Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Vol 3 Chapter 140: Self-marriage is a paradox (self-marriage line ends outside)

  Wu Di felt more and more a strong threat from a monster with two big pincers staring at him, so he quickly used absolute power to clear all obstacles that prevented the lady from marrying herself.

   Therefore, the story of Wu Di and her avatar Wu Di in this world ended with the two of them living happily together with Zhongmei.

Perhaps this is the legendary super unfinished end, but because of a dead little expert, the next chapter is to write about the pure love of Qingshui Lily, which returns to the small and fresh style, so this evil self-marrying line is full of evil tastes and heavy flavors. , Just let it come to an abrupt end.

  As for why self-marriage is a false proposition after all, I will analyze it in detail next.

  Wu Di, who came to this world, is actually an extremely willful, stimulating, and returning to nature mortal in essence, so no matter what interesting things are, Wu Di will try.

  She used her male body to combine with her female body is what she finally did. Through personal experiments, she found that the pleasure produced by that way far exceeds the union between male Wu Di and other girls.

  On the surface, Wu Di’s self-marriage is considered a success, fulfilling her goal, satisfying her unattainable evil tastes, and fully embodies her extremely self-willed nature.

But this is not so much "self-marrying", it is "self-plugging", and even "self-plugging" is not even considered as "self-plugging", because the first time Wu Di and Wu Di were using her male clones to enjoy With his perfect body, and the consciousness of being a avatar for the eldest lady, she can only be forced to be a woman, being toyed with by the eldest, and unable to resist... Maybe this is "self-playing"?

Although becoming a woman and being raped is also a very sour thing, what you need to know is that Wu Di's consciousness is essentially something that Wu Di created to deceive herself. She is just using two of hers. Just play physically.

All of this cannot reflect the word "married" in "self-married". From this, it can be proved that even if a soul and two bodies are truly combined, the word "self-married" cannot be used. Described, and this truth was figured out by the author when he finished this extravaganza.

   Therefore, in front of Fanwai, a certain deadly expert vowed to say "This is the real self-marriage" is clearly a lie!

  But I have to admit that the highest state of deception is to deceive ourselves!

  Since a soul and two bodies cannot be regarded as true self-marrying, then the problem is, the excavator...wrong, how can it be regarded as true self-marrying?

  Is it going to cross into a parallel world to become a female body, and then find that there is still a male self, then fall in love with this male self, and finally come together?

This is a relatively normal marriage, and it also has a real emotional basis. It is not a person who fiddles with two bodies to play family games, but this is not a self-married because they are different after all. Two people, as time goes by, the difference will get bigger and bigger...

  In the end, they can only be regarded as marriages like ordinary people, not self-married.

  In summary, self-marriage does not exist in the true sense, it is a paradox, but this word can naturally appear in various novels as a stunt.

  Well, I’ll tell you all that I’m arguing for the unfinished end?

It’s a pity that I can’t write anymore. It’s like writing a runaway and crashing somewhere in the text. Although there are reasons why I don’t have an outline and can’t control myself, but I’ve been warned, restricted, and blocked over and over again, and it’s also the main reason for my confusion. Originally, I wanted Dizi to write a certain super masterpiece, but I was told that I would never write it. Otherwise, a certain mythical beast would directly invade the parallel world and destroy my protagonist humanely.

  Afterwards, I completely abandoned myself...

Here, I must tell my readers, whether it is because of disappointment and leaving, tirelessly hacking me, gloating in the book review area for fun, or still tolerating my willfulness and continuing to read my books, I Bow and apologize deeply to them!

  The next Lily side, is the real end of the book. I tried a variety of styles, and after being self-willed for so long, I will finish it with the original style.

  Speaking again, my main text is eunuch, self-married line unfinished, and lily line unfinished. A book can contain the three attributes of "eunuch, unfinished, and finished", which is really interesting!

  Hey, all the mistakes made when I was young! The next book will definitely learn a lesson!

  The last thing I want to say is that Wu Di, the super-obtrusive life winner and overbearing president Long Aotian, will no longer appear in Baihe Fanzhong!

  Wu Di is also the Wu Di who is still pursuing perfection, and he is unreasonably narcissistic in private...

  But Wu Di is not the protagonist, but the heroine.

  The real protagonist is also a cute girl. As for what kind of cute girl, please look forward to it. (~^~)

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