Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 106: High school goals

  Wu Di flicked his fingers sore and weak, and when it was late at night outside, he went to look at his mobile phone in a nervous mood...

  He found that the phone had hung up a long time ago.

  A huge sense of loss surged in Wu Di's heart. Didn't she touch that cold-hearted girl at all?

  However, when he saw that the talk time lasted for an hour, his sense of loss suddenly disappeared. He picked up the phone happily and found a text message--

"Very dazzling... you are you, not me. Unfortunately, I always get confused, come on, you will definitely surpass me, I hope you can achieve greater achievements on the piano-you from another world in the future ."

  Wu Di was dumbfounded, did the girl's second-degree illness have committed again?

  The other world or something, the future or something...Ahaha, it’s so funny.

  However, it seems that the situation is not too bad.

  The text messages sent by the girl also strengthened Wu Di’s confidence. He was ready to promise his mother that he would make some achievements in the music scene before graduating from university!

  As for the future, he decided long ago that he wanted to step into the political arena and become a power holder.

But in fact, the text message to Wu Di was not the girl, but the girl’s surviving male surname soul. He is inferior to him. Whether it is family background, talent or hard work, maybe he doesn’t know why he can forge ahead so hard, but in any case, he has She in the whole world is far better than him!

  Wu Di sat on the ground a little tiredly, leaning on the piano, looking at the curtains that were blown by the night wind, and feeling peaceful.

  The body is very tired, but it is very fulfilling, as if it has done an extraordinary event.

He thought of something again. He picked up the phone and always wanted to send some information in the past, but he wrote and deleted, deleted and wrote for a full half an hour before editing such a text message: "I will do it for you every night. Play, I hope the sound of the piano will accompany you to sleep."

  Hurry up, grit your teeth, click to send...

No, this text message is too numb, so sour...Wu Di looked at the picture of the girl quietly reading on the big screen phone, and his heartbeat accelerated slightly. He felt that he was really poisoned. How should I describe this suffering? How does it feel?

  Ghostly, he kissed his mobile phone screen. After doing this, he himself was stunned, his face was hot, but there was an unspeakable excitement in his heart.

After Wu Di knew that the other party was going to a foreign language high school, of course he also chose a foreign language high school. He may not be able to be in the same class in his first year of high school, because the other party must be in the best intensive class as the high school entrance examination champion, and Wu Di walked the back door like this. The "poor students" must be in another class.

  Summer vacation is gradually moving forward in this way, and it is already time to start school in a flash.

Wu Di’s biggest gain during the summer vacation was naturally that he followed the owner of his favorite private kitchen in his previous life and systematically learned the cooking skills. Although he has not yet reached the level of the other party, Wu Di believes that in his own continuous After being tempered, it will definitely make it more delicious.

   Like now Wu Di’s aunt Wang Jingshu, she almost didn’t want to go outside to eat, but very consciously bought vegetables back, and let her little niece, the "Little Master of China", show her cooking skills.

In addition, Wu Di and Wang Jingshu also signed up for a training class for women's manners and temperament, and received various manners training. Of course, Wu Di naturally has the temperament of a famous daughter, and Wang Jingshu, who graduated from the Acting Department of the Academy of Film and Television, seems to be learning very fast. Although she still has all kinds of radio waves when she comes home, when she walks out of the house, she seems to have really moved from the second dimension to the third dimension...

  In the three-dimensional, what kind of existence does Wang Jingshu look like? Of course it is a goddess with both innocence and sense of surname, the kind that will be photographed by all kinds of streets on the street. If the fans of "Central Plains Five Whites" think that the "pure men" in their minds are actually beautiful writers. , Will definitely feel unbelievable, and then someone goes to the sky of the snake to burst a pee, which will definitely cause all kinds of interesting reactions.

  Wu Di and Wang Jingshu did not let go of physical exercise during the summer vacation. Wu Di was very conscious, and Wang Jingshu, who was originally lazy, finally regulated his work and rest time under the spur of his little niece.

Well, Wang Jingshu often thinks about conspiracy theories. She feels that her little niece regulates her work and rest time, just to prevent her from listening to her little niece’s second-degree dreams. Anyway, she can’t imagine what her little niece is doing. Said the dream on the earth.

  Also, Wu Di’s singing skills can be regarded as small, "Invisible Wings", a catchy single that is easy to sing, has finally been produced and can be uploaded to Yinyue.

  Wu Di doesn't care what score this song can achieve in Yinyue, she only knows that what she really likes most is the song she sings.

  In addition to this song "Invisible Wings", Wu Di also sang some famous songs in this world at the request of Gu Yajun. She felt very good after listening to it, and it was stored in her mobile phone together.

  I always feel that my favorite song is something like what I sing. It feels very awkward when I put it on others, but when I put it on Wu Di, I find that it seems to be right.

  Wu Di believes that she is the best, and she can do everything by herself, because she feels that her abilities completely surpass the distinction between males and females, such as low-level creatures.

  At this time, Wu Di is already looking forward to her high school career. Before the start of school, she made a series of plans.

  The first goal that must be achieved is, of course, to maintain the dominance in academic performance.

  Secondly, she chose a foreign language high school because of the foreign teachers in various languages ​​in the school. She wanted to learn and be proficient in the languages ​​of major countries. If possible, she hopes to go abroad as an exchange student for one semester, which is good for her to expand her horizons.

  Also, there may be various competitions in high school, so she will take part in her own responsibility. She thinks that getting good results in competitions is also a thing to please her.

  Wu Di thinks that this is probably something to be done in school. Perhaps some people are looking forward to a vigorous first love in high school. Unfortunately, Wu Di doesn’t have the word “love” at all in his mind.

To put it bluntly, she is an extremely selfish person. Perhaps some people think that the positive energy emanating from her will drive more people to forge ahead, but there are also more people who will be stabbed by the light on her body. It is the most hated part of geniuses!

A person who can be called a genius is not only because of aptitude, sometimes, that kind of paranoia and strong willpower is also a kind of talent, and this is the power of Wu Di, she is a must A fighter who will not be defeated!

Wu Di’s selfishness is also manifested in her indifference to others. Perhaps others will find Wu Di to get along very comfortable with this person, because she never points out what you did wrong, so kind and open-minded, you can think about it carefully. Think about it and feel chills, because faithful advice is good for deeds, and good medicine is good for illness.

  Wu Di just wants to be a perfect self.

After experiencing Jiang Wen’s incident, Wu Di had a preliminary understanding of the malice in this world. She felt that she could not ignore the calculations made by some people just because she was too devoted to her studies. Malice is aimed at such psychological preparations.

  Ma Ma, the school students in the parallel world are really terrible...


  The first update today, please collect and recommend! ! !

  Recommend "Niu Fei Zai Xia" by the ancient **** under the moon. This unrestricted soul, who was transformed into Lily Liu with "Alternate Saint", finally finished the previous work and came back to open a new book. Now it is full of festivals. "Niu Fei Zai" is a pig's foot to open a female bath as the goal of crossing the alien world, the evolving dragon Tsao Jiao, easy and funny transformation! Link


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