her current cultivation was a little reluctant to absorb them.

If she drank it directly, she was afraid that she would be overwhelmed by the energy and aura contained in it.

Ruan Dongling opened her eyes and saw that Ran Bing was looking at her, with an indescribable tenderness in her eyes.

Ruan Dongling had never seen such a look in Ran Bing's eyes.

But this gentle look was fleeting, so fast that Ruan Dongling almost thought it was his own illusion.

"Ran Bing!"

Ruan Dongling jumped up from the futon and pounced on Ran Bing.

Then he hugged Ran Bing's waist tightly.

Ran Bing's waist is so soft and thin, she can hug it twice!

Ruan Dongling is half a head shorter than Ran Bing, hugging Ran Bing like this, just enough to bury her head in Ran Bing's neck.

"Ran Bing, you're so nice... I'm advanced again, I'm getting stronger again, hehe...", she rubbed Ran Bing's neck as she spoke.

"Get up!" Ran Bing pulled Ruan Dongling up from herself, forcing her to stand up straight.

Ruan Dongling's body was about to stick to Ran Bing's body as if she had no bones, but she didn't expect a thick black gas to appear and entangle her strongly.

I can't move at all.

Ruan Dongling took a look and found that it was the little black snake.

"Little Black, you're too boring, aren't you? You are going to take revenge, do you know?"

Ruan Dongling angrily accused the little black snake.

Before, the little black snake's body was almost broken in two, and when Ruan Dongling treated it, he also used his own aura.

At that time, the situation was critical, and Ruan Dongling was eager to forget an important matter.

She is a righteous path monk, and the aura she cultivates is in conflict with the demonic energy of the demon race, and her aura is only afraid that not only will it not help the little black snake heal, but it will hurt the little black snake.

Originally, she was still worried, but when she saw the appearance of the little black snake at this time, her worried heart was relieved.

It seems that her aura did not cause any damage to the little black snake's body, which is very unusual.

I think it should be that this little black snake itself is very extraordinary, so it can be safe and sound...

With Ruan Dongling's accusation, Yemo finally revealed his entity.

But at this time, the appearance of Yemo has changed dramatically.

Its body is even thicker, and its head actually has two horns

! It looks very much like the horns of a dragon!

It... It..."Ruan Dongling was shocked by this scene, and stammered and pointed at Yemo to say something to Ran Bing, but he couldn't say it.

"Night Ink is now in a three-stage form, and it is now, an Abyss Demon Jiao..."Ran Bing opened his mouth to explain.

When Yemo heard this, he raised his head higher in the air, looking very mighty.

"Ah, the snake evolved into a dragon so quickly, will Xiao Hei evolve into a dragon in the future?" Ruan Dongling was very surprised.

This kind of demon beast only exists in legends, and no one seems to have really seen it.

But at this time, Ruan Dongling had seen the real and living Yuan Demon Jiao.

It turned out to be so powerful and domineering!

Yemo's injury was cured by Ruan Dongling, and Ran Bing's closeness to Ruan Dongling, so Yemo was still very friendly to Ruan Dongling.

Hearing Ruan Dongling speak, it let Ruan Dongling go.

"Xiao Hei is a good baby!" Ruan Dongling gave a thumbs up to Yemo who was floating behind Ran Bing.

His eyes fell on Ran Bing's face, and Ruan Dongling stepped forward with a hippie smile, "Ran Bing, what kind of amazing treasure is the liquid in that stone basin?" Ran Bing

looked at Ruan Dongling's hand grabbing her arm, and after all, he didn't push Ruan Dongling away.

"Golden Jade Black Divine Liquid..."Ran

Bing patiently introduced Ruan Dongling.

Ruan Dongling only then realized what kind of anti-heaven treasure he had gotten.

This is simply a great opportunity!

At this moment, the system's feedback reward prompt also sounded.

Ruan Dongling couldn't hold back, grinning and smirking.

She gave Ran Bing half a basin of Golden Jade Crow Divine Liquid, and the system returned a whole basin to her, and even the "Nine Turns Soul Wood" that had been fed to Ran Bing before also returned two to her.

Now, it's really rich

! There are not too many such treasures!

Ruan Dongling's heart was pounding excitedly, this golden jade black divine liquid would be useful for Shizun's injury, right?

After thinking about it, Ruan Dongling finally told Ran Bing what had happened.

"Ran Bing, you say, is there still salvation for Shizun's foundation, and what method can be used to repair his foundation?"

"Shizun has fallen to such a point for me... He is such an amazing and brilliant character, it shouldn't end like this..."

Ruan Dongling thought of Ding Chengyang, and felt very uncomfortable.

If she had obtained this golden jade black divine liquid before, and she gave it to Ding Chengyang, it would definitely allow Ding Chengyang to enter the refining void

, but now that his foundation has been destroyed, I am afraid that he will no longer be able to absorb the spiritual energy contained in this spiritual liquid.

Restoring the roots is like revitalizing the necrotic rhizomes of a plant than it is to re-nurture them.

It takes the power to bring the dead back to life.

After listening to what Ruan Dongling said, Ran Bing was also shocked.

She thought that Ling'er might have been hurt a lot in order to get this golden jade black divine liquid, but she didn't expect that it would be so serious...

"Ling'er... Are you still feeling unwell now?" Ran Bing did not answer Ruan Dongling's words, but was worried about whether Ruan Dongling's body still had secret injuries.

As she spoke, she took Ruan Dongling's hand and clasped her fingers on Ruan Dongling's wrist.

"I'm fine, Shizun has regressed so much in cultivation for me, and the foundation has been destroyed..."

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