Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 163: Leisure time (first more)

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  Su Nuan took advantage of the situation and put her head on Wu Di’s thigh, facing the blue sky like this, she felt that her whole person had become lazy...well, she was a very lazy person.

  The sky was so blue that it opened up the whole person's mind.

Looking at the sky, her gaze gradually shifted to Wu Di. Looking at Wu Di from below, she still felt that Wu Di was too perfect. The skin on the girl’s neck looked so white and smooth, which made people want to lighten it. Stroking.

  At this time, Wu Di has loosened the ponytail, and his long hair like a waterfall dangled casually. The breeze was blowing, and the hair was light, exuding a fascinating fragrance.

  However, Su Nuan still felt that the smell on the girl's body made her feel particularly good. At this moment, Wu Di already took a chocolate bean and put it in Su Nuan's mouth.

The naughty Su Nuan directly sucked on Wu Di’s index finger and wrapped it around the index finger with the tip of his tongue. Wu Di looked at Su Nuan’s innocent and lovely cheeks, and only felt that when she sucked her own fingers, Wu Di had a kind of Unspeakable sense of evil...

  "It's so happy! Dimiao's feeding and play..." Su Nuan showed a silly smile on her face.

  Wu Di really wanted to enlarge her mouth directly and pour the whole bag of chocolate beans into her mouth, but she did not do so, but still fed Su Nuan gently, and took a binoculars to enjoy the hot sports meeting.

  She saw a familiar boy who was playing the 400-meter race. It seemed that this boy was writing a blackboard with her, right? I didn’t expect to run very fast...

No matter where Su Nuan cares about the Games at this time, she only knows that she is very happy now. In her eyes, this flute is just like the "sister-in-law" character in the comics, which makes her involuntarily want to be affected by the other party. Pampered, and now, obviously she is enjoying the gentleness of her sister.

  Su Nuan did a deadly thing, she couldn’t help comparing herself with Wu Di...

  Let’s compare her appearance first. Su Nuan has always felt that she is not pretty, but she is still very cute and cute. Then compare with Dimiao...there is nothing.

  Su Nuan feels that Wu Di looks very beautiful and dignified, and his temperament is very elegant, but he smiles very warmly and very healing.

  Let’s compare the results...Forget it, don’t compare, it is simply the gap between heaven and earth.

In fact, Su Nuan has improved in this monthly exam. There are 26 students in the class. Of course, there is Wu Di's factor. She never wants face, and can always ask Wu Di questions naturally, and Wu Di is also very good. Answer to her patiently.

  In this process, Su Nuan's performance has certainly improved.

What can    compare to? Family background? Su Nuan didn't feel this at all, but her instinct told her that it was absolutely extraordinary for a family to be able to cultivate a character like Wu Di's "Famous Lady" in the comics.

  So family background is still not to be compared...

  Su Nuan looked around, only to find that it seems that he can beat the other party, only comic drawing skills?

  Su Nuan once showed Wu Di’s own q version of the flute to enjoy. Wu Di’s eyes lit up at the time and couldn’t help saying "so cute", which really made Su Nuan happy for a long time.

  Although Su Nuan is a relatively stout and natural girl, she will certainly feel a kind of pressure after staying with Wu Di for a long time. Obviously, this is caused by Wu Di's perfection.

  Imagine, who is totally willing to be the foil for the other party without reservation? Being with the perfect girl, it is almost necessary to be conscious of being ignored by the public, because whenever you walk side by side with her, almost everyone's eyes will be on her, this feeling...

Therefore, although Xia Weiwei has a good relationship with Wu Di, she also subconsciously avoids double enthusiasm with Wu Di. In fact, few women of the same level become best friends. It is like the rule that the king of the dude circle does not see the king, and the same status is in a high position. People, if they are mixed together, who do the helpers who surround them dominate?

   Although Zhang Dongxue is very popular among boys, it is not so popular among girls. The smile she faces may have a jealous face under the mask.

  Her best friend Zhou Qi was basically brought in by her financial resources. The other person looks ordinary, which is just to set off her beauty, but she still does not have a true close friend.

  However, Zhang Dongxue is also a tough girl. She knows that the source of her happiness is not in women, but in the pursuit of men. After all, this world is a world of men. She will conquer the world by conquering men.

After Su Nuan found that Wu Di liked her comics very much, she often drew comics for Wu Di to see. The little game that they often played between the two was that Wu Di wrote a plot of text, and Su Nuan used this plot in comics. After drawing, gradually, the two of them cooperate seamlessly...

  But Su Nuan actually has a little secret. Would she say that she recently became obsessed with the work of a Chinese illustrator named "Langtaosha" on the P station?

Although Su Nuan’s cute style of painting does have love, he can’t draw that kind of majestic comics. On the contrary, it’s very easy to draw those four-frame comics with the smiles of bloggers. However, Su Nuan, as a comics lover, is naturally yearning. The kind of higher-level comics.

In her opinion, the exquisite and beautiful painting style of Teacher Langtaosha is undoubtedly the kingly way of the king. The layout is not only large in detail but also very exquisite. This kind of painting style is actually very suitable for painting the large-scale interstellar war. Su Nuan felt like he was about to ignite with mechas and battleships.

That’s right, although Su Nuan is also very homely, she is not a rotten girl who loves bl, on the contrary, she is a fan of the pseudo army. She especially likes all kinds of warships, mechas, and then the pilots. She has always wanted to try it. Draw those, but the robots she drew always feel like they are cute...Sure enough, is she actually suitable for the role of drawing a mistress?

  It’s just that Teacher Langtaosha hasn’t uploaded any new paintings for a long time, and I don’t know if she knows that she has such a fan who has been following her paintings all the time?

   A pack of chocolate beans was quickly eaten by Su Nuan, Su Nuan yawned, stretched out, and judo: "Flute, I will sleep for a while..."

"Well, go to sleep, soft." Wu Di stroked her soft chestnut hair with a soft smile on the corners of her mouth. This soft, she is simply a lazy pig, but she is really warm all the time. With Wu Di.

  Wu Di couldn’t help squeezing her bun’s face, then picked up the binoculars, turned her head, and looked at the basketball court on the other side of the stand. Only then did she remember that it seemed that the class basketball league was about to start. (To be continued.)

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