Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 293: Public opinion reversal

Wei Bo's movements are very fast. It was originally because Wu Di was Tianjingsha, which made Wu Di's negative news less credible. After all, Wu Di is Tianjingsha and possesses such a strong strength. , Is it necessary to do anything in the dark?

He seized on this point, washed the floor for Wu Di, bragged about it, and then the anti-fake fighter Feng Gou followed suit, activating the skill "out of context", and began to beat Wu Di's original "black material" fake, saying that it passed. Science has identified that this material was deliberately forged to frame Wu Di...

  The development of drama surnames like this is nothing short of ridicule. .

  After that, the person who framed Wu Di was of course caught out immediately. It was Zhu Youke, Zhu Xia, and his son!

So, a massive crusade against these two began. First, someone turned out the old accounts and step by step to debunk how the "little genius poet" was hyped, and what poetry award he won, the organizer was actually "Oriental Weekend"!

  And Zhu Youke’s attack on the education system was even more seized. A post that turned out so sharply commented——

"Zhu Xia Ni, from the age of 10 to 13, has been selected for many national poetry anthologies, and won the National Youth Poetry Competition sponsored by your father’s unit for two consecutive years. All came out to praise and cheer, do you want to tell me that your capital besides your own abilities is 0?"

"A clearer and understandable explanation is that when your parents were practicing their literati ideals and aspirations, they found that their fantasies of castles in the sky were blown and bruised in the face of reality, and you unfortunately became what they used to Tools of resistance, frankly speaking, the education you have received since childhood is a failure, because they have given you noble beliefs and promises, but in reality they use their social relationships to constantly uplift you, uplift you, and let you Get the honor and attention that doesn't match you, and the little poets of the same age can't get."

"So they once again picked up the skillful public opinion tools in their hands, pushed you to the front, made you a knife to criticize this decadent education system, and made you the focus of public opinion, because your father should be very clear that there is a female middle school student in Zhongdu. Since being portrayed as a model to resist the unfair phenomenon of non-local students’ education, he has enjoyed various benefits. He hopes that you will get more benefits when you become a symbol of resisting the education system. Of course, at the same time promoting you are them. The top priority."

   "It is conceivable that if Zhu Youke was not the editor of Southern Weekend, but the director of local education, what kind of path would he pave for Zhu Xia? If he was the director of local industry and commerce, what kind of path would he pave."

"This is where I despise some literati and well-known people the most. What they are opposed to is not the system at all. What they are opposed to is why I am not in power. They have been doing the same disgusting things as they opposed, just because they still They don’t have enough power, so they have to amplify the power of speech they control and exchange it for real power that can exercise their privileges."

  This post on Zhu Youke and his son was full of critical surnames, and it was almost circulated all over the network, directly making the reputation of the two people bad, and Wu Di was framed by such a person, which naturally made countless people indignation!

  Be aware that after the mysterious Tianjingsha was confirmed to be Wu Di, the gravel of the entire Tianjingsha bar became mad!

  The previous post that voted on Tian Jingsha’s identity was topped up again. It was a naked face slap!

  Say yes, how about rich ladies? How come you have become the most beautiful schoolmaster, writing a masterpiece like "Five Centimeters Per Second" at a young age, so awesome, you can still get it when you grow up?

Some people still have difficulty adapting to this heavy news, and even shouted "Tianjingsha is Tianjingsha, and will always be the goddess in my heart, and she is not the female student Wu Di." This person has always believed that Sister Queen is his true love, loli, girls, etc., are all evil!

Others questioned Wu Di’s experience. It is impossible to write a novel with profound connotations like "Five Centimeters Per Second". However, Wu Di or Tian Jingsha’s "Masterpiece on the Tip of the Tongue" published in "Harvest" was not accepted. I used it to respond to those who questioned Wu Di's experience. Although they are young, they read too many books. Reading can naturally increase their experience!

  Furthermore, Wu Di is a genius. Where can geniuses be guessed by ordinary people?

  Famous writer Yuan Longchuan said that geniuses are only one step away from us, but this step is equivalent to the kind of hyper-mathematics of "one hundred miles and half ninety." .

  Since it was Tian Jingsha who won the New Humanities Award, and it was Wu Di who went up to receive the award, the authoritative organization of the award has fully proved that Wu Di is Tian Jingsha!

There are only a small number of people who can’t accept that Tian Jingsha is Wu Di. In fact, most of Wu Di’s diehard fans and Tian Jingsha’s grit are happy to hear about it, and even after a hindsight, they proudly say, He has studied Tian Jingsha's writing style very well. When he saw those proses by Wu Di, he had already noticed Tian Jingsha's true identity, but he didn't bother to say it.

Wu Di’s diehard fans, some of them didn’t know Tian Jingsha before, but of course they do now, so they didn’t say anything and went straight to buy all the works of Tian Jingsha. The more expensive, the more popular they are. Some people are still buying the collector's edition of "Five Centimeters Per Second" on the black market. This is a powerful fan economy!

  Buy Tian Jingsha's work, not for the work itself, but because of Wu Di!

  This is also the core idea of ​​Qian Siliang's "Idolization of Writers". Anyway, for some people who don't like literature, how books are the second place, but as long as they are written by Wu Di, they have to buy it!

As a result, "Five Centimeters Per Second" and Tian Jingsha’s pocket books ushered in a new round of skyrocketing sales. Wu Di’s income went up again, and his royalty income made those peers jealous. There are even some brick artists who are very poor in the traditional literary world called beasts. They have to prepare to write some articles to criticize this fanatical fan economy...

  However, the quality of Wu Di’s own works is still very good. When those fans accidentally picked up and read, they read it all in one go, and they still didn’t know enough about it, and even looked forward to Wu Di’s new book.

  No matter what, the combination of Wu Di and Tian Jingsha will have an effect beyond everyone's imagination!

  At this time, Wu Di finally opened her blog and Weibo, and the number of followers exceeded tens of millions a week!

  However, Wu Di’s Weibo was managed by her huge image management team. This is obviously Nie Xinyu’s handwriting. She would say that Qian Siliang’s packaging plan for Wu Di was so admired by her? (To be continued.)

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