In comparison, Huaxia pays more attention to the development of the military field. Although the academic atmosphere of the top universities is also good, it is naturally inferior to the foreign academy cities composed of schools.

  Before Wu Di went to America, he wanted to be humane to her de jure brother, but it was a pity that the other party did not give her this opportunity, and he locked himself in the door of the room.

  With a little regret, Wu Di boarded the plane. The original trace of affection in his heart has been replaced by the desire for knowledge.

  The invincibility of Wu Di is that she is hardly fettered by feelings.

  Because of ruthlessness, so powerful.

  Wu Di looked at the plane flying to a foreign country in the sky with an indifferent expression on his face. In fact, he was the closest to the girl's surname, but he was only distorted by the mirrored love.

  Thank you for your last tenderness, he said in his heart.

  Wu Di turned around and boarded the plane to Europe. With an inexplicable tragic mood, he felt as if he had done a terrific thing—he finally broke free.

  I don’t want women anymore, none of them!

  He had a cold face and put his hands on his chest, but his sister’s smiles seemed to keep circling in his mind, and he even faintly regretted it. Why did he throw the phone directly on the impulse?

When Wu Di arrived in the United States, someone came to pick her up. This made her feel like Harry Potter went to Hogwarts. She always felt that this academy city was great, even if it could not be like "Magic [ ***] There are some capable people in the Catalogue, but there must be something special about it.

  If this academy city is really so interesting, then she must write about her exchange student experience in the United States this academic year.

When Wu Di actually entered this academy city, which is known to be 30 years ahead of the outside world in science and technology, she felt quite disappointed, because she felt that the academy city did not have any sense of science fiction in terms of architecture, but more like ordinary. City.

It’s just that this huge city with students as the main body and various scientists, experts, educators, etc. as sub-parts, is very quiet, without any noise, because this city completely uses new energy, not a single one. Petroleum car.

  Entering this city is like entering a huge campus, because it is full of a campus atmosphere.

  Wu Di had to sigh. The Catherine who started from scratch and established the Ark Consortium in a short period of time is really amazing. This kind of grand pattern appeared on a woman, which is simply looking up.

  Wu Di believes that she absolutely cannot do this, because her attention is always on herself, and she now takes the pursuit of pure knowledge as her first goal.

Wu Di came to her dormitory building. This is a very luxurious double room. The exterior building does not have a sense of how many years ahead of technology, but as soon as she enters the room, she feels very different because of any electrical appliances. All are intelligently controlled.

  She got a so-called "personal terminal", which can also be called "optical brain", which made her feel super powerful and dazzled her. The thick manual also shocked her a little.

  She suddenly had real expectations for this academy city, because she really felt the charm of (black) technology.

At this moment, Wu Di’s roommate arrived. She saw two black-robed bodyguards open the door first, which surprised her secretly, because according to the rules of the school city, except for the scientific research personnel, teachers, guards and students , No bodyguards are allowed to come in unless they have a special permit, which can only be obtained by the real big shots.

  It seems that my roommate from a foreign country is truly extraordinary...I hope it will not be too difficult to get along with, Wu Di is slightly worried.

  However, when he saw the girl, Wu Di couldn't help being stunned. This is undoubtedly a super beautiful girl!

  This beautiful girl has long beautiful golden brown hair. From the looks of it, she seems to be a mixed race, **like milk**, and her pupils are shining with a charming emerald color.

  The girl is full of feminine temperament, with a friendly smile on her face, which can hardly arouse any disgust.

Wu Di introduced herself to each other directly in very authentic English. She was still a little nervous, because the temperament of this girl was the same as that of a real royal princess, noble, elegant, and ladylike. She even felt that some parts of herself were different from each other. This girl is alike, out of intuition.

  As a result, the girl said: "Are you from Huaxia? This English is really good."

  This is the same authentic Chinese.

Wu Di was a little dazed, but the other party blinked mischievously and looked very cute. She only heard her introduce herself in proficient Chinese: "My name is Angela Christina Albert Mason, Wu Di classmate, you can directly Call me'Angela', I guess you must be wondering why I can speak Chinese so well. The first is because Chinese is a compulsory course for Americans since childhood, and the second is that I have one-eighth. My grandmother is of Chinese descent, and I personally like Huaxia very much."

  Wu Di is a little embarrassed, she really doesn’t know that in this world of America, the status of Chinese is so high.

   "It's nice to meet you, classmate Angela." Wu Di said with a smile, showing her ladylike demeanor.

Angela is actually a girl with a pretty good surname. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a perfect angel. She has six kingdoms and a prominent family. Her mother is an English nobleman, and her grandfather belongs to the English royal family. Her childhood sweetheart is English. Prince William of the United States, and her grandfather, is at the helm of one of the ten largest consortia in the United States.

  Therefore, you can also know why Angela was able to bring bodyguards in.

  But Wu Di never expected that Angela's reputation in the United States was so great!

  Secondly, when she and Angela took an electric bus to Ark Middle School, there were many students on the bus to ask Angela for autographs!

  Hollywood’s "Miss Genius" and "Miss Am" are endless, and Wu Di, who is known as the "Genius and Beautiful Girl Writer" in China, was the first time he suffered a cold reception in a foreign country.

  But Wu Di didn’t take it to heart. She didn’t have any reputation in the United States. What she is curious about now is, what exactly is Angela’s identity...

  She directly searched for Angela's information on her personal terminal, and then she realized that Angela is indeed a genius!

Angela starred in the script she wrote when she was in the fifth grade of elementary school, and then anonymously released a few eps, including a pure music played with an instrument, which was very popular and won the Grammy Best Newcomer and Best Instrumental Music. The performance award finally revealed his identity.

After   , Angela’s first album "Light" became the nation’s annual sales champion... (to be continued.)

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