The Chinese morning reading class has begun. Liu Yufang, the head teacher of Class 3, has arrived in the classroom. She is in a good mood today. Before assigning the morning reading task, she spent a few minutes smiling and interacting with the classmates. Nothing. The demeanor of "the first of the four famous arrests".

However, when she assigned the task of morning reading, her smile had subsided, and she said it in her characteristic loud voice, which was to memorize the fourth and fifth paragraphs of Zhu Ziqing's "Moonlight in the Lotus Pond" until the Chinese class was in class. , Will call people to stand up and recite, and if you can’t recite, you will have to copy it three times...

  With a nostalgic mentality, Wu Di opened the Chinese compulsory two textbook, the Soviet education version, with a light brown cover, and there was a picture of an ancient copper plate on it.

She turned to "Lotus Pond Moonlight", and saw that the beginning of the fourth paragraph was "Above the twists and turns of the lotus pond, the leaves of the fields are visible. The leaves are high in water, like the skirts of a dancer in a pavilion..." ,

I have to admit that this classic essay by Zhu Ziqing is really an unforgettable memory in my student days.

In fact, in the dictation of about eight to ten tenths of the college entrance examination in Jiangnan Province, there will be no modern writing. Therefore, the part that is required to be recited in this "Lotus Pond Moonlight" is obviously Liu Yufang himself asked the students to recite. Cultivate the sense of language and experience the charm of beautiful essays.

  Wu Di just browsed at will, too lazy to recite, and then started to flip through the Chinese textbook casually, reading these texts that made her both familiar and unfamiliar.

  Compared with Zhu Ziqing's "Moonlight in the Lotus Pond" in this topic, and the latter's Yu Guangzhong's "Listen to the Cold Rain", and Wang Zengqi's "Mr. Jin Yuelin", she actually likes "Mr. Jin Yuelin" the most.

Because when reading this text, she did not feel as boring as the previous two articles. This is a very simple and moving article. It does not have the beautiful and varied style of the first two articles. After reading, he became fuller of Jin Yuelin's image, even if Wang Zengqi finally said, "I know very little about Mr. Jin. I hope people who know Mr. Jin can write about Mr. Jin well."

  Wu Di’s understanding of Jin Yuelin is largely due to Lin Huiyin. This talented woman in the Republic of China can actually be regarded as a "winner in life" among women. Her husband is Liang Qichao’s son Liang Sicheng, a well-known son and an architect; Xu Zhimo, a talented poet who is crazy about her, wants to divorce his wife because of her, and finally attends her lecture and the plane crashes; Jin Yuelin has even more It was for her not to marry all his life, and he still missed her after Lin Huiyin's death.

  For Lin Huiyin's ease of dealing with all kinds of men, as long as it is a woman, he should be slightly amazed. However, women in the same era as her may be more depressed. It is rumored that Bing Xin's "Our Wife's Living Room" is used to satirize Lin Huiyin's extreme narcissism. Both of them are obviously talented girls or friends, but they often break X wars. ...

  I didn’t know when it started later, and there was also a wave of Black Forest Huiyin on the Internet, thinking that she was the person who carried forward the role of "green tea bitch". "I am Lin Huiyin, I speak for the green tea bitch" for a while became a ridicule of her.

  In fact, regardless of Lin Huiyin's emotional experience that makes women envious and hateful. Her literary talent may be only mediocre, but her architectural attainments are still worthy of admiration, and she can fully deserve the title of "Republic of China Talented Woman".

   "Why don't you recite "The Moonlight in the Lotus Pond". What should I do if the Chinese class is drawn?" Wang Qi at the same table saw Wu Di idly flipping through the Chinese textbook and did not read aloud. Can't help but ask.

Wu Di’s right hand is holding her cheeks, her head is sideways, and the left hand is turning over the Chinese textbook. The morning light spills on her side face, embellishing her beautiful features like dreams, making many young boys feel uncomfortable. Stopped peeking, heartbroken.

  At this moment, she still admired Lin Huiyin for playing with the wrists between various men and applauding, and felt that the other party was really a role model for talented women.

  So Wu Di heard what Wang Qi said. But still maintaining this leisurely posture, she responded very calmly: "Anyway, I don't take the college entrance examination. Why should I bother to memorize it? Wouldn't it be too stupid to know that I would recite if I didn't take the exam."

When Wang Qi saw Wu Di's reply, she didn't even bother to look at her, but she felt very uncomfortable in her heart. As a girl who had been at the same table with Wu Di for a semester, she was completely living in the "shadow" caused by Wu Di's unconsciousness. middle……

First of all, her appearance is very ordinary. With her next to Wu Di, it is just a proper set off for the green leaves of the safflower; secondly, her family background is at least middle-class, and the price of a piece of clothing on her body is around 1,000 yuan. Other girls, but Wu Di's clothes are all of the top luxury brands. Who can understand the pain of "being born with goodness"?

  Wang Qi is rather high-spirited. She is a girl who is not afraid of competition and pursues progress. You can see that she keeps the top ten in the intensive class.

In any case, in terms of study, she is the most superior thing when facing Wu Di, and it is also her spiritual pillar. She suppresses her dissatisfaction, keeps a calm tone, stands on a commanding height, and speaks earnestly. Said: "Regardless of whether the college entrance examination is taken or not, this is a kind of accumulation. Since Teacher Liu asked us to recite, that naturally has her reason. Don't you like to write, recite Zhu Ziqing's essays, that is very helpful. "

When Wu Di heard this, she disagreed. Moreover, her writing level had already become superb. In the parallel world before, she was already obsessed with "student tyrants" and "literati". In this world, whether it is academic performance or writing career, she will only let the flow go, and will not deliberately pursue it.

  It can be said that Wu Di nowadays has a very indifferent mentality, even reaching the point of detachment. It should be "Wu Di" who really needs to work hard.

Seeing Wu Di still doing her own way, she simply ignored her. Wang Qi bit her lip and was really depressed. She really wanted to slap her table severely and vent her dissatisfaction. Said to Wu Di in his tone: "You must call me stupid in your heart, call me nosy, but I am doing good for you!"

Wu Di heard that she was emotionally abnormal, and finally recovered from the thoughts of Lin Huiyin, a talented female idol. He looked at this tablemate in surprise, with an innocent look, but did not know how to respond to each other. She and Wang Qi were a little bit. Not familiar, in the memory of Wu Di, there is no deep impression of this girl.

  As a face control, a layman in the Appearance Association, Wang Qi's appearance obviously cannot make Wu Di feel like Xia Weiwei and Su Nuan.

   "I'm sorry." Wu Di could only say this indifferently, and then continued to wander away leisurely.

  On the other hand, Wu Di, who is taking English morning reading class, is memorizing vocabulary seriously and down-to-earth... (to be continued~^~)

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