Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 215: Ushering in the finale (fifth in 960 months

In the new issue of "Qing Boom Festival", because of "Five Centimeters Per Second", the sales volume has increased sharply, and it has exceeded 7 million copies. The total sales once again surpassed "Time Fragments" and returned to youth literature. The top magazine sales! This is only the third issue!

  Tianjingsha finally truly became a pivotal figure in the youth literary world in one fell swoop, because everyone knows that without her "Five Centimeters Per Second", there would be no "Youth Rite" today!

  Qian Siliang had already calmly accepted this fact when he learned of the Jin and the news. In fact, he had made an agreement with Su Manwen privately before. .

If he has idol writers under his banner and has the strength recognized by Su Manwen, he can naturally go to "The Ritual of Youth" for "gold plating". The favor with this Su Manwen editor-in-chief has greatly increased.

"Youth Rite" and "Shards of Time" have reached a strategic partnership in private. At that time, the relationship between the two will surface in the finals of the New Thinking Literary Star, and there will be a real power idol. The writer (Wu Di), can open a column and publish articles in the two largest youth literary magazines in the industry!

  Qian Siliang can even imagine that when the two are combined, other youth magazines, especially the stunned expression of "Flower Season", and the benefits he can reap this time are absolutely immeasurable!

However, this audition is a very long process. It will be possible to compete for the top 36 at the beginning of the next semester. Of course, some of them are set by default, such as randomly handing in an exam. Wu Di of the used garbage argumentation...

  How do you say that Wu Di is the "Tianjingsha" of a book in the youth circle. She still cares about a newcomer tryout? She was qualified to be a judge, but considering that it seemed to be the time when the separate book was released after the end of "Five Centimeters Per Second", she decisively refused to be a judge, always feeling that she would be hunted down as soon as she showed up.

  Well, this is indeed an exaggeration. She just feels that if her identity is really exposed, it is estimated that with Tianjingsha's popularity in the youth circle, her peaceful life will be gone forever.

  Time moved forward quickly, Wu Di naturally performed normally in the final exam, which means that she completely dominated the first place in the whole semester!

The winter vacation is finally here. After Wu Di finished writing "Five Centimeters Per Second", he finally began to adapt the "Slam Dunk" comics, turning it into an inspirational youth novel full of positive energy. Hua Xia, and it will contain a trilogy. After she finishes the first part this time, it will be published directly.

  At this time, the "Five Centimeters Per Second" of "The Festival of Youth" has finally been serialized to the last issue, and the finale is coming...

  Countless readers have long been looking forward to it. In fact, most of them still hold the illusory vision of Yihe.

There are already a small number of readers who have already noticed something wrong, but even so, I think that the man and woman once fell in love with each other and warmed each other for three years. Those sweet and warm pictures are under the strong control of Tianjingsha's words. , Still whirling in my mind.

The sweetest part is a thirteen-year-old boy who traveled thousands of miles to meet the girl by train, so romantically kissing... I don’t know how many readers, after reading it at the time, he was refreshed and full of a yearning for love. , It is so warm, it is so great, it can give a teenager so much motivation!

  This is true love!

  Pure true love!

  What a beautiful love, what a pair of childhood sweethearts...

  So, should we be together?

  Tian Jingsha, would you not be so cruel?

  You are the best writer who is good at healing people's hearts, warrior of love, kneel for you, please let them be together....

As mentioned earlier, this "Five Centimeters Per Second" is written in three parts and three perspectives. The first part "Sakura Transcript" is from the perspective of the male protagonist Gu Yuan, and the second part "Astronaut" is the female No. 2 who has a crush on the male protagonist Gu Yuan. Tian Miao's stage is exactly the world has this era background. The third part "Five Centimeters Per Second" is the end of this final serialization, which is described from the most objective third angle.

Readers’ evaluation of the first two parts is of course the best written in the first part, which completely writes out the purest love between teenagers and girls. This is a difficult long-distance relationship. It is very, very pure and beautiful. The beautiful illustrations of kisses are still the desktops of many people's computers or mobile phones, as if they represent true love and eternal love.

  However, the second part of the second female number Tian Miao's secret love for Gu Yuan has naturally attracted many people to talk about it. This part of the psychological description of the girl Tian Miao is very brilliant and exquisite to make people sigh.

  Many senior readers who love traditional literature feel that this second part instantly improves the style of reading the article!

  This is simply a textbook-like psychological description! It is worth learning from many authors!

  The scene where Tian Miao always hides behind the wall and secretly pays attention to the male lead and waits for the male lead to return home. It is really unforgettable...

Of course, there are also some sentences with a super curtain of sky-clean sand, such as "The huge tower of smoke obscures the setting sun and divides the sky into two worlds of light and shadow. The light and the tower extend endlessly, vibrating the sky over the distant sky. Atmospheric particles, the roaring sound reverberates in the atmosphere for a long time, just like the screams made when the sky is torn apart", still intoxicating many "gravels".

  And this part obviously made more people recognize the gossip, Tianjingsha, who is an outstanding traditional writer!

  Because Tian Miao, the female number two, also wrote very well, so she also has many supporters. After all, who has never had a crush?

It’s a pity, as written in the text: "Why are you always so gentle to me. Why do you appear in my world. Why do I like you so much. Why, why. Under the setting sun, the gleaming asphalt road is on me. Extend your feet. Please, Gu Yuan, please.

  I couldn’t stand it anymore, tears slipped from my eyes. I wiped the tears with my hands, but the tears still couldn't stop falling..." We looked up at the same sky, but looked at different places. I also realized that Gu Yuan was not looking at me. Gu Yuan was very gentle and always I walked gently by my side, but always looked in front of me, looking at a more distant direction. Now I, like a superpower, knows that Gu Yuan’s hope must have not been realized. It is also clear I know, we can't always be together in Jiangxi."

"Yesterday and tomorrow, my world is by no means the same. From tomorrow on, I will live in a world different from before. Even so—even so, I think. In the room where the lights are off, I get into the bed, Looking at the water and moonlight spilling in the room in the dark. The tears overflowing again seeped into the moonlight. The tears kept gushing out, and I began to sob quietly. With the tears gushing out from Ben, I couldn't help it anymore and wept loudly. .

Even so.

  Even so, I will still like Gu Yuan tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and in the future. I really fell in love with him hopelessly. Gu Yuan, Gu Yuan, I like you.

  I thought of Gu Yuan, and fell asleep in tears. "

  Gu Yuan and Tian Miao did not come together in the end, because Gu Yuan still had her in his heart.

The ending of the second part obviously earned a lot of readers’ tears and made people feel what is called "youth pain", which is basically an essential element of youth literary novels, so many readers said, "It's a piece of cake." "But so", "I have a strong bearing capacity."

After all, Tian Miao is no more than the second female lead. In this and "Pure Love." In the novel, it is destined to be cannon fodder. Readers with a heart of stone even think that Tian Miao's appearance is to test the relationship between the male lead and the female lead. Of loyal love.

Obviously, Gu Yuan has withstood the test. In his heart, only Su Chopsticks is the only one in his heart, just like the 13-year-old male protagonist has gone through so many twists and turns, and finally met and kissed the female protagonist. They will eventually enter into marriage together. The palace...

  This is the expectation of most readers. They believe that Teacher Tian Jingsha will satisfy them.

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