Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 405: Wu Di in my eyes (2)

  Since Wu Di came back from the United States, whether it is in print media or online, all parties have faced her public opinion at a disadvantage, and I have often seen negative news about her online.

  In this regard, I actually feel very disagreeable, because as Wu Di’s tablemate, I can naturally observe Wu Di up close.

  If you look at the public opinion alone, perhaps people who don’t know Wu Di will think that this girl has been completely ruined, and will no longer be the "most beautiful school tyrant" who exuded positive energy back then.

But in my eyes, she is still so serious and pious when dealing with her study. Perhaps the biggest change she has made is that she has not cared about the kind of assessment methods that are meaningless to her, such as answering questions in class, such as ……take an exam.

You can never imagine that I was shocked after seeing Wu Diyue's exam papers. Everyone thought that Wu Di could no longer take the exam, but I discovered an amazing fact-she was able to control her exams accurately. Fraction! She was able to control the score of each subject to be the same as the average score of the last exam!

  Do you know how she corrected her "wrong" papers? Just use a few arrows to exchange the answers above-her answer is completely correct, but she deliberately filled in the wrong question.

   I mustered up a lot of courage, and couldn’t help asking her: “Obviously you can get a perfect score, why do you do this?”

Wu Di just pursed her mouth and smiled, tilted her head, and the beautiful black hair flowed along with it, and she blinked her eyes cutely: "Isn't this fun? I'm just playing with the exam. I think of most students. The exams that I value and even fear can only become my loyal dog and plaything. I feel very happy."

  While she turned the pen very accustomed to her surname, she said this kind of words that made people like me feel very depressed and aggrieved... People are better than people, it's really annoying!

  I have been hit by my test scores and got into the bad habit of skipping classes, but in the eyes of the other party, I am a faithful dog playing at will!

Ok. What I must admit is that I discovered that Wu Di is actually a flesh-and-blood girl. Her surname is usually very gentle and easy-going. For example, when I tried to ask her to correct the mistakes in the monthly examination paper, she agreed without hesitation. Otherwise, I will not be able to discover the truth under her "depravity", and sometimes I forget to take notes during class. She would never refuse to borrow notes from her.

  But now I discovered the evil in her bones!

  I think that those students who were very happy and superior because of her "degenerate" would surely vomit blood if they knew that she treated the exam like this?

  For some reason, I am looking forward to this kind of thing, especially those who “abandon” Wu Di. People who turned to Fan Zhang Dongxue.

  Zhang Dongxue is also very famous in our school, and she has a lot of auras on her body. She is still becoming popular now, as if she is going to replace Wu Di.

  I don’t know much about this schoolgirl-level beauty. Although she is also perfect, I always feel that she is a little bit behind Wu Di.

  When my idea just came up. Sure enough, a new hot spot appeared on the network, which instantly overshadowed Zhang Dongxue's demeanor...

  The person who caused this hot spot is of course my deskmate Wu Di.

  Because she is a little familiar with Wu Di now, and how she looks like a girl who is very gentle on the surface but very funny in her bones, I almost forgot, she is still the true genius and beautiful girl writer of China!

  And my favorite youth inspirational novel "Slam Dunk" was also written by her. If she is a boy, I must ask her why she stopped abruptly in the novel "gao chao" deliberately. It's simply torture!

  Besides, there is no quasi-credit in "Slam Dunk 2" until now. I feel like I have fallen into a deep pit.

I refrained from the urge to ask Wu Di about her work. For some reason, I always felt that once I asked such a question, I would naturally remind myself that she was a truly talented writer, and if I added “genius writer” to her "The words of this halo. I don't even have the qualifications to talk to her. I would rather she be a gentle but slightly naughty beautiful girl.

  I also probably paid attention to this matter on the Internet. It turned out that Wu Di’s new set of settings, in which several poems written by characters caused shock...

  Unfortunately, I have no interest in any ancient poems. Naturally, they are not quite sure of their true value.

  It wasn't until a young artist in my dormitory yelled "Song of wine, life geometry" all day that I suddenly realized that it seemed that a real Three Kingdoms craze was about to be swept!

I have to say that most people have a herd mentality. This young artist roommate of mine has bought a complete set of "Three Kingdoms", and before going to bed, he often started discussing the characters of the Three Kingdoms with my other roommates. .

  Under such circumstances, people like me who are not interested in any studies or history can't help but borrow this set of episodes from him to watch.

It’s a pity that I still can’t enter, but I have to admit that the history Wu Di set out of thin air is really grand and terrifying. You know, my young artist roommate is a typical setting control and a passion. A super reasonable party who picks up bugs, but after watching "The Three Kingdoms" over and over again, with a fanatical look on his face, he said: "It's too real, and there is no trace of contradiction at all!"

"Excluding those words and poems, in terms of big framework and small details, no mistakes can be found at all. Is this history that really happened? I'm sure this is enough to make the "Three Kingdoms" a fake and true "Three Kingdoms". Historians are crazy!"

  I saw him so excited, and my admiration for Wu Di grew spontaneously, but now I really haven’t realized the greatness of her super-grand overhead history.

  I know that Wu Di will still write good-looking novels based on this setting. I am looking forward to novels that are more in line with my appetite. If novels interest me, then I will definitely go to learn about "Three Kingdoms".

  In any case, what I am more happy about now is that because of this "Three Kingdoms", public opinion has obviously begun to change. I always feel that criticizing Wu Di in all aspects before is too harsh.

  Wu Di is a girl of flesh and blood, and should not be fixed on the word "perfect".


  Second change, ask for recommended ticket, monthly ticket~~~! ! !

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