Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 114: Enter the class

When the girl saw Wu Di's first side, she was slightly startled, as if she had seen a strengthened version of herself. She resisted the strangeness in her heart, stepped forward, and said to Wu Di very politely: "Hello, my name is Zhang Dongxue. I am very happy to be a roommate with you."

Wu Di thought that this girl was very generous and sociable, not as innocent as the average high school freshman, she also responded decently: "Well, my name is Wu Di, but I don’t live in this dormitory, just By the way, it's just a baggage for someone else."

   Zhang Dongxue heard Wu Di’s name, and couldn’t help being surprised: "Wu Di? You are the number one student in the high school entrance examination in our city, right? A score of 684 in the exam is really amazing!"

  Although the girl was so amazed, Wu Di could feel her insincere, but Wu Di didn't take it to heart, just smiled and expressed his humility.

  Zhang Dongxue was actually a beauty student in junior high school, but she didn't go to the best two junior high schools. In that junior high school, her high school entrance examination score was the first in the school, but in this class her student number was only No. 10.

  Zhang Dongxue said to her new roommates at this time: "Wait or I will invite everyone to have a meal, just because my dad is there, what do you think of dad?"

Zhang Dongxue's father really seemed to be a successful person, and he felt like a shrewd businessman. He also showed a kind smile and said, "Let's go together. We will go wherever the hotel is best here." Faint words It contains a kind of financial display.

  The heartless Su Nuan suddenly said, "I won't go, can I?"

  Zhang Dongxue's face became stiff, and she still smirked: "Everyone is roommate, and we will live together in the future. Is it okay to contact the sisters first?"

  "Snacks are enough for me." Su Nuan laughed, the crooked crescent moon was extremely cute.

Wu Di endured a smile, always feeling that for people who like to pretend to be coerced, well, this also includes herself. When she meets Su Nuan, who is incomprehensible in the world, she is to show the blind to the blind. I hope this Zhang Dongxue will not bear the hate. Su Nuan, a natural and lovely girl.

   "Then I'll go first." Wu Di carried his satchel with a few books on his back and walked out of the dormitory. This is not her home.

   Zhang Dongxue saw Wu Di's simple student bag, and she felt an inexplicable sense of superiority in her heart. She finally found a place stronger than Wu Di.

However, in Zhang Dongxue’s mind, he was very envious of Wu Di’s previous smash hits, but as time went on, network celebrity Wu Di gradually fell silent, allowing Zhang Dongxue secretly scolded Wu Di’s missed opportunity. If she could get angry, she would never be so indifferent and stupid like Wu Di!

In fact, Zhang Dongxue only knows the agitation caused by the first few photos of Wu Di, and does not know how Wu Di performed at the party later, because the scum-quality video did not become popular, and probably only Nie Xinyu had seen the ultra-clear. Video.

   "Wait for me, Dimiao, it's okay in my dormitory, shall we go to the classroom together?" Su Nuan followed.

   Zhang Dongxue suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, always felt that Su Nuan was just hitting her in the face and pretending to be naive and ignorant.

   Zhang Dongxue's magnanimity is just pretending to be magnanimous. She has some small scheming, in fact, she bears grudges.


In the classroom of the first grade (1) class, many students have come to the classroom. Some are from the same junior high school. Even if they are not in the same class, they naturally have a kind of intimacy. How can everyone be admitted to this intensive class? They are all influential figures in their respective schools, and they will give each other some face.

The tall and sturdy Wang Heng is sitting in the last row. He and Wu Di are good friends. This time he was able to enter the intensive class of foreign language high school, which is considered to be a super long performance. You can see that his student number is 48, and there are only 50 people in total. .

  However, Wang Heng is quite fortunate. It is a pity that his friend Wu Di was unable to enter this class due to an accident, which made him quite disappointed. In fact, he was looking forward to the mingling with Wu Di.

At this time, Wang Hengzheng chatted with a boy very happily. This boy is called Liang Liang, with a student number of 50. It is really a little luck to be able to enter this intensive class. The main reason is that he is really bad in science, but he is very good in liberal arts, especially It's Chinese. His composition for the high school entrance examination scored full marks and was included in the selection of the high school entrance examination full marks composition.

In fact, Liang Liang’s composition was able to get full marks. Obviously it was a fluke. His style is very sharp, which can be said to be a scourge. This time the composition for the high school entrance examination, he was full of heart and directly wrote a satirical novel. The result happened to fit that person The appetite of the scoring teacher gave him full marks.

Naturally, Wu Di can’t bet full marks on Chinese essays. In order to ensure a high score, she must be sure to seek stability. She wrote a fairly modest essay on the surname, and was deducted two points, probably because the scoring teacher felt that the student’s literary talent , The writing is very good, but the intention is slightly mediocre and popular.

After Liang Liang got acquainted with Wang Heng, he said nonchalantly: "Are you at the same school as Wu Di?"

  Wang Heng thought he was saying "Wu Di", so he nodded and said: "Yes, I have a good relationship with him!"

   Liang Liang heard it, and couldn't help being surprised: "That's right, she was the top pick in the senior high school entrance examination this time. You used to be in the same class as her?"

  Wang Heng heard that it was another Wu Di, scratching his head, and embarrassed: "It turned out to be that'Wu Di', I'm not familiar with her, but she is the best student in our experimental junior high school."

  Liang Liang’s handsome and gentle face flashed with admiration: “I actually don’t care about the results of the high school entrance examination, but I have also read some reports about her in the newspaper. This is indeed a girl with both talents and good looks.”

  Wang Heng nodded and smiled: "Why, do you want to chase her?"

Liang Liang was stunned. He couldn't help but recall what he had seen in the newspaper. Wu Di sat on a chair, raised his chin slightly, and said the domineering look of Kyogen, with an eager smile on his face. , But said: "I just admire her talent very much. To tell you, I am also crazy, especially confident in my articles, but I found that there is a girl who seems more unfathomable. …Of course I am interested in her."

When Wang Heng saw Liang Liang's appearance, he couldn't help but think of Wu Di's importance to that girl. He shook his head slightly and said, "Don't be too confident. The Wu Di in our school is an untouchable tall flower. Lingzhihua..."

   "This was what I expected..." Liang Liang suddenly stopped talking.

Because at this time, Wu Di and Su Nuan stepped into the classroom. Even though Wu Di’s dress was very plain, no different from most girls, it was the first time Liang Liang saw this girl who "has a long history of friendship". At that time, I just feel that time is frozen here.

   is obviously just the profile of the girl, why is it as beautiful as a painting at this moment?

  My muse.


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