Watching the little boy cry,

Ruan Dongling: ....

All of you here testify that she did not bully children.

"No, what are you crying for?" Ruan Dongling suddenly softened when he saw the little boy crying.

When she approached the little boy, she suddenly saw that the little boy's round ears actually had pierced ears!

Just when Ruan Dongling was attracted by the ear piercing, a sly look flashed on the little girl's face

, and she shot like lightning, and a small lightning-shaped magic weapon flew directly towards Ruan Dongling.

The speed is as fast as real lightning!

Ruan Dongling shook his head helplessly, and his figure disappeared in place again.

The little girl was stupid, and then she felt a pain in her ears.

Ruan Dongling appeared beside the little girl, stretched out his hand and grabbed her ear, "Little girl, dare to give me a yin, believe it or not, I'll cut off your ears for you!"

As he spoke, Ruan Dongling

also picked up his sword and made a gesture to cut off the little girl's ear.

The little girl was really frightened, she immediately said, "Sister don't want it, I don't dare anymore, sister spare me..."

Just as Ruan Dongling was about to ask the little girl some questions, two more monks came towards her with swords.

"Sister Hua, Brother Green, save me...

Although the little girl was held hostage by Ruan Dongling, she still shouted at the two monks without giving up, crying while shouting, extremely aggrieved.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoshui'er, we're here to save you!" The

two monks, a man and a woman, seemed to be extremely anxious, and could not see the little girl crying at all, so they hurriedly responded to comfort her.

Ruan Dongling was really confused, and he couldn't figure out the situation at all.

She looked at the battlefield below, then at the monk who was rushing towards her, and asked while retreating with

the little girl, "Tsk, little girl, don't cry, I don't care much about you! But who are you? What is this place?"

The little girl originally had tears on her face, crying very miserably, and when she heard Ruan Dongling's words, she immediately turned her face to Ruan Dongling.

There was a look of shock in the two big round eyes.

In one of the eyes, there was still a large tear that had not fallen, and the long eyelashes were wet with tears and glued into a handful.

The little girl has extremely fair skin, she can't see pores at all, and her small nose and ruddy mouth are really delicate and cute.

The little girl snorted, looked at Ruan Dongling seriously, and asked blankly, "Aren't you from

Hao Yueguo?" Ruan Dongling was even more confused, Hao Yueguo?

Moreover, she is familiar with the geographical knowledge of the Liuyang Continent, as if she has not heard of a Hao Yueguo in any state?"

"You... You don't know about me... My identity?" the

little girl looked a little silly, she stretched out her hand and pointed to her nose and asked Ruan Dongling.

Ruan Dongling shook her head violently with a question mark on her face

, "No, no, no, no, I don't know you and I don't know your identity..."

"I can't hide it, I want to know too..."Ruan Dongling sighed deeply, with a melancholy expression.

Ruan Dongling dragged the little girl to dodge the sword moves of the two monks while communicating with the little girl.

"Sister Hua, Brother Lu, don't fight, don't fight, misunderstanding, this sister is a good person!" the little girl hurriedly shouted.

The tears on her face hadn't dried when she spoke.

When the two monks, a man and a woman, heard the little girl's words, they immediately stopped.

At this time, all four of them fell silent.

The two monks, a man and a woman, are also very strong, and they are both monks in the late Yuan Infant period, but when the two joined forces, they didn't even touch Ruan Dongling's body.

Ruan Dongling didn't want to fight with these two people, and he always focused on dodging.

The friars, dressed in a colorful gown with a few sticks of grass on her head, was dressed in a strange way, while the monk was dressed in green clothes and looked very fresh.

But they are all good-looking.

After stopping, Ruan Dongling let go of the little girl.

The little girl immediately ran to the two monks, and threw herself into the monk's arms.

Her voice was delicate, "Sister Hua... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have run out disobediently..."

Sister Hua originally had an angry face, and just wanted to reprimand the little girl, but as soon as she saw the little girl like this, the words in her mouth immediately swallowed.

She sighed helplessly, stretched out her hand to straighten the little girl's somewhat messy hair, and said with a straight face

, "Xiao Shui'er, why are you so disobedient! How can we be good?"

said Sister Hua, a sad look flashed on her face.

Xiao Shui'er immediately hugged Sister Hua's waist tightly, "I'm sorry Sister Hua, I'll be obedient in the future, I won't run around anymore, don't be angry..."

The identity of this little girl is unknown.

Ruan Dongling's eyes flashed with purple light, and he quietly activated the Eye of True Vision.

There was nothing above the girl's head,

and even the little girl seemed to be fake.

Originally, there was no human figure in the place where she was standing, and instead there was a green mist!

That is, in an instant, Ruan Dongling's True Eye was invalid.

quickly made Ruan Dongling doubt whether the scene he saw was real or his hallucination.

This has never happened before!

Ruan Dongling was shocked in her heart, and she became even more curious about the true identity of the little girl.

When Ruan Dongling came into contact with this little girl just now, he had an extremely strange feeling in his heart.

This feeling made it impossible for her to hit the little girl hard.

She looked down at the two groups of men and horses fighting on the ground, "Is this group of people wearing officer and soldier uniforms down below coming for you?"

Ruan Dongling said, stretching out his hand and pointing at the little girl.

The little girl bit her lip and nodded with a red face.

At this moment, a monk in armor on the ground suddenly looked up, and his gaze fell directly on the four of them.

Ruan Dongling clearly saw the gleam in the armor monk's eyes.

The monk seemed to be the leader of this group of officers and soldiers, and he rode a fourth-order desert lizard under him, holding a magical spear, and he looked imposing.

Ruan Dongling couldn't even see through the strength

of this monk!"Eye of True Vision!" In

order to find out the strength of this monk, and also to verify whether there was something wrong with his spell, Ruan Dongling used the Eye of True Vision again.

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