Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Vol 3 Chapter 35: Don't say this kind of thing

One of the two meanings of    refers to a woman's own hobbies, or a trait, and the other is the pleasure that a creature like a woman brings to a man, and her enjoyment value.

Its genre is not so much a novel as it is an essay, supplemented by a plot, mainly ridicule and humorous and satirical discussion-from the perspective of "I", observe various types of girls, and then use very humorous sentences to make comments. The praise has criticism, all kinds of joy, old and hot writing, catching people's attention.

  A total of five or six thousand words, but you can read it all at once, very smoothly, with a lot of smiles.

To say that the plot is also very simple, that is, the "I" in the youth rebellious period moved the thoughts of puppies, and was going to chase girls to play puppies. Before that, many goals were determined and then observed. A total of three girls , Every girl is described vividly, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, and the so-called fun of subtitles, mainly funny and evil.

  I have to say that when Wu Di describes female characters, he can get into the woods. The reason is naturally that he can understand women more deeply through Wu Di. This is like Wu Di's handwriting when writing male characters, which is more in line with male characteristics.

  The article is an open end, but some subtle foreshadowings can allow readers to figure out whether the protagonist has chased the girl, whether he can bear the evil taste of the girl, and which girl she chose in the end.

  These foreshadowings are obviously used to seduce readers to read this article over and over again. In fact, if this kind of short story is well written, it will naturally make people have the desire to read it many times.

The weather is getting warmer, and the afternoon sun always feels lazy. In a quiet campus and an unmanned classroom, Wu Di is reading this "Women’s Taste" by Wu Di. She is sitting in her seat, and Wu Di is with She sat opposite each other, unscrupulously admiring the most beautiful scenery in his eyes.

Speaking of which, when Wu Di saw the title of this article, she couldn't help but speculate with the greatest malice whether Wu Di would write a small H article to tease her. She has always known that his attitude towards literature is extremely casual. . Far from loving it as much as she does.

  But after reading the first paragraph, she couldn't help laughing. This is actually an argumentative text, or a ridicule. The object of the ridicule is the class teacher who is strictly forbidden to fall in love at the class meeting. Part of the reason why the protagonist "I" was born to chase the girl is due to this rigid Class teacher.

  The humorous words ridiculed the head teacher in a ridiculous way. It is not acrimonious, but it makes people feel refreshing. The exam-oriented education was hacked smoothly, which is in line with Wu Di's identity as a 16 or 7-year-old rebellious young man with a body.

And when people really grow up and mature, they will find that the so-called quality education later is undoubtedly more biased towards the powerful, with greater operational space, and the powerful children also have more resources to learn other so-called music, fine arts, etc. Comprehensive quality, so in the end, exam-oriented education is more fair...

  Wu Di read this article in one breath with a smile, and then read it three times before she raised her head. With two big cute eyes open, he looked at the opposite man with satisfaction, and praised without hesitation: "It really is me. Whether it is a man or a woman, he can write a good article."

  Wu Di smiled gently. Touching the girl’s head, the silky and smooth black long hair makes people love it, everything is in the air. Touching the girl so close, he sincerely feels a kind of heartwarming home, her existence, It is so warm and completely dispels loneliness.

  The girl with a single ponytail narrowed her eyes slightly, enjoying Wu Di's touch. It's like a soft cat, and then she said in a faint tone: "I say it. The three women in your article are prototypes, right?"

Wu Di's hand stiffened slightly. He pondered for a moment, and then nodded, "Is it the woman I have raided, you know, every time I conquer a world, there will be a big harem with girls with various attributes, just right. The material used for writing pleases you..."

Wu Di tugged at the corner of his mouth, slapped his hand away, and angrily said, "You speak so well. It's clear that there will always be only a man in my heart, but you are just opening the harem. What about Zhang Jingzhi, he's almost getting on with you again, right? The gossip has spread to our class..."

Wu Di looked at the girl who seemed jealous, and the corners of her mouth twitched. Then she suddenly raised her jaw and chuckled, "I'm not too jealous, but you can make this gesture based on your face. It’s still very enjoyable. It’s just me as a man. After all, it’s because of your sexual orientation as a woman. Don’t think I don’t know. You enjoy the process of me attacking girls, because you can use my body anytime. Experience it all."

"Maybe one day, you and I will sleep together with a large group of beautiful women and have sex. You must be eager for this kind of stimulation? Then you can transfer me to your perfect female body. , And then use my male body to occupy her fiercely, using various postures... No need to argue, you are such a self-willed person, indulging in enjoyment, the ontology, you, the perfect girl in disguise, is so perverted."

Wu Di grabbed his index finger, scratched the palm of his hand, smacked his mouth, smiled charmingly, and said, "Why do you tell such pleasant things? Pass it to me directly through your soul, you are such a bad man! Hey, it seems that I can only say that, no matter how many women you have, you must have me in your heart. Also, I must be the one you are marrying. Old lady, lord of the harem!"

"This kind of destined thing does not need to be said, but sometimes when I want to attack beautiful women, I need your help. After all, your existence can arouse the desire for competition of some beautiful women, and your existence also increases my charm value. Way." Wu Di said.

"If you say this to other girls who like you, the way they respond to you must be a fierce slap. It is too much to ask girls to help when opening the harem!" Wu Di pretended to be fierce! Spicy appearance, but it has a different style.

Wu Di lightly scratched the tip of her nose, and said, "As you are, you can actually stop me from attacking girls at any time, but you have always enjoyed it and watched those girls become prey in my mouth. ."

"Oh, don't say this kind of thing with your mouth. Just keep it in your heart. You know that I know it. It's really annoying to have a clone that understands your heart... You should learn to be more interesting and show Please please me with true love for me, sir! Don’t always get out of the scene, you have to play the role I let you play, it’s fun!” (to be continued~^~)

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