In the carriage.

Ling Yun looked at the scenery outside the window.

Field, who was sitting opposite, was at a loss and wanted to say something, but he hesitated for a long time and didn't speak.

At this time, Ling Yun turned his head and looked at Field.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"Apologizing to a commoner in front of so many people is not in line with your style as a noble. I guess there must be a reason."

Ling Yun didn't hesitate and looked at Field and said directly.

"Miss Ling Bai is so direct, so let's not beat around the bush."

Field hesitated for a long time, but he didn't expect Ling Yun to speak first.

"I want to get help from Miss Ling Bai."

"What do you mean by help? Do you want me to help you with something?"

Ling Yun asked in confusion.

"I want to leave this place."

"Leave this place, do you mean you don't want to do it anymore?"

"I have been in this border town for a full forty years. When my father was still alive, I was transferred to this border town because I offended a noble..."

Field slowly told Lingyun about what happened in the past.

And from Field's narration, Lingyun also understood why Field said he always wanted to leave this town.

The Field family was like being exiled to the frontier.

In this extremely remote place, as a city lord, you can never go back. .

And Field has always been very unwilling, but he is already very old. The great magician seems to be a bottleneck that cannot be crossed.

Even if the nobleman of the year has long forgotten what happened in the past, it is impossible for him to be transferred from this place with his current strength.

"So you mean to make me a retainer of your family, so as to enhance the strength of your family, and then leave this place."

After listening, Lingyun understood Field's plan.

"Then how do you know that my strength is definitely stronger than yours?"

Ling Yun looked at Field with some curiosity and asked.

Ling Yun didn't understand why the two had only met once, why Field was sure that he could help him?

"Actually, I'm not sure until now, but I'm still willing to take a gamble."

Field knew that this was his only and last chance.

If he didn't seize this last chance, his family might have to stay in this broken place as the city lord.

And with his son...

Now everyone is polite to Les because of his face.

But after he left in a few years, what will Les do?

Without magic, even if you are a noble in this world.

You will not be recognized by the empire.

At this time, Ling Yun was communicating with Nako about the current situation.

"This kind of thing is normal in the empire."

"Such small nobles are everywhere in the empire, and his son has no magic power. If this continues, when his son takes over the family, his family may become civilians."

"Lingyun, what do you think?"

Nako asked Lingyun.

"Nako, I'm thinking whether to agree to their request."

"Tell me what you think."

"Then you see, we are alone in this world, and if you are discovered by the people of the empire, you will definitely be hunted down."

"So we have to be very careful in everything we do."

"But if I help such a small noble, I can let him help us do some of the things we want to do, so that we won't be discovered by the empire, right?"

"And this is a small noble, it is relatively easy to control."

Lingyun expressed his opinion.

"This is indeed, I didn't expect it, then do as you say."

Nako nodded and said.

Ling Yun heard that Nako also agreed with his idea, so he nodded to Field in front of him and said, "I can help you."

"It doesn't matter, since Miss Ling Bai doesn't agree... What! Miss Ling Bai, what did you just say?"

Feld saw Ling Yun so hesitant and thought she was refusing.

But he heard an agreement!

"Miss Ling Bai, do you really agree to help us?"

"It's true, but I have my own conditions."

Ling Yun nodded and said.

"You said that as long as I can do it, I agree to everything."

At this moment, Field seemed to have grabbed the last straw.

He felt that Ling Yun was an angel sent by heaven to save him.

"First of all, although we are retainers on the surface, we are just cooperating"If you want to order me to do this or that, I'm sorry, goodbye!" Ling Yun stretched out a finger and said. "Don't worry, I will never tell you anything you don't want to do." Field quickly agreed after hearing Ling Yun's words. "Then the second point is that I will not take action unless it is necessary, and I hope you can keep my identity confidential." "Don't worry, I can absolutely guarantee this, and I will never bother you at ordinary times." Field also agreed immediately, because he only needed to let Ling Yun appear at the critical moment. "The last one, I need you to help me do something." "I will tell you what it is when the time comes." "Then there is nothing else. If I think of it, I will supplement you later." Ling Yun thought about it again and found that there seemed to be nothing else. I can supplement it when I think of it. "Then Miss Ling Bai, let's register later!" "Hmm? Register? "Yes, all the nobles of the empire who want to recruit retainers must register with the empire's institutions, so that they can be recognized by the empire." At this time, Ling Yun remembered that he was an illegal resident in this world, so where did he get his identity certificate? "But I don't have an identity in the empire." "Don't worry, I'll take care of it!" Field continued. "Miss Ling Bai, I actually have a question for you." "Hmm? What's the question?" Ling Yun said, supporting the seat with his hands and shaking his calves back and forth. "How old are you this year?" As soon as these words came out, the whole carriage was instantly quiet. After a while, Ling Yun finally replied: "What do you mean?" "That's not what I mean. I'm a little curious. After all, to obtain the magic core of such a 5th-level magic beast, the strength must be at the level of a magician." "The youngest magician in the empire I know is nearly 40 years old!" "I'm 24 this year. "

Ling Yun combined Nako's age with his own and reported an age.

"Oh my God, at the age of 24, he has already reached the strength of a magician."

When Field heard Ling Yun's age, he was shocked.

"What's so surprising about this? There are people like this everywhere in our place."

Seeing Field so surprised, Ling Yun threw another bombshell at him.

He couldn't react at all.

"Oh, by the way, the magic core I gave you before is everywhere in our place."

"I thought it was something cheap."

Hearing this, Field's mouth twitched twice.

"Everywhere... everywhere in the street. "

At this time, Field's brain had completely crashed.

What kind of magical place is this? Why can magicians walk all over the place?

There are also perfect quality magic beast cores above level 5 everywhere.

Is it a mysterious clan hidden in the continent?

After all, except for humans, which only occupy a small part of the entire continent, there are countless unknown races and places on the continent that he doesn't know about.

"I didn't expect these things to be so valuable here."

Ling Yun's tone was very calm, with a little contempt.

Field burst into tears after hearing this, and he even wanted Ling Yun to be the patriarch of his family in his mind.

"The world is so big, and we are isolated in one place, which is really too narrow. "

Field sighed. He also wanted to go out and see this vast continent. Maybe he could get one or two inheritances or artifacts if he was lucky.

But after thinking about it, there was still his useless son.

At this time, Field seemed to think of something and said, "I suddenly remembered that there were two travelers who came to our town before, and they were not from our empire."

Ling Yun's pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole person was stunned.

"Miss Ling Bai, what's wrong with you? !"

At this time, Field also found that Ling Yun seemed to be a little wrong.

"What did you say just now?"

Hearing Lin Yun's words, Field's hair stood up all over his body, thinking that he had said something wrong.

So he repeated what he had just said.

Confirmed that he did not say anything.

"That me..."

At this time, Field was a little at a loss, not knowing what to do.

"The two travelers you just mentioned are a combination of a man and a woman?"

Ling Yun immediately asked.

"How do you know this? It was indeed a man and a woman, and the clothes they were wearing were also very strange...”

“So I am very interested in this"The impression of the incident is quite deep."

"And I can't understand their language either."

Feld looked at Ling Yun's concern and told him some of the things he remembered.

"It's them!"

After hearing Field's description, Lin Yun was 100% sure that they were his parents.

"When did they come to this place? How long has it been?!"

After so many years, this is the first time he has heard accurate information about his parents.

"It's been a long time, more than five years! I have forgotten the exact time."

"Miss Ling Bai, do you... know them?"

Feld looked at Ling Yun's serious expression and asked with some doubt.

"Yeah! Yes, they are from our clan, and another purpose of my coming out this time is to find them!"

"I see! My lord, I will immediately arrange people to look for them! Although so many years have passed, since I can remember, others may also have some relevant clues."

"Yeah, thank you for your hard work! "

Ling Yun nodded and thought to himself: "If what Field said is true, then the time in the two worlds should be different."

"Only more than two years have passed on Earth, but here it has been five years!"

But Ling Yun knew that no matter whether it was five years or two years.

This time has passed too long, because in such a world, it is already difficult for an ordinary person to live, and the parents do not speak the same language.

And this is in the human empire.

At this time, Ling Yun clenched his five fingers and dared not think further. He could only pray silently for his parents to be safe.

And he had to speed up the search.

After an unknown amount of time, the carriage stopped at the gate of the city.

At this time, the driver's voice came from outside the carriage.

"City Lord, we are here. "

Field lifted the curtain of the carriage.

I saw a wall standing in front of me.

At the gate of the city, people coming and going were being checked by soldiers.

Ling Yun took out his mask, which was the mask he wore when he was wanted on Earth.

Field looked at Ling Yun wearing the mask, and he was different in an instant. A chill came from behind.

If Field hadn't seen Ling Yun's appearance, who would have thought that there was an angelic face under the mask? It was so scary!

Derbia City.

It is a commercial city on the border of the Kingdom of Anstello.

Specially for different kinds of people traveling to and from the kingdom. The merchants of the tribes provided a place for trading.

Just at the gate of the city, Ling Yun saw all kinds of races!

Those races that originally only appeared in science fiction movies.

Now they all appeared in front of him.

Beastmen, flying wing tribes, dwarves....

Ling Yun simply couldn't see it all.

"It's really strange. I remember that the empire didn't allow people of other races to enter before. Why now..."

Nako asked with some confusion at this time.

Before Ling Yun asked, Field spoke first.

"Five years ago, the Kingdom of Anstelo didn't have it."

"Then suddenly one day, the Kingdom of Anstelo established this only place where all races can trade!"

Field looked at the city in front of him and introduced it to Ling Yun.

"Why is this?"

"Who knows what your majesty is thinking? But I feel pretty good. The new things outside are really good, and we can also sell our things to other races!"

Field smiled slightly, then shook his head and said.

"This time, the 5th-level magic core will be auctioned in the largest auction house inside! "

"I heard that there will be some other new things from outside in the auction this time, so it's a good opportunity to see them together!"

Ling Yun looked at Field's excited expression.

Suddenly, a team of carriages slowly drove over from not far away, and behind the carriages followed two large iron cages.

Inside the cages were some aliens chained with iron chains.

They were dressed in rags, with wounds of varying sizes on their bodies.

Ling Yun pointed at the people in the cages in the distance, "Who are these people?"

"These are all slaves brought to the empire for sale!"

Field said coldly while looking at the cages.

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