Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Vol 3 Chapter 72: Should be kneeling in reality (two more)

   "It's amazing, is this the master painter who came to contribute to our magazine?" When Zhang Man was reading the manuscript seriously, a pleasant female voice rang in her ears, but it was Yue Ling, the leader of Zhang Man's editing group 3.

   "Sister Ling..."

Yue Ling looked like a senior editor. A married lady in her thirties, after reading the manuscript by Zhang Man, she couldn't help but take it over and read it in person, and then exclaimed, "This painter is too good. No, it’s no worse than some senior manga artists, and the style of painting is also completely suitable for our girl manga. You can call her directly and let her know, sign off such a potential author and train it again. You will definitely become a first-line girl manga artist. ."

   "Uh...I will type right away, what about this manuscript?" Zhang Man asked.

   "According to rigid standards, our magazine will not adopt this manuscript..."

  Before Yue Ling finished speaking, Zhang Man couldn’t help but said: “This manuscript really cannot be regarded as a comic, but should be classified as a picture book, but...”

"Haha, Xiaoman, what are you worried about? Although the magazine has rigid standards, I still have flexible choices as the team leader. Although the plot of this comic is mediocre, it is this kind of extreme ordinaryness, which will make readers feel Novelty, it is estimated that no one would have expected this author to'kneel to the real' like this." Yue Ling said with some joy.

   "What does Sister Ling mean?"

"It's just a 25-page short story, so what if you just adopt it, not serial..." Yue Ling waved a big hand, expressing approval, and then urged Zhang Man to contact the author as soon as possible. Slipped away under his hand.

It is precisely because the two of them are very optimistic about Wu Di that they have this appointment. Zhang Man’s ultimate goal of meeting Wu Di is to tell Wu Di what should be considered the correct way of drawing comics. As for this time, she The submitted works can only be regarded as picture books.

   "Actually, I also know how to draw orthodox comics." Wu Di said, "but in order to make my ordinary story more novel, that's why I use this technique of drawing page by page."

  How to say Wu Di is also a person who has drawn a book, and of course he knows what the formal comics are.

   Zhang Man was speechless. However, she proposed to sign a contract with Wu Di. She said in a very deceptive tone: "As long as you become a contracted cartoonist under our magazine, you can get the opportunity to serialize, and then the contribution fee is very generous, even if it is animated in the future. possible……"

  Wu Di declined to say: "I'm sorry, I didn't have the idea of ​​serialization, and, do you think I am someone who lacks money?"

   Zhang Man looked at the sturdy man behind Wu Di again, only to feel frustrated. Xin said why such a worry-free eldest lady has such talent in comics? Doesn't every cartoonist aim to serialize in magazines, but this one...

Zhang Man watched Wu Di leave with disappointment. Although the other party promised that he would choose to vote for this magazine once there is a new girl manga, Zhang Man still feels very sorry and always feels that if this girl devotes her energy to comics In the field, no one will be her opponent.

It's a pity that this kind of thing can only be imagined. Zhang Man can't see in Wu Di that she wants to be famous and make money through comics. She draws comics for the purest reason, "I like it, so I drew it. Then I contributed it by the way. Take a look".

  And for a lady like this, obviously drawing comics is just one of her hobbies.

When Zhang Man told Yue Ling of this frustrating result, Yue Ling was also very surprised. I didn't expect there to be such a person in this world, and I can only regret that such a genius can't focus on the comics.

  When the new issue of "The King of Painting. Monthly Girl" appeared on the market. Su Wuchen knew from Missy that the comic she had drawn out of her sudden interest had been published. The editor also met with her and wanted to sign a contract with her and promised that she could publish serial works in the magazine, but she refused. .

  Su Wuchen bought this issue of the magazine, and when he saw Wu Di’s short works above, he naturally confirmed what the eldest lady said. In addition to sighing in his heart that the genius of the eldest lady is abnormal, what else can he say?

  Before, he didn't actually look at the works of Missy seriously. I watched it carefully again this time, and suddenly the whole person was abused. He found that this work by the eldest lady was deliberately torturing readers!

The plot can be directly summarized as: the male protagonist has a crush on the female protagonist, and the female protagonist has a secret crush on the male protagonist. They all secretly love the male protagonist secretly. They have done a lot of things that make readers smile after reading it. Someone finds their own shadow on it, and then naturally substitutes it into the story...

This makes the readers even more expectation that they can finally come together. As a result, the male protagonist finally did not pluck up the courage to hand out the note, and the female protagonist who was originally introverted and reserved, of course, would not take the initiative to confess, and then the two missed, no more At a point of intersection, they didn't even know that they were secretly in love with each other in the end.

The handling of the ending is undoubtedly even more frustrating, but many people feel that the miss in the front is to pave the way for the reunion later. The so-called "suppress before you want to rise". As for the reason for the reunion, naturally the two suddenly discovered the original Everyone likes each other...

What a pity never expected is that the eldest lady came to "kneel to the truth". The hero and the hero did not meet at all. It can only be said that it is a small probability that the truth will come to light and the truth will be revealed in the end. It's a secret love of unrequited love. If you really fell in love with each other but didn't reveal it in your student days, you might not have a chance in the future.

  So, if the cartoon of the eldest lady is changed into an online novel, it will definitely be sprayed to death by readers. Is it too cruel and awkward?

However, the female readers who bought this Shoujo Manga magazine will be inexplicably touched by it. In fact, the readers of Shoujo Manga still have a natural advantage in enduring the tragedy, and the eldest lady’s painting skills are really real. The characters of the male lead and the female lead are extremely pleasing. Every page without lines can be appreciated as a separate painting. She interprets what is called the ultimate beauty of painting!

It’s a pity that Su Wuchen is not a young girl reader with strong endurance. He is a rebirth nurtured from the cool texts of later generations. He is extremely disgusted with the "kneeling on the real" Wenqing style, and feels that the author is here. Say "readers, I am your uncle, I want to feed you shit, you have to eat, and you have to eat if you don't!"

  However, before he waited for him to condemn the eldest lady, it was too deceptive. A news made him feel melancholy—the eldest lady had transferred school because his father was promoted.

  Although this is in line with the future in his memory, he still feels very sad when things happen. In any case, the eldest is also a good friend he cares about. (To be continued~^~)

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