Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Vol 3 Chapter 26: Learning style

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But then again, this can be regarded as human nature. For a beautiful girl like Missy, no matter what her identity, she is enough to make most men eager to move on that day, and there are always some hypocritical guys. , What he said was completely contrary to what he thought in his heart. This surnamed Ma is clearly this kind of person, Su Wuchen thought disdainfully in his heart.

As for the dialogue between Ma Linshan and Zhang Yunfei, Su Wuchen also disagrees at all. Perhaps most of the students in the class thought that the eldest had completely abandoned the test, but the future facts proved that this was clearly the eldest’s behavior. The beginning of the rise of Xueshen.

  What is learning God?

  Naturally, it is one level higher than Xueba. The latter has to work hard and study hard to get good grades, while the former doesn’t even need hard work, and any test is a high score.

  Ke, how did Su Wuchen know that while the eldest lady was having tea and reading a magazine, the student Wu Di from Class 4 who made him even more uncomfortable was reviewing diligently.

  The avatar Wu Di is working hard, and the ontology Wu Di naturally sit back and relax. The first subject is science, such as mathematics, which is justified by Wu Di's solution.

  The math test has finally arrived. The atmosphere in the test room where Wu Di is located is not tense, after all, it is not a big test in the true sense.

Liu Moru walked into the examination room with her pencil case with complete tools, feeling a little worried, just because mathematics is not her strong point after all, almost every time the last two big questions make her feel like sitting on pins and needles, sometimes even because of the front Too much time-consuming basic and mid-range questions, which made it too late to complete the test paper.

And this time, the bottom-testing test also hit her weakness-she did not focus on studying at all during the winter vacation. Not only did the temporary cuddling not relieve her, but it made her feel that there are many loopholes, and even make up for the loss of the sheep. it is too late.

   is sitting in her seat. When she was nervous and faintly urinated, she knew that this state was not good for her. After all, I just went to the bathroom before, so it is impossible to go to the bathroom so quickly.

She can only take a deep breath to relieve this state. In fact, she also hates her own small questions. Although this test is related to the placement of the second year of high school, it will certainly not account for the following monthly exams, mid-term exams, and final exams. She had to be more open-minded in the exam.

  Unfortunately, Liu Moru knew that Gui knew, but it was extremely difficult to do it. She is the kind of typical little girl who cares about details very much, is not big-minded, and has a slight perfect obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  At this time, she randomly looked around the examination room and found that there were also a few students in her class in the randomly assigned examination room. She immediately saw that Wu Di was in an examination room with her, diagonally in front of her. Two people separated.

  I have to admit that no matter where the eldest is, she is the center of the crowd. It's as bright as the moon in the night, compared with it. She can only be regarded as a firefly in the night...

What made her speechless was that Wu Di actually only brought a black pen, an automatic pen, and a multi-function ruler, and then compare his pencil case with compasses, correction fluid, transparent glue, etc. , She just felt that this guy didn't seem to have come to take an exam. It was like on a cruel battlefield, where the former wore fashion clothes for a leisurely walk, and she wore a single-armor suit like a big enemy.

  Is it okay to be so self-willed?

  She rolled her eyes, and forcibly suppressed the envy, jealousy and hatred in her heart, hey. It would be great if she had the capital to not study seriously and not take exams seriously.

  I thought that no matter what, I would definitely be able to beat Wu Di in this exam. Her nervousness eased a little, and she had a little psychological comfort. She felt that she would like to thank Wu Di for this.

   However, after thinking about it again, Liu Moru couldn't help but feel a little surprised-this idea of ​​her is too strange, Wu Di deserves to be her opponent in terms of academic performance?

  Wu Di’s outstanding performance in class these days, including the magnificent and artistic English dictation, appeared in her mind. Her expression was a bit ugly.

  Classroom performance belongs to classroom performance, and test results belong to test results. She never believes that Wu Di can achieve good results with such a sly attitude! She can only keep saying this to herself in her heart.

  The invigilator hasn’t come to the examination room yet, so the examination room is still a bit noisy. She heard the boys from the other two classes chatting to each other——

   "Hey, look, is that the legendary eldest daughter of our school? Actually fortunate enough to be in an examination room with her, I am blessed!"

  "I’ve heard of her name a long time ago, but this time I saw a real person for the first time. This skin is too white, so tender that I can pinch out water... It’s a pity that it’s still cold and I can’t see her figure."

  "You guy is really an old pervert! I admire her temperament more, don’t you understand her temperament? Look at other people’s dressing and dressing, a few blocks away from the girls in our class!"

   "Otherwise why call her the eldest lady, people have been nurtured since childhood! And don't call me an old pervert, the so-called slaughter lady, gentlemen are so good, Confucius said that food **** is also!"


   Liu Moru curled his lips, only to feel that too many men in this world are so vulgar, and they don’t know how to see the essence through the phenomenon.

  Anyway, that guy just got a good baby!

  The nervous state of mind was replaced by indignation. However, Liu Moru's fighting spirit was radiated, which made her perform extremely long in this math test.

  On the other hand, Wu Di seemed to know the answer to the test paper in advance. He just wrote on the test paper without typing any drafts. The handwriting was neat and there were no errors or omissions.

  The invigilator is a math teacher in an ordinary class. She is not interested in Wu Di herself, but she was taken aback by her problem-solving style-is the filling in the blanks actually done entirely by mental arithmetic?

  She doesn’t have to write drafts at all?

  The most important thing is that her answer is completely correct!

  The invigilator found that this beautiful girl did not even pause in the middle, and solved all the questions at a uniform speed, as if she knew the answer in advance!

  Wu Di's writing also made the invigilator amazed in his heart, he is really like his words!

The exam was over quickly. When handing in the papers, Liu Moru had obvious joy on her face. She felt very good about herself, and then she inadvertently found Wu Di's blank draft paper. She only felt sure in her heart-- Sure enough, Wu Di didn't care about the bottom test at all.

  It is ridiculous that I actually had the idea of ​​treating Wu Di as an opponent in academic performance before, which is really inexplicable.

  Wu Di, just be her worthless eldest lady, don't think about what to do in the exam results...Liu Moru thought so. (A great event for pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~ Click/Official Account (WeChat add friend-add official account-enter qdread), participate now! Everyone has a prize, now follow qdread immediately WeChat public account!) (to be continued~^~)

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