After the bombardment of Lingyun's lightning, the smoke and dust dissipated.

The sand giant that had just been summoned had been blown beyond recognition by the lightning.

His whole body was charred and smoking, and half of his body had been split off.

Everyone looked at the situation in front of them in great shock.

No one could say a word.

Because who would have thought that such a seemingly harmless little loli would have such great power.

She could actually summon such a terrifying thunder.

Isa looked at Lingyun floating in the air in front of her, and she didn't know what to say at this time.

This strength is definitely above S-level.

But you look like you are only in your teens.

This must be a child, and you already have S-level strength.

No one would believe this if you told others.

"Damn it! How can you be so strong!"

Isa now feels a little bit trapped.

"Here I come!"

At this time, Sack spoke up beside her.

"Can you?"

Isa glanced at the weak Sack beside her and said.

"She shouldn't die."

Sack said softly, and then limped forward.

"Okay, I'll cooperate with you to kill her this time."

At this time, the sand giant that had just been summoned turned into a handful of yellow sand and fell back into the desert.

"Are you surrendering now?"

Ling Yun looked at the two people who were not going to continue the attack and said in confusion.

And at this moment, another person who was next to Isa just now came over.

Ling Yun looked at Sack who was coming over.

A little confused, can this guy really fight?

It feels like he fell down after being touched.

Ling Yun was very confused, but through Chen Kexin's information, he knew that this guy was also an S+ mutant.

Since this is the case, he can't be underestimated.

The man walked to a distance of less than 10 meters from Ling Yun.

He suddenly stopped.

Then, the man took out a pistol from his waist.

"Does he want to defeat me with a pistol? Or is his skill related to the pistol?"

Ling Yun took defensive measures in the air and did not plan to attack first. He wanted to see what this guy's ability was.

But just when Ling Yun thought he was going to raise his pistol to attack him, he raised the pistol directly to his head.

"What is this for?!"

Seeing this, Ling Yun also exclaimed.

"Is he showing me a suicide trick because he knows he can't beat him?"

Ling Yun thought he was joking, but he didn't expect him to pull the trigger the next second.

Only a bang was heard.

The bullet shot out from the other side of the man's head.

The pistol also fell to the ground.

At this time, Ling Yun looked at Sack with a face full of question marks.

What is going on?

I thought he had some powerful abilities.

But I didn't expect him to perform such a scene.

Just when Ling Yun thought Sack was going to fall to the ground.

I saw his skinny body began to swell slowly.

In just a few seconds, the weak man just now turned into a muscular man.

The most important thing is that the bullet just now did not kill him directly.

This guy was hit in the head by a bullet, but he can survive?

Not only that, his body is constantly evolving in a good direction.

Now it seems that he is a completely different person from the man just now.

"Is this guy's ability self-harm?"

Ling Yun looked at the man in front of him and said in great surprise.

This is another ability that Ling Yun has never seen before.

And the wound on his head hit by the bullet is also slowly healing.

"This guy is really a pervert."

Suddenly he looked up at Ling Yun in the sky and showed a creepy smile.

Then he walked towards Ling Yun step by step.

Just strolling in the garden.

"This guy!"

Ling Yun raised his hand again and a purple lightning struck down from his head.

He did not have the slightest intention of dodging, and was directly bathed in the thunder.

"This guy... is he really not afraid?!"

After the thunder.

Sack was charred after being hit by the thunder.

His skin was burned instantly.

He looked like he was roasted.

Just when Ling Yun thought he could finish the fight.

Suddenly Sack opened his eyes.

His charred skin began to swell again, and the charred flesh began to grow again.

But this time, it took a lot longer than last time.

But in the end, Sack recovered again, and he grew bigger again.

"Is this guy really a masochist?! "

Ling Yun now completely understood what this guy's ability was.

By being hurt, his body evolved.

After being hurt again and again, the opponent had no way to defeat him.

This ability can be said to be an invincible god of war, and the more he fought, the stronger he became.

"Now I've met someone who's not easy to mess with..."

Ling Yun fell from the air to the ground.

If I continue to attack him, I might become even stronger.

And Sak, who became stronger again, still walked towards Ling Yun step by step.

"Can't I attack this guy? !"

Ling Yun looked at Sak in front of him and fell into thought.

At this time, Isa's two servants attacked again.

And this time they summoned not a sand giant, but a huge fist made of sand!

The two summoned at the same time, and the two fists greeted Ling Yun from the left and right.

Ling Yun looked at the two.

"Since we can't get rid of this person for the time being, let's get rid of you two first. "

Ling Yun found the right direction and decided to deal with the people on Isa's side first, and then deal with this masochist!

"You use sand, I use sand too!"

Ling Yun said with a slight smile.

Ling Yun grabbed a handful of sand from the ground.

The magic related to sand instantly came out of his mind.

"This looks good!"

Ling Yun quickly scanned and found a good magic.

Then he threw all the sand in his hand in front of him.

And the moment the sand fell to the ground.

Suddenly a giant hand broke through the desert.

Then jumped up.

A creature similar to the sand giant appeared in front of Ling Yun.

But this sand giant was a little different from the previous one.

He held a shield in his left hand and a scimitar in his right hand.

And all of this was made of sand.

The giant raised the shield in his hand with one hand to block the fist on the left, and swung the knife at the fist on the right with the other hand.

"This... How is it possible that she can do this trick? ! "

Isa looked at this scene and was stunned for a long time before she said it.

And the move used by the opponent was obviously much stronger than the one she used just now!

If the thunder just now is added, he has now demonstrated two completely different superpowers.

And both are beyond the power of S-level!

This... What kind of perversion is this!

It is already difficult for a person to master a superpower and refine it to S-level, but Ling Yun in front of him did it.

At this time, Isa already regretted what she had promised Norton just now.

Isa looked at Sack and now she could only rely on him.

"Fortunately, Sack is here. With this guy, we are undefeated. She dare not attack. "

Isa knew how disgusting Sack was. She had known him for a long time, but she was disgusted by his superpowers. The bigger he got, the stronger he became. And the attacks were like manna from heaven to him.

He didn't dodge at all, but just took it hard and continued to evolve.

Over the years, he went from being a bully to one of the most terrifying superpowers in the world.

Isa had never heard of anyone who could defeat him head-on.

Finally, Isa and Sack shook hands and made peace.

And acknowledged his status.

Isa once wanted to use her charm to take this man for her own use.

However, every time when she was about to succeed in charm.

Sack actually He raised his hand and shot himself in the head.

This also made Isa give up and reach an alliance agreement instead.

Isa looked at Sack and still believed in his strength. Even if she couldn't defeat Lingyun for a while, as long as she kept fighting, Sack would definitely win in the end.

Thinking of this, she felt very relieved.

The sand soldiers that Lingyun sent out were attacking the two psychics, and they could hold them back for a while.

Lingyun looked at Chen Kexin again. As long as they succeeded, he could get away at any time.

Then he looked at Sack, "This guy...what should I do...any attack has no effect on him. As long as he is hurt, his body will be strengthened again."

"Use super delay to hold him back?"

Lingyun thought about it. It seemed that he could only hold him back now. Since he couldn't hurt him, it should be possible to hold him back.

"You can try healing magic!"

Just when Lingyun was about to start the magic, Nako's voice suddenly came from his mind.

"Nako? !"

"You mean using healing magic? !"

"Yeah, this guy reminded me of some bad memories. I also encountered"There is someone who is somewhat similar to this guy. No attack can do anything to him."

"Only treatment!"

Naka said as she sat on the bed in the pure white space and watched the battle outside.


Ling Yun thought about it and it was true. Causing damage was a pleasure for him.

What if I treat him!?

Without further delay, Ling Yun immediately began to chant.

Ling Yun closed his eyes and clenched his hands in front of his chest.

In the next second, there were green spots of light surrounding Ling Yun.

The silver-white long hair behind him flew up.

Suddenly, Ling Yun opened his eyes.

The green spots of light around him flew quickly towards Sack.

And each of these spots of light point, which means a healing spell.

Isa felt happy when she saw Ling Yun attacking Sack again.

She thought she had already won.

Sack looked at the flying green light spot and thought it was Ling Yun's attack again.

He didn't dodge at all.

He walked straight up to him.

But the moment Sack touched the green light spot, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He looked at Ling Yun in disbelief.

Suddenly his body began to twitch violently.

Then he fell to the ground weakly.

"What is this impossible? What did this guy do?"

Isa looked at Sack who fell to the ground and thought she was seeing things, but after a few seconds.

She saw that Sack had indeed fallen to the ground and began to twitch constantly.

"Didn't you say that all attacks are useless to him?!"

Isa took a few steps back in disbelief.

"It really works! "

Ling Yun, who saw this scene, said excitedly.

"Thank you, Nako. It's not like you can't solve it anymore."

"It's okay. You still need to learn a lot. You are still very young!"

Nak nodded and said as he saw the effect.

After Ling Yun's treatment.

Sack, who was a muscular man just now, turned back to the skinny and weak Sack just now.

"Sure enough, for this guy, harm is treatment for him, and treatment is harm for him!"

Ling Yun saw Sack who had returned to his original state, and immediately tied him up with binding magic, and at the same time added a few healing magics to him to prevent him from continuing to transform.

At this time, Norton on the other side was quietly starting the car, ready to find the right time to step on the accelerator and rush out.

Just when Norton thought he could escape.

Suddenly, two fireballs flew towards the tires of his car.

The next second, the tires of the car were instantly scrapped.

"What! "

The fire of hope that Norton had just ignited was extinguished in an instant.

Just when he wanted to curse, he saw two people coming from the car in front.

After Norton saw who was coming clearly.

He was stunned.

It was Chen Kexin and Ying.

"Didn't those two people... stop them?"

Norton subconsciously stepped on the accelerator and wanted to go.

But now the wheels are only a skeleton and can't move at all.

And the motive here also attracted the attention of Isa and Sack's men who rushed over.

"We each take half?"

Chen Kexin took a look and asked Ying with a smile?


Ying drew out the long sword at her waist and stared at the dozens of enemies in front of her.

In the castle.

"It's a pity that these two pillars can't be taken away."

Elena said as she looked at the two pillars.

"William, remember this location, we will come back to get it later! "

Elena said as she looked at the two pillars.

Elena, who was about to leave, went back to the castle to look for anything worth taking away.

She went back to the room again.

"Miss, let's go quickly. The battle outside seems to be over soon."

William said to Elena.

"Forget it, taking a mirror is not a waste of time."

Elena nodded and prepared to leave.

Just as she was about to walk out the door.

Suddenly Elena noticed something.

She turned back and looked at the stone pillar.

"What is that?"

The top of the stone pillar suddenly began to 'bleed'.

The 'blood' flowed down the cracks of the stone pillar, flowing through each ferocious monster carved on it.

In less than a minute, the two stone pillars had been dyed blood red.

It looked very scary.

William and Elena were so shocked by the strange stone pillars in front of them that they couldn't speak.

"What's going on here? "

"William, did you move the stone pillars?"

"No, Miss."

William shook his head and said.

At this moment, the two stone pillars emitted a dark red light...

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