"I'm really sorry, Miss Ling Bai, these are the only food we have at home now."

At night, Wei's mother brought a plate of the best ingredients in the house to the table to entertain Ling Yun.

"It's okay, I smell it very fragrant, it should be delicious!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

Ling Yun looked at the food on the table in front of him, all of which were vegetarian dishes, and the only meat dish was the meat pie.

"Miss Ling Bai, please eat this meat pie, I just fried it and you have to eat it while it's hot!"

And Wei Ya's eyes were fixed on the only meat pie on the table.

It seemed that the saliva in her mouth would flow out in the next second.

Ling Yun also saw that Wei Ya also wanted to eat this meat pie.

I saw that Ling Yun picked up the knife and fork on the table.

Directly divided the meat pie into 4 portions.

"Let's eat together, it's boring to eat alone."

Wei Ya looked at Ling Yun in surprise, and then looked at her mother beside her.

"It's okay, eat it."

Ling Yun picked up a piece of meat pie and put it in his mouth.


"It's really good!" Ling Yun nodded and said.

Seeing that Ling Yun was very satisfied, Wei's mother also showed a relieved smile.

Then she looked at the children and nodded.

The remaining three pieces of meat pie were also divided by the three people.

Ling Yun ate this dinner with relish. Although there was only one piece of meat pie, the other vegetables were very suitable for Ling Yun's appetite.

It can be said that such ordinary food is made so delicious, which is not much worse than the restaurant on Earth.

"Ms. Ling Bai, I heard from Wei Ya that you are from the south."

"Yeah, yes!"

"Then Miss Ling Bai, have you decided where the next destination is?"

"Next destination?"

This question hit the heart of Lin Yun.

Since I came to this world, I have been looking for clues about my parents, but this world is so big, and it has been more than two years since my parents disappeared.

If we search blindly, it will undoubtedly be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Why don't we go to the capital of the empire first? There are some things I left there that should be useful."

At this time, Nako said in Lingyun's mind.

"I used to study at the Imperial Magic Academy, and I have some friends, some of whom are trustworthy, and maybe they can help!"

Naka said.

Lingyun thought about it and realized that there would be no clues if he searched in this place. He had to go to crowded places to find useful information.

So he thought about it and asked Wei's mother: "Madam, do you know the capital of the empire?"

Hearing Lingyun's words, the three of them were stunned for a moment, and then raised their heads as if to confirm what Lingyun said.

"Do you want to go to the capital of our Anstlo Kingdom?"

"The journey may be a bit far, because the town we are in can be said to be the border of the kingdom."

"And the capital of the kingdom is in the center of the entire continent."

"If you only rely on a carriage, it may take three months to go."

"Three months?"

Ling Yun felt bad when he heard the time.

"Then what other means of transportation do we have to get there faster?"

"This means of transportation... ordinary people can only use this kind of carriage, but I heard that there is a special teleportation magic circle inside the church that can move quickly."

"However, this kind of teleportation magic circle is not accessible to ordinary people. Only people inside the church can use it. However, I heard that some nobles will use money to buy the opportunity to teleport, but I don't know how much it is."

Wei Mu said.

"Is there a teleportation magic circle in the church?"

Suddenly Ling Yun thought about whether he could build such a magic circle, or the black hole he had used before? !

This way, he can reach the capital of the kingdom as quickly as possible.

But the next second, Nako's words broke Ling Yun's fantasy.

"It's unlikely because a long-distance magic teleportation like this requires a lot of magic cores for one teleportation."

"And the noise of building a magic teleportation array is too loud, which will definitely attract the attention of the kingdom."

"Then it seems that the only way now is to use money to buy the opportunity to teleport."

Ling Yun nodded, and then he thought of the city lord this morning.

Some useful information can be obtained from him.

Late at night, a black shadow broke into the city lord's room above the town.

The city lord in the room was holding a book and reading it seriously.

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, and he closed the book in his hand and put it on the table.

Then he turned aroundWhen he came, he saw a man in black standing in front of him.

Suddenly the man in black knelt on one knee, looking very respectful.

"Get up, tell us what useful information you have found."

"City Lord, we have not found anything. This guy seems to have appeared out of thin air. There is no information about her."

"And I have also investigated. It seems that no heir of such a young family in the Mage Empire can do it."

The man in black stood up and told Field his findings truthfully.

"Nothing can be found. Is there any news about her?"

Field was extremely surprised to hear the news.

"That means he is not from our Anstelo? Is he from outside?!"

Field immediately thought of the town he controlled and managed. It was located on the border of the fallen country, and other races often came to trade.

Moreover, the entire continent is not only inhabited by humans in the Kingdom of Anstelo.

Humans may live anywhere. It can only be said that the Kingdom of Anstelo is the largest gathering area of ​​humans on this continent.

"Such a young magician, this future is definitely limitless! And now he should not have any power background, we must win him over as soon as possible!"

After hearing the words of the man in black, Field immediately made up his mind.

Now the kingdom seems very calm on the surface, but under the calm lake water there are undercurrents.

Various forces are intricate.

If you want to go far in the kingdom, strength can only be ranked second.

And the first is to have your own power.

As a low-ranking noble, Field can only be an ordinary city lord in a small town here.

He has also thought about being promoted to a better place to serve.

However, he is 40 years old and is just a great magician.

In a country full of strong people, it can only be regarded as a lower-middle talent.

And his useless son has not even awakened his magic power.

Field thought that he would spend his whole life in this place where no one lives.

However, God will not let me go, I must seize this opportunity!

Climb up!

"Have you arranged the itinerary for tomorrow? I want to accompany you in person!"

To build a good relationship, you have to start with small things. You must maximize the favorability, so as to lay the foundation for future cooperation!

At this time, Field already had a complete set of "battle" plans in his mind.

Ling Yun must be taken down.

Can't miss this, it may be the only chance in this life!

"But there is one more thing, City Lord..."

"Huh? What's the matter?!"

"In the afternoon, the young master sent someone to collect the debt, and was beaten out."

The man in black said.

"This stinky boy is still a dog that can't change his bad habits. If I hadn't established a good relationship with the people in the church in advance, would his casino be so smooth?"

"This stinky boy didn't do much for the family, and he caused trouble for the family every day."

Field has now completely lost hope for his son.

If he wasn't his son, if something happened to him, his family would be extinct.

So Field turned a blind eye to what his son did.

He didn't expect him to achieve anything.

As long as he didn't cause too much trouble for himself, it would be fine.

However, the people his son sent out to collect the debts were beaten out by others. This was the first time he heard of it.

Field asked curiously: "Who did you say beat them out just now?"

The man in black obviously hesitated for a moment, but still said: "It was the Willy family..."

After the voice fell, there was silence in the room for a long time.

Field suppressed his anger and just said that as long as his son didn't cause any big trouble, he could do whatever he wanted, but now he slapped himself in the face, didn't he?

"Where is that kid now?!"

"The young master seems to be still in the casino..."

The man in black immediately felt Field's anger and said cautiously.

Fearing that it would affect him.

"Prepare the car to go to the casino!"


After saying that, the man in black nodded and immediately retreated.

At this moment, the lights in the other casino were on.

Gamblers from the town came to the underground casino one after another.

Looking forward to getting rich overnight tonight.

"Buy now!"



"The banker wins!"


The casino hidden underground is so large that it covers thousands of square meters.

And the profit earned every night isThe profit was even more than a thousand gold coins.

In the room above, Rice looked through the window at the crowded and noisy gamblers below and was not very happy.

Because he was still brooding over the fact that his men were beaten.

He was actually provoked by a little girl in this small town, and directly injured his men. Isn't this a slap in the face?

At this time, Rice was extremely depressed.

At this time, there was a knock on the door behind him.

With a serious expression, Rice turned to the door and said, "Come in."

After that, the door was opened.

And the big man who was beaten in the morning came in.

At this time, he had almost recovered.

Although the big man's face was still like a pig's head, his body had fully recovered.

Rice was even more depressed looking at the big man's face.

Instead of getting the money back, he was slapped a few times by others.

"Master, I have found someone. I spent 100 gold coins to find a high-level magician from the town next door. This time, I can definitely kill them."

The big man said excitedly.

But the flesh on his face hurt when he was excited.

Then he thought of the scene of being humiliated by the little girl today.

My heart hurt even more.

"High-level magician? Although it seems a bit of a waste of talent, those who dare to provoke me must pay the corresponding price!"

Les said coldly.

"Then when are we going to leave, Master Les?"

The big man asked.

Just when Les wanted to say that they would leave now.

Suddenly, there was a noisy sound outside.

"Get out of here! Let Les get out of here!"

Les was in a very bad mood at first, and he heard someone calling his name and asking him to get out.

Instantly, Les picked up the weapon on the table and walked out like a volcano erupting.

But when he looked through the window to see who was coming from the casino below.

Les was stunned instantly.

The person who came was not someone else, but his father.

"It's my father... Why is he here?"

At this time, Rice had no idea that he had caused a big disaster, and thought that his father had something important to talk to him about.

At this time, all the gamblers downstairs were driven away by his father.

Field looked up at the window and said angrily: "Les, get down!"

This shout instantly scared Rice so much that the weapon in his hand fell to the ground.

If Rice is afraid of someone, then Field can only be said to be the first!

"The matter with the young master..."

"Push it first!"

Les could only say that seeing his father so angry, Les thought about it and thought that he hadn't done anything out of the ordinary recently, why was his father so angry?

But facing his father's order, Les didn't dare to disobey.

I saw that Les looked at his father with a smile and said: "Father... How come you have so much time to come to me, is there anything I need to do?"

"Do you remember what I said to you before you wanted to open a casino?"

Field said to Les with a dark face.

"As long as I don't do anything too outrageous..."

"It seems that you still remember what I asked you to do this afternoon?!"

"Go... to collect the debt... That Thor owes our casino a large sum of money... I asked my men to go to their house to ask for the money."

"Is there any problem with this?"

Rice asked in a daze, not knowing what happened at all.

Field saw that Rice was confused and confirmed that he did not do it on purpose. He really did not know the other party's identity.

At this time, Rice thought that the news that the people he sent out were beaten reached his father's ears, bringing shame to the family.

So he quickly said: "Father, don't worry, I can solve this matter. I have hired a senior magician, and I will let them know what the consequences of doing so are!"

"What do you mean you also found a senior magician?! You are looking for death, do you know?"

Field heard that Rice had even found a magician, and wanted to deal with Ling Yun, so he stepped forward and grabbed Rice's collar and said.

"Where are the people? Have they been sent out?"

"Not yet... not yet. We were supposed to go together, but you just happened to come."

Les said quickly.

This was the first time he saw his father so flustered.

And Field heaved a sigh of relief when he heard what Les said.

If the senior magician was sent out, his plan would be aborted.

It would be impossible to win over the other party.

"Les, come with me!" Field let go of Les's collar, then turned around and said.

"WeWhere are you going? "

Field said coldly without looking back.


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