"What did you say? We didn't catch him, and we lost so many elite knights?!"

Wade couldn't believe what he heard was true.

Originally, he thought he only needed to wait in the palace for the good news of their triumphant return.

But he didn't expect that he would receive news of countless casualties, and the dragon he wanted to catch was not caught.

Wade looked at Ship below, and the two great magicians behind him.

He made up his mind to use the artifact, and thought it would be a piece of cake.

But who could have thought of such a result.

"Your Majesty... We had already caught him, and even put a collar with a magic-sealing stone on her, but suddenly a strange little vampire girl appeared... and instantly turned the situation around, and finally rescued her..."

Ship was also very desperate.

Obviously, victory was in sight, but another person came out in the middle of the way and disrupted all their plans.

Now it is impossible to catch her again.

Unless the artifact is used again.

But the artifact only had one chance to be used, and after that, it was completely useless.

And after this incident, Ship could not guarantee that he could catch her even with the prophecy of the artifact.

"What happened? Tell me the whole story!"

Wade took a deep breath and sat back in his seat and looked at Ship.

He knew that the fact had already happened, and it was useless to say anything more.

Now they knew that the dragon actually had helpers.

Ship immediately told all the circumstances at that time.

After listening, Wade fell into silence for a while.

"You said that there are vampires in our empire?!"

Wade frowned and said.

"Druid, Schiller, tell me what happened."

Wade looked at the two great magicians behind Ship.

"Your Majesty, this is indeed the case."

"The little girl who suddenly appeared is extremely powerful, and she is a vampire!"

"It caused heavy casualties to our knights in an instant!"

Schiller said quickly.

"Your Majesty, this vampire is not ordinary, completely different from what I have seen before, and seems to have mutated."

The druid spoke at this time.

"Your Majesty, I suggest that we immediately strengthen the vigilance of Shengyao City, and your birthday is coming soon. There will be many nobles and other foreigners entering..... I am afraid that I will appear..."

"So should we reduce the scale of this time... or limit it to Shengyao City..."

Hipp put forward his own opinion.

"No! It must be held as planned!"

"We can't let that guy affect us. Now the foreigners are eyeing us covetously. If we cancel it at this time, it will definitely give a signal that we are unstable internally."

Wade shook his head and said.

"Your Majesty, do they still dare to start a war against us?"

"No one can tell, but according to reports from those stationed in the border areas, those foreigners often hijack passing caravans."

"And it has become more frequent this year!"

"If it were a few years ago, those foreigners would not dare to be so presumptuous, but this year they are very rampant."

"Some time ago, I sent envoys to the orcs to negotiate with them about the caravan, but they simply said they couldn't do anything about it."

"Doesn't this mean letting them go?!"

"And not only the orcs..."

"So this birthday of mine is not only for myself, but also for them!"

"We must let them know that we are still as strong as before!"

"But we still need to strengthen the defense of Shengyao City. This matter is left to you, Knight Commander Ship!"

"Make sure it's done!"

Exiting the palace, Ship looked at the blue sky.

According to the original plan, after I captured her, I would ask His Majesty to transfer me away.

But now the mission has not been completed, and so many people have died.

His Majesty did not have any intention of punishing me.


Suddenly the druid behind me called me.

"Lord Druid!"

"Don't be sad, it's not your fault. No one expected such a situation."

"The vampire is so powerful, it should be the one with the blood closest to the queen, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a powerful power!"

"And he can use magic at the same time."

"Lord Druid, if it weren't for you this time, we might not be able to come back. "

"Oh~ Don't say it, if it wasn't the two of us but him who came this time, it's not impossible to win!"

The Druid sighed and said.

"My Lord, are you talking about... Lord Thor?"

"If he was here, the situation might be better."

"Yes, but even His Majesty can't contact him."

"By the way, didn't Thor agree to come back as scheduled after a year? Now that I think about it, the time should be almost up."

Hearing the Druid's words, Ship realized that indeed, a year was almost up.

"I guess he should be back before His Majesty's birthday."

"This guy's whereabouts are erratic, and he likes to travel all day. I don't understand why his strength is still the strongest among the three of us..."

As he said, a trace of jealousy flashed in the Druid's eyes.

At this time in the palace.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Cohen is here."

Wade put down the official document in his hand: "Huh? Cohen is here? Let him in. "

"Father! You're looking for me!"

A handsome young man in a clean white robe walked into the palace.

This man was the eldest prince of the empire - Cohen!

Cohen bowed to Wade in front of him and said very respectfully.

"How is Ashe recently? Has she listened to the teacher we invited for her seriously?!"

Wade looked at Cohen and asked.

"My sister has been much more honest recently and has not run out to play casually anymore."

Cohen replied immediately.

"Yeah, that's good. You, as a brother, should set a good example!"

"Don't worry, father, I will do it well!"

Cohen nodded and said.

Then Wade asked again.

"By the way, how is your second brother recovering now?"

"He... is still the same and refuses to go out and stays in the room all day, but the doctor said that the second brother's illness is not in his body, but in his heart. "

"We can only wait for him to figure it out."

"This guy.....he was just defeated, and he became like this in one go. How can he be the prince of the empire? !"


Hearing Cohen's words, Wade was furious again.

"Forget it, it's just a good opportunity to cure his bad habits at that time and let him know what it means that there are always people better than you. "

Wade took a deep breath and said.

"By the way, I asked you to come this time for other things. This time, I'll leave my birthday party to you."

"It must be grand, so that the guests can feel the strength of our empire!"

"Leave it to me? This...Father, I..."

Cohen looked at his father in surprise.

"Do I have to leave it to your second brother? !"

"No...No! "

Cohen said quickly.

You know, in previous years, the emperor's birthday party was arranged by people around him, but this time it was given to him, which made Cohen a little flattered.

"There is one more thing. I plan to help you arrange your marriage at this birthday party."

Originally, Cohen was very surprised about what his father had given him, but. Wade's next sentence made Cohen stunned instantly.


Cohen was stunned.

The speed of this matter has exceeded his imagination.

"You are not young anymore, you are already eighteen. I was married when I was eighteen... You don't even have a marriage contract yet."

"Father, isn't this a bit too fast? I am still a student..."

"Is there any conflict here? Arranging a marriage does not mean that you can't continue to study at the magic academy. There is no conflict at all."

"And you will graduate in less than a year."

"Or do you have a target in mind?" "

Wade changed the subject, narrowed his eyes and looked at Cohen.

"Don't be afraid, just say it directly. Is it a classmate in the magic academy?"

"Or a daughter of a rich family, as long as it is suitable, it's fine."

Wade's words hit Cohen.

"Father... What if it's none of them?"

Cohen said with a little courage.

"What did you say? None of them? !"

Shengyao City Magic Academy.

"Teacher Nuoxi, please come and help me, my leg is injured and I can't move!"

A male student in the classroom covered his leg and wailed in pain.

At this time, a door suddenly opened, and the basin of water above fell directly.


The male student's painful expression disappeared instantly.

Just want to see the other party embarrassed.

But the basin of water stopped directly in the air.

"How many times have I told you, don't use this kind of inferior prank to tease me againIt is impossible to succeed!"

Nuo Xi walked in and looked coldly at the surprised male student on the ground.

Then he pointed his finger forward gently.

I saw the basin of cold water poured directly over his head.


The ice water instantly sobered up the male student sitting on the ground.

"How...how did you find out? !"

"It's too obvious. I told you to study magic seriously but you didn't. If this prank is replaced with magic, wouldn't it be easier to succeed?"

Nuo Xi shook her head and said.

"Use magic! Yes, why didn't I think of it! !"

"You...wait for me to come again, I will definitely succeed!"

The male student pointed at Nuo Xi and said, then ran away in shame.

"Alas~too low-level, it's all left over from our previous play. "

Nuoxi patted her white and smooth forehead and said.

Then she walked up to the podium and prepared what she would use for the next class.

Just then, a boy suddenly knelt on one knee in front of Nuoxi with a bouquet of flowers.

"Teacher Nuoxi! Do you see the stars in the sky outside the window? Those are my eyes silently watching you, accompanying you, and spending lonely nights!"

"When I miss you, are you thinking about me? No matter how far apart we are? No matter how long the road ahead of us is! No matter how far you and I are apart, our feelings are like a thread that will never break, and will always be connected together!"


"Have you finished?"

Nuoxi heard the boy stop his confession, and then slowly raised his head and said.

"Teacher, are you moved...Agree?"

"Promise you, go back and get ready for class! And it's broad daylight now, where are the stars? Be more serious when copying love letters in the future! "

Nuoxi lifted her hair from her forehead and glared at the boy.

"This mistake, this mistake, no, how could I have copied it!"

"Teacher, please promise me, I have confessed to you for the 999th time."

"Didn't you say that you will succeed after confessing 999 times?"

"Well? That day was April Fool's Day, don't you know?"

Nuoxi raised her head and said to the boy calmly.

The boy was instantly petrified and stood there, with the corners of his mouth twitching constantly.

At this time, he wanted to cry but couldn't.

"Teacher Nuoxi, can you give me a reason? Or....what is the other half's requirement, I can definitely achieve it!"

But the boy was not ready to give up and said firmly.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Well, I will die knowingly!"

Nuoxi nodded and said directly: "Okay! I like girls! ”

“If you can achieve it…it’s not impossible.”

The boy’s firm look just now instantly turned into a big doubt, and then turned into thousands of question marks.

“Female…Teacher Nuoxi…”

“Yeah, so hurry back and prepare for class!”

“Don’t put your mind on it anymore, it’s better to think about whether I will fail your subject in this final exam.”

“If you fail again this time, you will have to repeat the year.”

At this time, many students had entered the classroom.

Soon, the classroom that could accommodate hundreds of people was instantly crowded with people. They all stared at Nuoxi on the stage, unwilling to miss a single bit.

“Finally, I got Teacher Nuoxi’s class this semester!”

“Oh my God, this is really young and beautiful!”

“I heard that she is only in her twenties?”

“Yes, and she is about to become a magician. I believe it is only a matter of time before she becomes a magician!”

“Then doesn’t that mean the youngest magician in the empire is about to appear? ! ”


On the stage, Nuoxi looked at the chattering students below.

“It would be great if it was still that time~”

Nuoxi sighed softly and then officially announced the start of class.

“Teacher Nuoxi, are you going to eat?”

“No, I have something else to do.”

Nuoxi smiled and rejected the invitation of other teachers and walked out of the academy, holding a bouquet of flowers and snacks and came to a cemetery in the suburbs.

“Nako, I’m here!”

“This is your favorite snack, I brought it today.”

Nuoxi squatted down and gently placed the things in front of the tombstone.

Looking at the tombstone, Nuoxi’s eyes became extremely gentle

“If you were still here, we should be very happy...”

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