If the first day of military training is heaven, then the second day of military training is hell.

It can start with the most basic military posture, and then there are various trainings, because the world has entered the era of superpowers, and there are very large loopholes in the management of superpowers around the world.

Even in the news, we can see that some countries are ruled by criminals with superpowers!

So the subjects of military training have changed a lot compared to the past.

It is no longer a simple walk-through, but a life-saving training.

Ling Yun felt good watching their training and followed them to learn, but those students may really be miserable, and they are sweating profusely.

Even the superpowers among the freshmen can't stick to it all day.

Except Ying.

The super physical fitness makes the instructor sigh that he is not as good as her.

It also confirms Ying's title as the new generation of school beauties.

But what makes Ling Yun a little distressed is that this girl seems to have only one goal to find him.

Ling Yun also hinted that Ying might never find the person she was looking for in this life, and wanted Ying to go her own way.

But Ying said that it didn't matter, even if she couldn't find him, she would always wait for him.

This made Ling Yun sigh. It seemed that the girl's persistence had not changed at all, and it was still the same as before, without any change.

"Okay! Everyone gather together and talk about tomorrow's task!"

"Another task, I just sat down, and tomorrow's task is here?"

"Instructor, let me rest for a while, I'm really exhausted, my life is about to end."

I saw the students below wailing,

This is the most painful time of the day.

"Don't worry, everyone will definitely like tomorrow's task!"

"Wild survival!"

The chief instructor looked at the students below and said with a smile.

"Wild survival?!"

Ling Yun was also stunned when he heard this. The military training of this school was too fancy. Not only did they have military training in the forest outside, but they also had wild survival.

"Isn't this a bit too much? How old are these kids? They're already surviving in the wild? What if there are some ferocious beasts in the forest?"

"Yes! Isn't that the octopus from last time?"

The female teacher at the side said worriedly when she heard the instructor announce the mission.

Ling Yun nodded, indeed.

The world is no longer the same as before. Humans can obtain superpowers, and the animals on the earth have also been affected and mutated.

Animals are much more dangerous now than before!

"But if the school arranges it in advance, there shouldn't be any problem."

"It should just be a process for students to experience."

Ling Yun thought for a while and said.

Moreover, the instructors here are all superpowers, all B-level superpowers, and the chief instructor is even an A-level superpower.

There are also superpowers among the students, so there shouldn't be any problem.

Although Ling Yun thought so, he always felt something was strange.

"What! Wilderness survival!"

"Oh my god! I'm good at this! I watch Bear Grylls' videos every day to eat!"

"You're too disgusting! Can you eat while watching Bear Grylls' videos?!"

"I grew up watching Bear Grylls' videos! Wilderness survival, I'm the best at it!"


When everyone heard that they were going to start the wilderness survival tomorrow, they all came alive immediately.

They all started talking to each other.

It seems that compared to the boring military training, this wilderness survival can inspire everyone's passion more.

But the excited ones are all boys, and the girls start to frown.

"Will there be a lot of bugs in here?"

"Luckily I brought insect repellent spray!"

"Lend me some, I forgot to bring it!"


"This time, everyone will be divided into groups of four. After entering the forest, all food and drink will be solved in the forest!"

"You need to cooperate..."

The instructor then began to introduce the specific situation of survival in the wild.

It must be said that it was done very carefully, and the problems they were worried about before were solved.

After dismissing the students, the chief instructor walked towards the teachers and said.

"Teachers, do you want to experience it?"

Chief instructor Li Dahu said to the teachers with a smile.

"This... No need, I feel a little uncomfortable these days..."

The female teacher waved her hand quickly. Coming to this place had already cost them half their lives. Let them survive in the wild again?

Isn't this asking them to die?

Got itLi Dahu, who answered, did not say anything, and then looked at the only male teacher, Ling Yun.

He did not say anything, and turned and left.

Ling Yun really wanted to try, but in his current situation, Ling Yun wanted to hibernate right away.

This is the only way to minimize the speed of assimilation.

Soon, the next morning, everyone had already stood in groups.

"Student Ying is honored to be assigned to the same group with you. I am Shangguan Rui from the Shangguan family! I am also a B-level psychic of the power system!"

Shangguan Rui stretched out his hand very elegantly, and then posed a pose that he thought was very handsome and said to Ying.

Shangguan Rui saw that he was actually assigned to the same group with the goddess last night. He was so excited that he could not sleep at night and thought about how to confess to the girl.

From childhood to adulthood, he has never met a girl who can make him so moved.

This is the first time!

"Yes, Ying."

Ying looked at Shangguan Rui, then bypassed him and stood directly in front of the team.

Shangguan Rui was stunned.

He couldn't say a word.

After a few seconds, Shangguan Rui turned around and followed quickly.

"Don't you know me? Shangguan Rui, from the Shangguan family!"

It was the first time that Shangguan Rui was ignored like this. It felt like he was slapped hard in the face.

"I don't know him, and I don't want to know him."

Ying shook her head and said to Shangguan Rui, her face still showing the same indifference as before.

Ying's words almost made Shangguan Rui have a brain congestion.

Her family is a big family in the Federation, and her father is an S-level superpower in the Federation!

But she actually said she didn't know him? !

"It doesn't matter, none of this matters!"

Shangguan Rui gritted his teeth and continued to speak. He had come to this point. If he didn't speak, wouldn't he be like a fool? !

"I liked you the first time I saw you. Can you be my girlfriend?"

This time it was Ying's turn to stare at Shangguan Rui in shock. Her eyes looked as if she was looking at Ruizhi.

Then she said calmly, "I have someone I like."

As soon as this sentence came out, Shangguan Rui's eyes dimmed instantly.

It was like a bolt from the blue!

The news that the goddess had a partner spread throughout the freshmen instantly.

At this time, Ling Yun opened the door and walked out.

The first thing she did when she got up in the morning was to deal with her hair. It had grown long again. There was no other way but to cut it off by herself, and then she found a place where no one was and buried it directly in the soil.

"Good morning, Teacher Ling!"

"Good morning, Teacher Li!"

Ling Yun smiled and nodded in greeting.

"Teacher Ling, why don't you get tanned? We've been here for so many days and we all feel that we've gotten darker."

"Why don't you feel that way?"

"You didn't use any protection. How is that possible? Can you recommend some sunscreen?"

Ling Yun was speechless. He knew that this must be caused by assimilation!

He got a little tanned yesterday, but when he woke up early in the morning, he turned back to normal.

"I really didn't use any... Look, the students are leaving soon. Let's go over there."

Ling Yun found an excuse to get away with it.

"Teachers, this is a place within a radius of ten kilometers! The scope of this outdoor survival is within this ten-kilometer range."

After the students set off, the teachers were taken to the monitoring room.

The large and small monitors in the monitoring room clearly show every part of the forest.

Li Dahu stood in front of the teacher and introduced.

Ling Yun looked at the screen in the monitor. Indeed, every move of the students was displayed on the big screen. As long as the students encountered any danger, they could be rescued in time.

"And we have arranged instructors in this area to ensure that students will not go beyond this boundary line."

Li Dahu pointed to the red line on the map and said.

Ling Yun nodded and looked at the protective measures, which were still very complete.

"Instructor Li, a student's leg was injured!"

Suddenly, the instructor who was holding the monitor pointed to the middle of the screen and said.

"Quick, send an emergency team to rescue!"

Li Dahu immediately picked up the intercom and said to that side.

After a while, the instructor appeared at the scene with a doctor in the monitoring.

"Report to the chief instructor, the student's foot was twisted and there were some scratches. It should be that he fell from the small slope just now."

"Nothing serious!"

"Okay, deal with it as soon as possible and bring it back!"

Li Dahu nodded and said.

The reaction speed was indeed very fast in a few minutes.

Ling Yun looked at other monitoring, trying to find Ying's whereabouts.

Suddenly, in the monitoringA shadow suddenly flashed in the upper right corner.

"Huh? What is that?!"

Ling Yun frowned and looked over, but it didn't appear in the surveillance.

"Did I see it wrong?!"

Ling Yun blinked his eyes. It seemed that he didn't sleep well last night, which caused his eyesight to be bad today.

At this time, Ling Yun also found Ying.

She was walking along the river with her teammates.

"Sakura, you see there are fish in the river, do you want me to catch one for you to eat?"

Shangguan Rui said with a smile looking at Ying.

He has been paying attention to Ying since just now, and he is sure that she said she has someone she likes just to reject him. The real situation is that she doesn't have anyone she likes.

In other words, he still has hope.

"If you want to eat, just catch it yourself. You don't have to ask me everything. I am not, who is yours?"

The other two teammates behind him looked at each other and didn't dare to interrupt at all.

Hearing this, Shangguan Rui suddenly felt a sense of sudden enlightenment.

"I see, the girl said this, it must be to test me."

"See if my will is firm?"

"Don't worry, goddess, I will definitely withstand your test!"

Shangguan Rui instantly turned into a brother who knows everything.

The two teammates behind him who heard this just looked at Shangguan Rui in confusion.

It seems that this sentence is not understood in this way.

However, Shangguan Rui didn't care so much, he just found a shore and started to prepare to catch the fish inside.

But Shangguan Rui didn't catch a fish for several times.

He also got all his clothes wet.

I thought Ying would look at me more, but she didn't look at this side at all, and sat with her back to me to rest.

"No! This must be to test me, to test whether I am sincere!"

Shangguan Rui clenched his five fingers and immediately "read" Ying's heart.

"He seems to understand again."

Ying, who was sitting cross-legged on the stone, closed her eyes, and suddenly opened them.

"Huh? Is it my illusion?!"

Ying looked around and found that there was nothing, not even a small animal.

The night in the mountains always falls quickly.

Most of the students have already caught their dinner in the forest.

Those who didn't catch the prey either had to spend the night with other groups or ask for help.

Take it back and end your survival in the wild early.

"Finally! Finally! Caught!"

Shangguan Rui was wet all over, holding the fish tightly in his hand.

It took an hour, and it was dark, before Shangguan Rui caught the first fish!

Looking at the fish in his hand, Shangguan Rui was extremely excited and excited.

At home, if you want to eat any fish, you immediately have someone airlift it over, and then you don't eat it after a few bites.

But now Shangguan Rui looked at the fish in his hand, and his mind was full of how delicious it would be after being roasted.

At this time, Shangguan Rui was about to turn around and look for Ying with the fish in his hand, ready to show off.

But when he turned around, he saw Ying holding two fish in her hands.

There were actually four fish on the ground.

"Did you catch all of these?"

Shangguan Rui looked at the fish on the ground, and his smile froze instantly.

Look at the fish in his hand again.

This is not worth mentioning.

At this time, the two students on the other side had already lit the fire.

At the same time, in the monitoring room.

The instructors were also very relieved when they saw the situation in the monitoring.

Then, they picked up the intercom.

"Report your respective situations!"

This time, a total of ten positions were arranged to ensure that all the students were surrounded inside, and the students could rush to any situation quickly.

"No. 1 is normal! No abnormality was found!"

"No. 2 is normal! No abnormality was found!"

"No. 3 is normal! No abnormality was found!"


"No. 9 is normal! No abnormality was found!"

For a long time, there was no reply from No. 10 on the other end of the intercom.

"No. 10, please reply if you received it?!"

The instructor frowned and asked again.

Suddenly, a low voice came from the other end of the intercom.

"No. 10...No. 10 is normal!"

"Why did you reply so late? I waited for you for a long time. What happened?"

"Nothing, I just went to the toilet and was delayed for a while."

Hearing that he went to the toilet, the instructor was relieved.

Then he put the intercom on the table and started to follow the TV series that had just been updated.

And ten kilometers away.

"I have done everything you said, no....Don't kill me!"

The instructor knelt on the ground with his hands raised and his back turned to cry.

"Hehe~ Not bad, don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you!"

"I'm leaving!"

The instructor was relieved when he heard that he was let off.

But the next second, a hoarse voice came from his right.

"Sorry, he agreed, but I didn't agree~hehe~"

It's two people!

But when the instructor reacted, the head had been separated.

"You make me look untrustworthy~"

"Hehe~Credit, do people like you need credit?"

"Let's go, there are too many 'prey' tonight!"

After that, a ray of moonlight fell, and the two figures disappeared, leaving only three or two summer breezes and a tragic scene...

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