Gabriel leaned against the sofa and put his legs on the table in front of him.

"What's there to hide? I beat him up, so why can't I say a few words?"

"Lord Gabriel, he is a prince after all..."

"It won't be a good thing if it gets out."

Kari said to Gabriel with a wry smile.

But he knew it was useless to say it.

Gabriel might be the only one in the empire who could do that to the prince.

"Okay, who bought this elf?"

"This... is actually His Highness Cohen... who wants to give His Majesty a birthday present."

"The eldest prince?"

Gabriel nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, I will help you find the person, but I can't guarantee whether I can find him or not!"

"Just wait."

After that, Gabriel got up and walked out.

A carriage on the street turned into a courtyard in a small alley.

"Hurry up and put the princess down!"

"What happened to the princess, Mia?!"

"I don't know either. The princess was like this when she was rescued."

"But I checked the princess' body and found no damage."

The girls with pointed ears in the courtyard surrounded the princess anxiously.

"Why doesn't the princess talk to us?"

"Doesn't she recognize us?"

"It's impossible. The princess and I grew up together and served as her guard. It's impossible for her not to recognize me!"

"Hurry up, take off the handcuffs and leg irons on the princess first!"

"What is this? Why is it so hard!"

But they tried many ways and couldn't take off the handcuffs and leg irons on the princess.

"Get out of the way, let me try."

At this time, the girl with a white windbreaker on her head walked out of the house.

She walked barefoot, but the dust on the ground could not stain her white and delicate jade feet.

The hat covered half of her face, and she squatted beside the princess.

Put your hands on the handcuffs.

At this time, an incredible scene appeared.

I saw that the handcuffs began to slowly decompose and melt.

After a while, the sturdy handcuffs disappeared completely.

In the same way, the princess's shackles were also melted.

"You are worthy of being the high priest!"

"High priest, take a look at what happened to the princess? Why can't she hear anything we say?"

Cat girl Mia asked anxiously beside her.

I saw the high priest put his hand on the princess's eyebrows, as if feeling something.

After a while, the high priest slowly raised his hand.

Then a gentle voice came from the high priest: "Her Royal Highness should have suffered a severe mental trauma, resulting in a closed heart."

"Her Royal Highness is now equivalent to locking herself in a dark room... Completely cut off from the outside."

"So he should not be able to hear what we say."

"Then what should we do now, high priest? Only in order to cure the princess!"

At this time, the elf guard on the side said.

"We can only go back to the tribe first."

"See if we can use holy water to wake up the princess."

At this time, the high priest had no other way.

After all, this is in the human world.

"What did those damn humans do to the princess!"

The high priest said comfortingly: "Now is not the time to be impulsive. Now the princess is rescued, but we should think about how to get out of the city."

"We made such a big noise, they will definitely hunt us down throughout the city. We must get out of the city as soon as possible. The longer we delay, the harder it will be to get out!"

"How about transporting it out with a carriage?!"

"Same as when we came!"

At this time, an elf guard spoke up.

"No! This method works when it is time, but now it is under martial law, they will definitely investigate it strictly!"

At this time, the high priest was also in trouble. It is easy to save, but it is difficult to get out.

"It would be great if we could fly, just fly out."

"Don't be ridiculous, that's the ability of the Winged Tribe."

"I also want to flash directly to the Elf Tribe!"


"Wait! What did you just say?"

Suddenly the High Priest seemed to have thought of something.

"Flash... flash?"

"Yes! That's it!"

"We can use the teleportation array to teleport us out of the city!"

"But High Priest, this... if we build a teleportation array, they will definitely find it."

Mia shook her head and said.

"Who said we have to build it ourselves? Isn't there a ready-made one here?!"

The High Priest said with a chuckle.

MealIn the restaurant.

"This is really good!"

"Ms. Ling Bai, please eat slowly. You are a noble now, after all. You should pay attention to your image."

Field looked at Ling Yun's eating manner. How could she look like such a cute girl?

"When eating, you should eat happily. Why should you pay attention to your image!"

"I have to say that the food here is really diverse!"

"Ms. Ling Bai, don't you have it at home?"

Field asked curiously.

In fact, he has always been very curious about where she came from, because from the few days they have been together.

Ling Yun seems to know nothing about this world.

Even if there are differences in regions, it is impossible that she knows nothing at all.

"Uh... there are... but I didn't know it would be so delicious."

Ling Yun thought about it and said awkwardly.

"By the way, Miss Ling Bai, are you really going to find Lord Gabriel for that matter?"

Field whispered to Ling Yun.

"Yeah, yeah, didn't we already agree on this?"

"Didn't she want me to fight her? Tell me about that as well!"

"If I just take a look, she probably won't refuse."

"If that doesn't work, let's think of other ways."

"Boss, give me another bowl of this dish!"

As he spoke, Ling Yun raised his hand and pointed at the dish in front of him, and said to the waiter.

"By the way, do you think they can escape?"

"They? That elf?"

"I think it's difficult. There is only one exit in the city of Derbia. As long as the exit is strictly guarded, it will be very difficult for them to get out."

"And the elf's appearance is too obvious."

"It's easy to recognize."

Field shook his head and expressed his opinion.

"That's true. Then they have to think of other ways."

Ling Yun thought while eating.

Field looked at Ling Yun and suddenly he felt that Ling Yun seemed to have some bad ideas.

"Ms. Ling't want to help..."

"Don't ever have that thought!"

"If this is discovered, I won't have enough brains to deal with it."

Field quickly gave Ling Yun a shot of vaccination to prevent her from having any bad thoughts.

Ling Yun narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "Don't worry, I know."

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