Mia looked at Ling Yun and was stunned for a moment, not reacting to what Ling Yun had just said.

"You...what are you talking about?"

"It's the artifact that can stop time at the auction. You actually took it to the auction."

Ling Yun looked at Mia and said.

"How did you know?"

Mia, who had reacted, said to Ling Yun in great surprise.

"You don't have to worry about this."

Seeing Mia's reaction, Ling Yun also knew that what she said was right.

And this is of course what Field told himself.

He found that the auction house handed over the money to an ordinary person, and then that person gave the money to Mia.

"What do you want to do?"

Mia looked at Ling Yun and had no idea what he wanted to do.

"I came here to ask you one thing."

"Do you know where the original owner of this thing is now? And the other woman who followed him!"

Ling Yun looked at Mia and asked.

"I just want to know this, and then I can help you escape!"

Mia was stunned for a moment when she heard Ling Yun's question, and then asked: "What is your relationship with the benefactor?!"


Ling Yun was a little surprised to hear these two words.

However, Ling Yun looked at Mia's appearance, and it seemed that this phone should not be stolen from his father.

"We... are relatives! I have been looking for them!"

"So that's the case..."

Mia's tone softened.

"There is only one benefactor, I don't know who the other woman you mentioned is."

"But he left here now, he said he was looking for someone, maybe the woman you mentioned!"

"This phone was also left by him... Let me find an opportunity to help sell it."

"How did you meet, why is it called a benefactor?!"

Ling Yun nodded and asked.

"Actually... I was just a slave, but he saved me and made me a free man."

"So I call him a benefactor."

Ling Yun probably understood it after hearing this.

"If I'm not mistaken....the benefactor should go to Shengyao City. He asked me how to get there before."

Dad went to Shengyao City?

Ling Yun was stunned for a moment. What did Dad go to Shengyao City for?

At this time.

A voice came from outside.

"Encircle this place quickly, and no one is allowed to go out."

"Oh no, someone is coming from outside!"

The elves said nervously.

"I'll help you."

Ling Yun didn't waste time and went directly to the stage to control the disc, and entered the coordinates he left.

"You can do it too?"

The high priest on the side was extremely surprised to see Ling Yun's smooth operation.

"Huh? I just know a little bit, it's nothing."

Ling Yun knew this because of the magic book. Any magic circle that existed in this world was recorded.

This was just a small teleportation magic circle. Ling Yun knew how to use it at that time.

Soon the teleportation array started immediately.

Seeing this, all the elves immediately entered the teleportation array.

But Mia retreated.

"Huh? Why don't you go with us?"

Ling Yun looked at Mia and asked with some confusion.

"I don't need it. I was here to help them rescue people. Now the mission is completed."

Mia said while looking at the elves in the teleportation array.

At this time, the high priest threw out a green stone.

"If you need any help, take this stone to the Eternal Forest!"

The high priest looked at Ling Yun and the next second after he finished speaking, white light enveloped the entire teleportation array.

At this time, the teleportation array had been activated, and it was too late to stop it now.

After a while, the white light dissipated.

Looking into the teleportation array again, the elves inside had all disappeared.

Proving that the teleportation was successful.

"Finally rescued!"

Mia breathed a sigh of relief as she looked at the elves who had left.

"Why did you help them?"

Ling Yun looked at Mia and was very confused as to why she risked her life to help them.

And they were not of the same race.

"Because I know what it's like to be a slave, I don't want others to suffer that kind of torture either."

Mia said with a wry smile.

Ling Yun looked at Mia. Although she smiled sweetly, Ling Yun seemed to see the suffering Mia had endured.

"Hurry up and save us! Those people are inside!"

At this time, the people outside had already rushed in.

"Let's talk about it after we go back! Escape first."

Ling Yun looked at Mia and he still had many questions to ask her.

We must take him out first!

"This way!"

Ling Yun said, looking at an open window.

Ling Yun pulled Mia's hand and jumped out.

And the next second after they flew out.

Gabriel finally rushed in with his men.

"Where are the men?"

"They should have been teleported away..."

Gabriel looked at the empty space, and they were still a step late.

They had already left.

"Activate the teleportation array and chase them!"

"Lord Gabriel... This teleportation array can only be activated once a day."

"If you want to use it, you can only activate it tomorrow."

The rescued church elder behind him said with his head down.

At this moment.

Ling Yun had already escaped with Mia.

"Let's go to where I live, it's safe there."

Mia looked at Ling Yun and said.


Mia took Ling Yun to a crowded slum in the city.

"This is the most chaotic place in the city. Even the soldiers dare not enter easily."

Mia and Lingyun introduced.


Lingyun looked at the surroundings. The houses here are almost next to each other. There is no gap between each building.

The only passage can only accommodate two people walking side by side.

"Because the ruler of this place must be respected by the city lord!"

Mia whispered to Lingyun.

"So powerful?! Who is the ruler?"

"I don't know this, but he is a very mysterious person."

"Once this place is in chaos, the whole city will be in chaos, so even those soldiers dare not come here to arrest people at will!"

"You hid in this place before?!"

"Yeah, this place is the safest. Even if they come in to search for people, it is almost impossible to find them!"

Many burly men with bare upper bodies stood on both sides of the street, holding weapons in their hands and looking at the pedestrians coming and going on the road.

"Go this way, my house is inside!"

Mia turned Lingyun into a small courtyard at an intersection.

Mia reached out her hand from the railing to open the door.

Lingyun behind him saw this way of unlocking: "Is this how you open the door here?"

"My house is full of cheap stuff, there is nothing worth stealing."

"It doesn't matter whether it is locked or not."

Mia shrugged.

Lingyun followed Mia into the house.

The house where Mia lived was a small flat sandwiched between two two-story houses.

Although it was small, it had a small courtyard.

The sun shining in the courtyard was still very nice.

"Actually, this house is not mine, but left by a benefactor."

Did it leave it behind by my father? !

This surprised Lingyun a little.

She looked around.

She wanted to find some traces of her father's residence.

"You said you are the relative of the benefactor, wait a minute."

Mia walked into the room and took out a small notebook.

When Ling Yun saw the small notebook,

he recognized that this was the small notebook that his father often carried with him.

He once asked his father why he had been using this style of small notebook for so many years.

And his father just smiled and said that this style of notebook was given to him by his mother, so he had only used this style.

"This is a small notebook that my benefactor has been using. He writes something in it every day, but I can't understand what the words are."

Ling Yun immediately took the notebook that Mia handed over.

When he opened it, he saw that it was indeed the Chinese characters that he was familiar with.

This is really something left by his father.

"Do you recognize what is written in it?"

"Yes! This is a language unique to our place called Chinese characters, which should be different from your characters."

Ling Yun explained excitedly.

Ling Yun randomly turned to a page.

"On the second year and three hundred days after I came to this world, it was cloudy, and I got separated from Xiaoyu on the street. I searched for her all day but couldn't find her..."

"On the third year and twenty days after I came to this world, it was sunny, and there is still no clue about Xiaoyu today, but today I saved a slave..."

"On the third year and one hundred days after I came to this world, I have a clue about Xiaoyu. I am leaving here and going to a place called Shengyao City. I heard that it is the capital of this country..."


The diary stops here.

My father really went to Shengyao City.

Add to that the clues left by the video my father took before.

The scope can be narrowed down a little bit.Mia, who was standing by, looked at Ling Yun and asked, "Did you find any clues?"

"Yes, I found a lot!"

Ling Yun came back to his senses, looked at Mia and nodded.

This is the most important clue Ling Yun got about his parents since he came to this world.

"You are the daughter of the benefactor, right?"

Mia asked.


Ling Yun smiled bitterly and nodded.

Although the word "daughter" sounds a bit strange, she is indeed a girl now.

It is not strange to be called a daughter.

"You don't speak the same language, how do you communicate?"

"Gestures, over time, I understand the general meaning of what I say to people?"

"I also learned a few words."

Mia demonstrated the few poor Chinese sentences she learned.

What Ling Yun didn't expect was that she spoke quite well.

"Why didn't you go with my father?"

"Actually, the benefactor wanted me to leave with him."

"But I still wanted to stay and get more slaves, so I stayed. Then the benefactor gave me this thing and said that it could be exchanged for money. Sorry... I'm also poor recently... That's why..."

Mia said with her head down.

She was afraid that Ling Yun would blame him for selling his father's things.

"It's okay, I've already seen that phone."

Ling Yun shook his head and said to Mia.

"You've seen it?!"

"Yes, that thing was bought by the city lord."

"Then I happened to have some exchanges with the city lord and looked at the contents of the phone."

"By the way, how did you become a noble..."

Mia asked the biggest doubt in her heart.

"This... Actually, this is also a coincidence..."

Then Ling Yun told Mia some of the circumstances at that time.

"So that's how it is. No wonder Field respects you so much!"

After hearing this, Mia nodded repeatedly.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I should also go to Shengyao City. Fortunately, the city lord agreed to me!"

"What about you? Do you want to stay here? It's too dangerous here. Although you are hiding here, it's not good to say that if something unexpected happens one day..."

Ling Yun looked at Mia and said with some concern.

"Don't worry, sir. I have been here for several years. If they could catch her, I would have caught her long ago."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible. Rescue the elf princess."

"Elf princess?"

"Sorry, sir, I forgot to tell you that the princess is actually an elf princess who was captured by the hateful humans and wanted to be sold as a slave!"

"It turned out to be an elf princess. No wonder so many elves came to rescue her."

"If it weren't for your help, they might not have escaped!"

"It's just a piece of cake, and I can't stand those poor people being sold as slaves..."

And at this time.

"What do you want to do? Don't you know whose territory this is?"

"According to the order of the city lord, the whole city must be checked now. No corner of the city can be spared!"


The quarrel in the distance came from across several streets.

"Those people still don't give up!"

Mia frowned and said.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, sir. I'm very familiar with this place. Besides, they don't know whether I've left or not. Instead, sir, you should leave quickly. If they find you here, you won't be able to explain to the city lord."

Mia said very confidently.

Seeing Mia so confident, Ling Yun nodded. It was indeed very difficult to be caught in this place.

As long as she hides well, they will think that Mia has left with the people in the teleportation array.

City lord's mansion.

"What do you mean, did she really escape?"

"Yes, but we are still searching the whole city, but there is a high probability that she has escaped through the teleportation magic array."

Gabriel nodded to Kari.

Kari looked embarrassed as if he had eaten Coptis chinensis.

"It's over. If His Highness blames me..."

Gabriel glanced at Kari and comforted him, "It doesn't matter. I will also go to His Majesty's birthday party this time."

"I will tell the eldest prince when the time comes. He won't blame you!"

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