Miss Catwoman brought the two to their private room.

She looked at Lingyun shyly, bowed, and left.

Lingyun wanted to say sorry to him, but he had already left.

"Are these girls also slaves sold here?"

Lingyun turned around and asked Field.

"No, they are not slaves, they are free people, but their situation is just a little better than slaves."

"Because in their country, most people can't survive at all, so they have to leave their homes and come here to make some money to support their lives."

Field shook his head and said.

Lingyun nodded and was about to walk into the private room.

Suddenly, a man's sighing voice came from the side: "Hey, isn't this Baron Field? How did you appear in this place?"

Attracted by the voice, Lingyun also turned his head to look at the direction of the voice.

Lingyun recognized the man who came at a glance. Wasn't this the nobleman named Zack who he met at the city gate just now?

And Field was also stunned when he saw Zack. He didn't expect to meet him here.

It really fulfilled the saying that enemies often meet on narrow paths.

But Field is no longer the Field just now.

"I remember that ordinary nobles like you can only sit in ordinary seats on the first floor. How come you went to the wrong seat?"

"Do you need me to ask someone to take you down?"

I saw Zack put his hand directly on the catwoman who was serving on the side.

He said to Field in a mocking manner.

This time, Zack had to rely on many connections to barely get a seat upstairs.

For Field, who is not as good as himself, how could he sit in the upstairs private room?

"Zack, do you really think that you can sit in the upstairs private room for the rest of your life by relying on some connections?"

Field sneered and looked at Zack and said.

Before, he had no strength and could only be humble.

But now Lingyun is behind him, he is a magician.

If he is like before, wouldn't all the humbleness he has paid be in vain?

When he heard Field's rebuttal, Zack was also stunned.

You know, Field would never dare to talk to him like this normally.

What happened today? Wasn't he still so humble at the city gate just now?

How could his attitude change so quickly after such a short time?

Just when Zack was confused, a man suddenly came quickly from the other side.

He smiled and stretched out his hand, and shook Field's hand.

"You must be Lord Field! Alas! I said, I saw you from a distance!"

The man who suddenly appeared scared Field.

And Zack on the opposite side was even more confused. What was going on?

"You are..."

Field looked at the man in front of him who he didn't know, but from the seal on his clothes, he could tell that he was also a noble, and a viscount one level higher than himself!

"Have you forgotten? When you took your retainers to the test, I was watching you next to you!"

Field was stunned and thought seriously before he realized that there seemed to be such a person.


"I've always heard that you have good governance and have accepted a retainer of a magician! I want to find time to visit and learn!"

The man said to Field very humbly.

Zach on the side was stunned.

It is certain that this man's noble rank is one level higher than Field's. Why?

This man is so humble.

He also said that he wants to visit and learn!

Wait, what did he say! Accepted a retainer of a magician? !

Zach then realized the three most important words in what the man just said.

Mage! ?

"That... How is this possible? You said Field accepted a retainer of a magician?"

Zach's mouth twitched and said in disbelief.

A magician as a retainer of a family is rare in the entire empire.

Only some of the oldest families in the empire have this possibility.

But in this place, how can an ordinary baron be possible!

"If you don't know, don't talk there. It's only a matter of time before Lord Field reaches the Earl!"

Indeed, although Field is only a small baron now, with the addition of the magician Lingyun.

The level of the nobles is bound to be improved.

Zack's expression froze when he heard this.

In other words, the girl wearing a mask behind is a magician.

Thinking of this, all kinds of things immediately emerged in Zack's mind.

In the end, only three were leftWords.


The man and Field agreed on a time to visit and left with a smile.

Field looked at Zach who was still standing there and didn't say anything.

"Miss Ling Bai, let's go, the auction is about to start."

Instead, he walked towards his private room.

When Ling Yun passed by Zach, he glanced at Zach.

Zach trembled all over.

And when the two walked into the private room and closed the door, Zach's legs softened and he collapsed to the ground.

The cat woman beside him was also shocked.

She hurriedly wanted to help Zach up.

But she found that Zach's pupils were already sluggish and he was muttering in his mouth: "Finished, finished!"

In the private room.

"How are you going to deal with him?"

Ling Yun looked at Field and asked.

"No need to deal with him, he will come to the door and beg for mercy. I just have to wait."

Field shook his head and said to Ling Yun.

"This guy is a bully. Now that he knows about our magician, he will definitely come to apologize in the next few days."

"I don't have to do anything, just wait."

"If it weren't for you this time, I might have been suppressed by that guy for the rest of my life."

Field sat on the chair in the private room and said with emotion.

"We just take what we need."

Ling Yun picked up the snacks on the table and put them in his mouth.

Then he walked to the window of the room.

The window is completely transparent, and you can directly see everything about the auction house below.

I have to say that the view is very good.

Then Ling Yun looked at the other private rooms next to him.

It seems that they have been specially treated, and you can't see what's going on inside from the outside.

It's an auction, and some special treatments have been made to protect the privacy of the guests.

At this time, the guests of the auction house below have filled the entire lobby on the first floor.

Ling Yun also saw the beastman noble just now, and he also walked towards the private room on the second floor.

At this time, the lights in the entire hall dimmed.

Suddenly, a beam of light from the magic stone hit the stage in the center of the hall.

After a while, a white-haired old man wearing a mask walked onto the stage.

He bowed deeply to the guests present, and then said.

"Welcome everyone to this auction!"

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