After hearing the recorder's words, the whole hall fell silent.

Even the person who was testing nearby turned his head to look at Ling Yun.

No one dared to believe what they had just heard.

At this time, the staff member in charge of Field slowly said, "You are not mistaken, are you? How could she be a magician?"

The person in charge of the test also suspected that there was something wrong with the magic ball in front of him, causing the test to be biased?

"Miss, can you put your hand on this magic ball again?"

The staff member looked at Ling Yun and asked carefully.

This time he changed the magic ball again, hoping to detect a different result from before.

At this time, the people in the square held their breath again.

Everyone was staring at the mysterious silver-haired girl wearing a mask.

Because the word "magician" just now really scared everyone.

Letting a magician be a retainer in a family is simply like a knife pulling the butt - opening your eyes.

What kind of family can make a magician willing to be a retainer in the family?

But look at the man behind him, he is just an ordinary baron.

His strength is only at the level of a great magician.

Can a magician be a retainer under his command?

Just think about how ridiculous it is.

Just when everyone thought it was the problem with the magic ball.

This magic ball emitted the same pale yellow golden light as the magic ball just now.

Everyone was speechless, because this golden light represented the strength of the magician.

The results were the same twice, and no one dared to doubt it this time.

Because the little girl in front of him was really a magician!

Not far behind him, Field saw that Ling Yun's test results were the same twice, and his face showed joy.

Sure enough, he was not wrong, she was really a magician.

With a magician as a retainer for him, he believed that he could leave that place soon.

And with Ling Yun's help, maybe he could even avenge the revenge of that year.

Thinking of this, Field had already made a plan in his heart.

"What did I see?! It's actually a magician!"

"And he's a retainer of someone else's family!"

"Oh my god, this is simply unacceptable, hurry up, I'm going to get red eyes..."


Everyone cast envious eyes at Field.

At this time, the staff responsible for the inspection also swallowed his saliva, and then walked in front of Ling Yun respectfully.

"Master Magician....Are you...really sure you want to join the family of the noble Field?!"

The staff spoke and confirmed with Ling Yun again.

Then he glanced at Field who was following behind him.

Because a magician-level strongman, no matter how bad he is, can't be a retainer for such a low-level noble!

"I confirm that you can register."

Ling Yun nodded and said to the staff without any hesitation.

"Oh my God! She agreed without hesitation. Is it so easy to find a magician now?"

"No! I want to communicate and learn with Baron Field!"

"I want to go too!"


At this time, the staff saw Ling Yun and agreed without any hesitation.

Then he didn't say anything else.

Instead, he recorded the situation and stamped Ling Yun with the final seal.

It means that Ling Yun has officially become a retainer of the Field family!

Although the staff wanted to ask the specific reason, she actually agreed to be a retainer in a baron's family.

But after all, there is no law in the empire that does not allow this situation. As long as you can do it, you can even recruit a magic emperor to be your retainer.

As long as you can find it.

Ling Yun looked at the document handed over in his hand, which was stamped with the seal of the empire.

Watching them leave, everyone recalled what happened just now in their minds.

No one dared to believe that what happened just now was true.

It seemed like I had a dream, but when I came to my senses, I knew that what happened just now was true.

Everyone clenched their fists and left in a sullen mood.

The staff smiled and said, "Where did Field find this magician?"

At this time, Field and Ling Yun had already walked out of the building.

"It should be OK now, right?"

Ling Yun handed the paper he had just given to Field and said.

Field looked at the information on the paper and carefully put it away.

"Of course, Miss Ling Bai, let's go eat something. The auction will be held later.Start!"

At this time, Field's heart was already full of joy.

A powerful mage at the level of a mage, this is something that cannot be exchanged for any amount of money!

"By the way, Miss Ling Bai, do you plan to stay here forever or have other plans?"

Field asked cautiously.

Although Field really wanted Ling Yun to stay by his side.

But after all, it was Ling Yun who had the final say.

"I am leaving, I want to go to the capital of the empire!"

Ling Yun nodded and said.

"You are going to Shengyao City?"

"Yes, yes, by the way, do you know how to get there the fastest from here?"

"This... If it is the speed of ordinary people, it will take at least several months from here to there."

Ling Yun asked again: "But I heard that there is a teleportation magic circle inside the church, which can greatly reduce the time. Do you know how to use this magic circle?"

"I didn't expect you to know about magic circles. There is indeed a magic circle in the church that is specifically used for teleportation between cities. "

"But only two kinds of people can use this magic circle, one is the elders in the church, and the other is the nobles!"

"And this kind of nobles are not ordinary nobles like us, at least they have to be earls two levels higher than me!"

Field said to Lingyun with a wry smile, to put it bluntly, he is a noble who is better than ordinary people. Others say that it is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

Field now wants to be the head of a chicken.

He is also at the bottom of the discrimination chain among the nobles, and has no rights.

"So that's it!"

Lingyun nodded. Although the noble he chose is easy to control, he has no rights. How can he ask him to do things in the future?

So Lingyun asked again.

"Then do you know how to improve your noble level?"

"Just directly upgrade to earl!"

"Otherwise, it takes more than half a year to go to the empire and back, which is a waste of time."

Hearing Lingyun's words, Field swallowed his saliva, "Are you serious? "

"Of course I'm serious."

Ling Yun nodded and said.

In fact, Ling Yun also knew another way, which was to summon his previous golden dragon.

This way, he could arrive in a few days at the fastest.

But summoning the golden dragon now, isn't it obvious to tell the Empire that he is back?

If his parents are not found by then, and he dies again, it will be bad!

So now the fastest way is this teleportation magic circle.

"There is indeed such a method... Otherwise... I will hand over the family to you!"

Field thought about it and said to Ling Yun seriously.

Now it was Ling Yun's turn to stay where he was.

I really wanted to be faster, but this was too fast.

I have only been in this world for two days.

Someone actually wants to hand over the family to me?

What is going on!

Although I am not interested in family power, the other party is too confident in me.

"Are you kidding?"

"I am serious! "

Field nodded and said.

"But if you hand over the family to me, can you be promoted to earl?"

"No, other conditions are required, but the magician is a necessary condition, but it is enough to use the teleportation magic circle!"

Field shook his head and said.

"But you hand over the family to me now, is it really okay?"

"Of course, didn't I say before that you just put your name on it, and you can show up in special circumstances, and leave the rest to me."

At this time, Field's heart was beating hard. He just made a decision that went against his ancestors.

He actually handed over a family to a person he had only known for two days.

And he thought there was no problem at all.

"So... Let me make it clear first, I am not interested in any family management rights!"

Ling Yun thought about it and asked Nako again.

"What do you think, Nako?"

"Of course, I thought about being the patriarch of a family, but I didn't dare to do it! "

Nako said with a laugh while lying on the bed in the pure white space.

She thought of herself when the top family in the empire wanted to invite her to join.

But she rejected them all.

"But you have to be careful when you get to Shengyao City. Some bad guys may recognize you, especially your silver-white hair."

"Don't worry, you can use a camouflage magic to disguise the hair. It's very simple to just change the color!"

LingYun remembered Nako's reminder.

And decided on the next two people.

Turned back to the house.

It was the same young lady just now. At this time, she was still upset that she had let the other party go. She didn't expect that the other party's retainer was actually a magician.

At this time, the young lady saw Field coming in again.

The young lady immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, Lord Field!"

Before the young lady finished speaking.

Field said directly: "I want to transfer the family!"


The young lady was stunned.

What's the situation? !

What happened in these few minutes? Did she think that what happened just now was not shocking enough?

However, the good professional ethics still made the young lady bring the two people to the staff.

The staff had just sent away a noble, and when he saw the person coming, he was also stunned. Isn't this the Field who just accepted a magician as a retainer?

Why is he back again?

Did the magician just now regret it? !

He said how could a magician be a retainer of a baron.

At this time, he greeted with a smile.

"Noble Field, do you have anything else to say?"

"I want to transfer my title to the lord behind me!"

As soon as the words were finished, the face of the person in front of him froze instantly, and the young lady behind him was also shocked.

"You...what did you say?"

The host suspected that he had heard it wrong and asked again.

But he got the same answer as Field.

"This should be possible. If the retainer's strength far exceeds that of the head of the family, the retainer can become the head of the family!"

Field said calmly.

"Yes....There is such a rule...but...Baron Field, you really want to hand over the family..."

"Why not? This lord is a magician, and he will definitely be a great magician in the future. My strength has stopped at the great magician for almost ten years. I don't want my family to disappear just like that..."

Hearing Field's words, the host also understood that the strength of the great magician Field has been maintained for many years without any change.

Maybe he will only be a great magician in this life.

It is very common in the empire to hand over the family to another strong man to manage.


"But I need to ask for instructions - Lord Gabriel!"

Field was startled and asked: "Does this need to trouble the city lord?"

"Because this is the first time this has happened in our Debia City! So please wait a moment!"

The man nodded and said.

Then he turned and left.

"My lord, do you need something to drink?"

At this time, the young lady saw the opportunity and walked to Lingyun and asked softly.

"Just give me a glass of water."

Lingyun glanced at the young lady, and saw that the white thing in front of her was about to be pasted.

No way! We are all girls, shouldn't you go to Field if you want to paste it?

It's for both men and women, right!

"Then wait for me to prepare!"

The young lady smiled at Lingyun and left.

No, why don't you ask Field? Different treatment, right!

At this time, the man had come to the top floor of the house, which was also where the mayor usually worked.

"Lord Gabriel!"

"Come in!"

At this time, a pleasant female voice came from inside.

The man opened the door and walked in.

A woman was sitting on the desk in front of him, and she lowered her head and handled official documents seriously.

Suddenly Gabriel raised his head, and there was a soul-stirring coldness between his eyebrows, which made the host lower his head quickly.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

"It is Baron Field who wants to give up his title! Your Excellency, please take a look... Do you want to deal with this matter in person?"

"Hmm? Give up the title?"

Gabriel frowned and stood up, her breasts that were about to burst out of her clothes trembled slightly, and her slender waist was a round and raised buttocks, which were looming under the skirt, as beautiful as a fairy walking out of a painting!

"Go and have a look!"

Gabriel narrowed his eyes slightly and said, then walked out the door...

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