Ling Yun in the room didn't care what the next auction item was.

Instead, he was thinking about the mobile phone of his parents that was just taken away.

Plus the pen he bought just now, this is the clue left by his parents for Er.

Ling Yun not only asked Field to check the information of the buyer.

At the same time, he also asked Field to check the information of the person who sent the mobile phone to the auction house.

If the seller can be found.

Maybe we can know where the parents are?

"Miss Ling Bai, you really make it difficult for me!"

Field said to Ling Yun with a wry smile.

"Fortunately, I still have some connections in the auction house."

Field opened a note that had just been stuffed in from the crack of the door.

Ling Yun looked at Field and knew that it was still very correct for him to recruit a younger brother, and it was still twice the result with half the effort.

And when Field opened the note and saw the name on the paper.

Field was stunned.

Ling Yun looked at Field's stunned expression and walked up to him and asked, "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"Miss Ling Bai... I'm afraid you can't touch this person..."

Field came back to his senses and handed the note to Ling Yun with a wry smile.

And when Ling Yun saw the name on the note.

He was also stunned, because wasn't it Gabriel who had just met?

"This phone was bought by her?!"

The moment Ling Yun saw the name, he was also stunned.

Isn't this a case of enemies meeting on a narrow road?

Ling Yun was thinking that if soft tactics didn't work, he would use hard tactics.

But she is the city lord, and she is also a magician.

If I use hard tactics myself, wouldn't that be asking for trouble?

"It seems I have to talk to her."

But Ling Yun didn't want to give up.

Even just looking at the information left in his parents' phones would be fine.

"Hey, why is there only one name on the note? What about the seller's information?" Ling Yun asked Field in confusion. "It should not be found yet. After all, the information of the guests at the auction venue is strictly confidential. However, the seller's information can still be investigated when paying." "There will be news about the seller after a while." Ling Yun nodded. Although there was no news yet, these signs showed that his parents might not have had any accidents. "The last item is ready to be on stage." The auction hall downstairs had entered its climax. The last item of the auction was also ushered in. At this time, the door on the side opened, and a huge square object covered with red cloth was slowly pushed out by two big men. This slightly attracted Ling Yun's attention. In his impression, this should be the largest item auctioned at this auction. At this time, the eyes of the whole audience were also focused on this huge object. They speculated what was covered under the red cloth. At this time, the object was also pushed onto the stage. "I believe everyone must be very curious about what is inside?"

"Then I won't keep you in suspense."

The host pulled down the red cloth directly.

The next scene shocked everyone present.

A cage appeared in front of them!

Ling Yun upstairs opened his mouth slightly in surprise and looked at the so-called goods on the stage.

It turned out to be a person!

There was a girl locked in the cage!

The girl's blonde hair covered her face, and her hands and feet were locked with shackles.

She was only wearing simple rags.

Large areas of white skin were exposed to the air.

At this moment, the entire auction venue was silent.

Most of the people who came were men, and they were deeply attracted by the girl in the cage.

"Is this...the auction item?"

Ling Yun also muttered to himself in disbelief.

"This should be a slave. Slaves can indeed be auctioned as commodities at auctions."

Field on the side nodded and said.

"But this is too strange. Generally speaking, how could an ordinary slave be auctioned as a finale-level commodity at an auction of this level?"

However, Ling Yun no longer doubted this matter.

She frowned and looked at the poor girl imprisoned in the cage.

After all, he was an educated person from another world.

In her opinion, this was a living person, but he was put on the auction floor and auctioned at will.

"This is the last commodity of our auction!"

And thisAt that time, the host stood in front of the cage and said excitedly.

"I believe everyone must be very curious, isn't this just an ordinary slave? What qualifications can be listed as the finale of this auction!"

The host reached into the cage with his crutches and placed them under the chin of the blonde girl, then lifted it up.

The girl slowly raised her head.

The blonde hair also slid to both sides.

At this time, everyone also saw the girl's flawless face and empty golden pupils, but what made them more excited was the girl's pair of pointed ears.

This also shows that this girl is not a human, but an elf!

Although the elves are very similar to humans, their most obvious feature is this pair of slender ears.

"Oh my god, what did I see? I actually saw an elf at the auction."

"Hit me now, am I dreaming!"

"This is impossible! Haven't the elves been extinct for a long time?!"

"How could they appear here!"


At this time, the people in the audience were talking about it, but most of them didn't believe that it was the elves.

They thought it was just an orc slave!

"I know you don't believe it's an elf!"

"But everyone knows that the blood of elves is completely different from that of other races."

At this time, a waiter brought a sharp dagger.

The host took the dagger.

Then he reached into the cage and gently scratched the girl's palm.

Under the gaze of everyone.

A stream of golden blood flowed from the wound, then along the arm and fell to the ground.

"This is..."

"Golden blood?! I'm not seeing things!"

"Oh my god! It's really the elves."


At this time, the whole auction house exploded.

Seeing is believing.

This golden blood is not something that other races can possess.

The girl in the cage in front of me is undoubtedly an elf!

After the host cut the girl's skin, a few seconds later, the tiny wound began to heal slowly.

After just over a minute, the wound disappeared...

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