Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 274: Unanimously praised

  Yao Qiong was shocked when she saw this poem!

  Although he is not good at poetry, his favorite poems are also biased towards ancient poems, but this does not prevent him from appreciating the level of poetry. This "Generation" is very good! It seems to have indeed written the characteristics of young people in the last years of that dynasty-looking for light in the dark.

Just when Yao Qiong was shocked, another judge next to him reacted even more strongly, and saw that the poet whose pen name is "South Island" directly took the case and said excitedly: "Okay! This poem is too good." All right!"

  Many media reporters saw that South Island was so excited, and they didn’t know what had happened. They intuitively told them that this time, Wu Di was afraid that he had written a very classic poem!

  Who is the South Island? Formerly known as Zhao Zhenkai, a contemporary Chinese poet, one of the representatives of obscure poetry, he has twice won the "Qingshan Poetry Award", one of the three major Chinese literature awards, has won the Chen Ke Literature Award, and has been nominated for the Lucian Literature Award many times. . Currently teaching at Zhongdu University. He has successively won the Swedish PEN Literature Award, the Free Writing Award of the PEN Center of Western America, the Guggenheim Scholarship, etc., and was selected as a lifetime honorary academician of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

  He published collections of poems: "A Strange Beach", "Anthology of Poems from South Island", "At the End of the World", "Midnight Singer", "A Landscape Above Zero", "Unlocking". Other works include: the novella "The Wave" and its English translation, "The Returning Stranger", "The Blue House", the collection of essays "The Book of Failure", the collection of essays "Blue Light", and the collection of essays "The Gate of the City". Austronesian works have been translated into more than twenty languages ​​and published.

  He is one of the most influential Chinese poets in the Chinese poetry world today, and one of the most internationally recognized Chinese poets!

  And now, this very famous Chinese poet has risen to the scene and shouted hello!

  What kind of poem did Wu Di write that actually touched this big Chinese poet so much?

The poet Wang Xiaoni, who is also a judge, actually made friends with Zhu Ni Ni’s father. This time Zhu Ni Ni and Wu Di’s duel, she wanted to help Zhu Ni Ni secretly, but now seeing this poem by Wu Di, it is unexpected After she touched Nan Dao, the poet of the Misty School, she knew that this time, Zhu Xia Ni was determined to lose!

  Even though she wanted to favor Zhu Ni Ni in her heart, in front of Wu Di’s poem, there were all clouds!

  So, what is so good about this song "A Generation"?

  It is brand new in terms of aesthetic principles.

It avoids the direct expression of emotions and abandons the actual narrative of the scene. It does not deliberately construct a complete artistic conception. It only uses images and metaphors to highlight a pair of unusual "black eyes" on a thick black background (a generation of people). A symbol of awakening), in front of the eyes, it seems that a beam of white light can be seen from the gap of the dark clouds.

  The whole poem is like a three-dimensional print.

  "Dark night" and "bright" form a sharp contrast between dark and bright colors. "Black eyes" are deformed images that permeate a strong sense of color.

This kind of artistic performance triggers the imagination of readers, so that suffocating era appeared on the screen of imagination, the young generation who twisted and grew up at the end of the decadent dynasty, burst out of the potential buried in the heart. Indomitable spirit... This is a statue of a whole "generation".

  "Dark Night—Eyes—Light" A simple image group constitutes an open space-time—the unique social scene and human psychological structure at a historical turning point. Infinite is expressed in finiteness, and profoundness is contained in simplicity. This is the peculiar law of poetry. While the forerunners of the new poetry trend are looking for the return of human surnames, they are also looking for the return of poetry to the ontology.

  This little poem embodies a style of modern beauty. It breaks the traditional harmonious composition, creates a shocking artistic effect with a combination of unharmonious images, and forces people to reflect on history.

  Because of the high level of Nandao's poetry, he can see the connotation of this poem at a glance, so he is very excited. He feels that Wu Di is a real genius!

  This poem is enough for her to shake the poetry world!

  Being able to write such a perfect hazy poem in such a short period of time, with a flash of inspiration, he couldn't help but think of the immortal chapters in history that were created by genius poets and passed down to this day!

The genre of poetry is different from essays. Genius poets often write chapters that will last forever in a flash of inspiration or even drunkenness, while most good essays need to be revised again and again before they can become classics... …

The rest of the judges, although not able to quickly taste the connotation of this poem like the South Island, but read "The dark night gave me black eyes, but I use it to find the light", they felt particularly catchy. Special smell!

  It seems that this kind of reading is endless, and I feel that I understand a little bit of connotation, and I feel that the poetry in the cloud is the real obscure poetry!

  In this era when archaic poetry is gradually disappearing and modern poetry is also slowly disappearing, it is the luck of the entire poetry circle to have such a good poem appearing!

  Why do so many outstanding Chinese poets choose to commit suicide in the contemporary era?

  First of all, in today's poetry world, there is an unhealthy trend-death, especially suicide, has become the peak or "limit rush" of poets' poetic activities in the eyes of some people, and has become a means of poetry deification.

  There is even a view that "a poet who does not commit suicide is not a good poet", and after a poet commits suicide, his works are often known to the world...

In the first two decades, when the misty poetry emerged, poetry became popular all over the country. At that time, poets were admired, admired, admired, and sought after. Poets were very arrogant and arrogant. There was never any one. A poet was damaged.

  But with the decline of this genre of poetry, many poets have a great psychological gap, and they feel incomprehensible distress and depression, and many outstanding poets have embarked on a road of no return.

  Some newcomers in the poetry world nowadays have long lost the level of the previous poets. Just looking at Zhu Ni Ni, who are touted as "little genius poets", you know what the status of the poetry world is now...

  But at this time, Wu Di turned out to be born with this very short "A Generation"!

  When many people dislike her, and even think she abstained, she used such a classic obscure poem to tell everyone that her talent in poetry is beyond doubt!

Wu Di’s opponent, Zhu Ni Ni, was completely stunned. He saw that great poets like "South Island" were so touched by Wu Di’s poem. Seeing so many judges enthusiastically discussing the poem, he really found it difficult. Believe that he cannot accept this fact! (To be continued.)

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