Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Vol 3 Chapter 49: never heard of that

  Ning Qingnuo certainly didn't get anything wrong. She had long believed that Zhang Jingzhi and Wu Di had a close relationship, otherwise she would not have contacted Wu Di through Zhang Jingzhi.

  As a arrogant and talented woman, she doesn't want others to misunderstand anything, and she will not go to rare boys with a reputation and a master.

   On the surface, she was completely dismissive of the so-called love between men and women, and believed that this was the style of a talented woman.

Of course, deep in Ning Qingnuo’s heart, there is still a bit of desire and fantasy. She longs for a confidant who can understand her and appreciate her, take the initiative to understand her deeply, and then be conquered by her inner beauty, and then infatuated with her. , Um, this confidant should naturally be a gifted person from a well-known family, which can be compared to Xu Zhimo's fascination with Lin Huiyin.

  Ning Qingnuo thinks that she is such a person who can't live without compromise. Unlike some girls of the same age, when she sees others in love, she follows this trend and finds a man at will.

  She will never do it.

  Therefore, she is often moved by her pure persistence, and she is often sad about it, and regrets her talent because no one appreciates her.

  In such a state, it seems that even the feelings of hurting the spring and sad autumn are more profound.

  From her body, we can see how the "leftover fighters" came into being.

Ning Qingnuo still feels a little nervous about the boy who is about to meet, not because of the other's reputation, but because she is not good at communicating with strangers. She has completely devoted her time to communicate with others into writing. NS.

  If she wasn't really curious about Wu Di's article through the preliminary round this time, she would not have the idea of ​​meeting each other. After all, this was something she hadn't done in her first year of high school.

If possible, she also hopes to publish Wu Di's preliminary contest article together with hers in the school newspaper, so that all students can see what a real new concept composition is, and it can definitely get rid of those uniform college entrance examination compositions. !

  Ning Qingnuo saw Wu Di calmly like this. Originally, she was still imagining whether she would encounter any accidents. She always felt that when she met him, the plot should be more ups and downs. It turns out that she thinks too much.

  The time was probably before the evening self-study class. The classrooms in Class 4 of the first grade were very noisy. There are also many people in the seats. They may be sweating in the basketball court or playground, or reading miscellaneous books in the dormitory. They have to press the bell to enter the classroom, as if this is not a loss.

  Wu Di, who is known as a "sporty beautiful boy", did not go to the basketball court. He just sat quietly in his seat and did not chat with others. On the contrary, the pen is not affixed, and what is being written.

  Ning Qingnuo's heart moved, could he be writing an article?

  She saves others by herself, and feels that since Wu Di has the current achievements in literature, she must have spent a lot of work in her daily life.

But when she came to Wu Di's side expectantly, only to find that the other party was actually doing a math lecture, she was slightly disappointed, feeling that a "talent" like Wu Di was going to do such "common things" as the math lecture. , Very inconsistent with the way he was in her fantasy.

  She also thought of Wu Dina's ability to maintain the top ten outstanding grades in the school. She was suddenly depressed, probably she thought she and him were similar people, but now she suddenly realized. The two are very different.

  This inexplicably low mood made her see Wu Di's handsome appearance. She didn't touch too much, and she was not a member of the appearance association, and even some extreme beliefs that the better the people, the less able to temper their souls, and they will be superficial in all aspects.

  Because there are always more people in this world who pay attention to appearance, you can see the more and more prosperous plastic surgery industry, and once there are more people, there will be group stupidity.

  Why girls who look more beautiful rarely do anything academically? It's not because most of them are lost in the compliments of the superficial generation. Then they will become superficial.

  This is Ning Qingnuo’s consistent view, as for girls like Wu Di and Zhang Jingzhi. In her opinion, it is only a rare exception.

   "Hello, this is Ning Qingnuo." She said bluntly.

Wu Di raised his head and was confused. In fact, he had a dual purpose just now. While solving boring homework like doing elementary school math problems, he was dealing with company affairs. This comprehensive company framework has come out. According to the information revealed by the rebirth, a certain game called "Plants vs. Zombies" will also be launched soon, so you can earn a lot of money if you want to.

In addition to games, the company’s current flagship is actually an anti-virus software called "Tianwei", with Wu Di’s technical support, and its functions far exceed all current anti-virus software. Together with the promotion of administrative power, it quickly occupied the market. It is conceivable that in the future, as long as there is a computer, there will be "Tianwei".

  Then this "Tianwei" will be like Tencent's QQ, using the stickiness of the user group to promote other types of software, and the effect is absolutely outstanding.

   "Hello, I am glad to meet you. May I ask what you are looking for?" Wu Di responded gently, but naturally his eyes were placed on Zhang Jingzhi next to her, with a sense of exploration.

   "Wu Di, you didn't even know who Ning Qingnuo was before, did you?" Zhang Jingzhi said helplessly.

  Wu Di took a closer look at Ning Qingnuo's appearance. As a member of a shallow appearance association, he believed that he would never know such an ordinary-looking girl, and there is no need to know it.

   But he still said politely: "Sorry, my message is not very well-informed."

"She is a recognized talented woman in our school. Like you, she passed the preliminary round this time. She came this time to communicate with you." Zhang Jingzhi explained in detail, not paying attention to Wu Di and Ning Qingnuo. Express satisfaction.

Ning Qingnuo seemed calm on the surface, but in her heart she felt that she was underestimated. Her self-esteem was very strong, probably because she had become accustomed to hearing the name "Ning Qingnuo" and subconsciously called "talented woman" in admiration. So it was very uncomfortable to meet a guy like Wu Di who didn't know Taishan.

  She didn’t know that Wu Di was the person who had the least cold to creatures like "talented women", unless the beauty was the main body, and the talented girl was the attribute, just like a certain lady. Moreover, after seeing the talent of a certain young lady, other so-called talented women could no longer catch him.

  In order to win the respect of the other party, Ning Qingnuo will next give him a good idea in the process of communicating with Wu Di, so that he can feel what is called heaven and earth. (To be continued~^~)

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