Bang, bang, bang!

"Who is it? Can't I sleep at this late hour?"

Jiang Xiaoyun rubbed his eyes, sat up from the bed and said angrily.

He looked at the time, it was still early in the morning.

But the next second, the sound from outside the door made Jiang Xiaoyun wake up instantly.

"It's me!"


Jiang Xiaoyun opened the door and saw Chen Kexin appear at the door.


"How... did you find this place? Didn't I move to another place?"

Jiang Xiaoyun was also very surprised to see Chen Kexin. He had obviously moved to another place, but why did the captain still find her.

"You said I'm the captain, how can I not find you?"

"No, no, that's not what I mean. Captain, do we have any mission?"

Jiang Xiaoyun said quickly.

"Ling Yun."

"Ling Yun? That's not yours, Captain... I didn't peek again, absolutely not! I swear!"

"After you said that last time, I never peeked again!"

Jiang Xiaoyun thought Chen Kexin was here to talk about this matter, and raised four fingers.

"It's not about this matter, I want you to help me find out where Ling Yun is now."

"Where is he? I don't know where Ling Yun is!"

Jiang Xiaoyun scratched his head and said.

"Aren't you a hacker? You could monitor Ling Yun before, but now you can't find him, right?"

"Oh, right! I almost forgot, I'm a hacker, sorry, maybe I'm a little dizzy because I haven't woken up yet."

Jiang Xiaoyun scratched his head and smiled.

"But Captain, if you want to know where Ling Yun is, can't you just call him directly?"

"Why do you have to come here to check?"

Jiang Xiaoyun said with some doubt.

"I know him, he will definitely not tell me!"

"That's why I came to you for help."


Jiang Xiaoyun smiled and didn't understand the captain's idea. He sat in front of the computer and turned it on skillfully.

"Captain, have you contacted each other recently? Within a day?"

Jiang Xiaoyun asked again.

"Within a day! We have contacted each other!"

Chen Kexin nodded and said.

"Give me the phone number."

Chen Kexin reported Ling Yun's phone number to Jiang Xiaoyun.

After Jiang Xiaoyun entered the number, he waited for the program to run.

"The captain is an adult, right? Don't worry about it."

"If it was in the past, you really don't have to worry so much, but now it's your era of superpowers. What if you are targeted by some superpower thugs with ulterior motives?"

"This... this is indeed..."

Jiang Xiaoyun could only agree awkwardly. At this time, the program on the computer had been completed.

"This program can't accurately locate his current location, but the approximate range can still be determined."

"But this place doesn't seem to be too far away... Hey?! Is it in our Luocheng?"

Jiang Xiaoyun zoomed in on the location and got a possible range for Ling Yun.

"What do you mean in Luocheng?!"

"Where is the specific range?"

"Near this... this Tianfu Road... Captain, do you know this place?"

"Tianfu Road... Isn't this place Ling Yun's home?"

"Didn't he tell me that he was going out for a while?"

"I said there would be no problem, right in Luocheng..."

Jiang Xiaoyun turned to look at Chen Kexin, but at this time he found that Chen Kexin's face seemed a little wrong.

"Did he lie to me?"

"Or does he have other things?"

Chen Kexin thought about various possibilities.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoyun and Chen Kexin's mobile phones vibrated at the same time.

The location caller ID was displayed on the mobile phone screen.

The two looked at each other and knew what was going on.

Chen Kexin answered the call.

"I know, what? This must be fake news."

"I'll come in the morning."

"Xiao Yun is right beside me, I'll come with her!"

Chen Kexin hung up the phone.

"Captain is the Federation's mission, right?"

"Yes, they said they want us to be responsible for the security of tomorrow's parliament."

"What?! This is a waste of talent, what do they think we are, security guards?"

Jiang Xiaoyun was immediately unhappy when he heard it, but changed the subject in the next sentence.

"Did you say how much money you'll pay?"

"This is not an ordinary security job, because the Federation just received news that 'Bai' will come!"

"Ah? What did you say? 'Bai'?!"

"It's the one ranked first on the wanted listThe SSS-level superpower? !”

Jiang Xiaoyun stood up and said immediately.

“Yes, I don’t know what they are thinking. This kind of news is obviously fake at first glance.”

“No, no, Captain, look at the bounty for ‘Bai’, it’s a full 110 million!”

“This is much faster than our daily work and missions.”

“Do you think you are the only one watching her? Everyone in the world is watching her! This bounty is not really easy to get.”

“You said that and thought we have caught her.”

Jiang Xiaoyun looked at Chen Kexin with a smile: “Captain, don’t you still have you? You can definitely catch her. When the time comes, just give me a small part of the bonus, and the big part will be all yours!”

Chen Kexin looked at Jiang Xiaoyun and sighed helplessly.

Then he looked at Lingyun’s address on the screen. Since he is now in Luocheng, it should be quite safe.

“Pack up your things and get ready to go. "

"It's probably just a show. I don't think that person will come."

On the other side

The headquarters of the Superpower Association, the underground training room.

Hai Wukong punched out one punch after another, hitting the steel plate in front of him.

Every time he punched, the steel plate sank an inch inward.

The last punch directly pierced the steel plate.


Hai Wukong took the steel plate off and threw it into the corner.

Then he sat on the ground, grabbed the water bottle beside him, and poured water into his mouth.

There were already a bunch of pierced steel plates in the corner.

"I knew you were here."

"I called you but you didn't answer."

Xia He walked out of the gate.

Hai Wukong frowned at Xia He and said unhappily.

"Why is it you? Why are you here? !"

"Haha, look at you, didn't you just get defeated by that Bai Ge once? You don't dare to see anyone? "

Xia He said to Hai Wukong in a mocking tone.

"Whatever you say,"

"I'll tell you a piece of news. I just received the news, too."

"That 'Bai' is coming!"

At first, Hai Wukong looked like he was showing off, but the moment he heard the name 'Bai'.

He instantly stood up from the ground.

"What do you mean by what you just said?"

"What do you mean Bai is coming? How do you know?"

"Do you remember the conference you are going to attend tomorrow?"

Xia He continued.

"Of course I remember, but I am a rough guy and I won't go. But what does it have to do with 'Bai'?"

Hai Wukong asked puzzledly.

"Earlier, the mainstream of the Federation was that a newspaper and a TV station simultaneously received the video recorded by 'Bai'."

"You will know if you see it for yourself. "

Xia He handed over the phone.

The video on it was the one that Bai had recorded and sent to newspapers and TV stations.

"Isn't this a technical synthesis?"

Hai Wukong recognized the person in the video at a glance. It was indeed the Bai.

"But how can you confirm that this is the person who is the first on the wanted list of Bai, and not some other fanatical fan or imitator?"

Hai Wukong asked.

"When this video came, it was submitted to the relevant departments of the Federation for verification. It is not a synthetic or forged video. As for whether it is some fanatical fan."

"This verification will have to wait until tomorrow. If she really comes..."

"If she really comes, I advise you to run away."

Hai Wukong spoke before Xia He finished speaking.


"His power is not what you can imagine. Only after fighting him can you feel the deep sense of powerlessness. "

Hai Wukong sighed heavily and said.

Every night before he went to sleep, he could think of the battle with Bai that night. His strength was not the strongest in the world, but it could be said to be among the strongest.

However, when facing the masked girl, even if he tried his best, he could not hurt her at all.

"And I don't think she is a very evil person."

Hai Wukong expressed his judgment. She could have killed him instantly that day.

But she was actually reasoning with him.

If he was really like what the wanted poster said, killing people like crazy and being extremely vicious, he would not have talked to him so much that day.

"And I promised her that day that if I lost, I would help her investigate the matter clearly."

"What? ! How are you going to help her?"

"You have to know that although you are an S-level psychic, you are nowEverything here is given by the Federation."

"You should know that this wanted order is not something we can decide."

"You mean the above..."

Hai Wukong frowned as if he thought of something.

"Since that cosmic ray that came from nowhere hit the earth, the creatures on the earth have begun to mutate more or less."

"And you have also seen the consequences of the mutation. Some countries have even been occupied by those terrorist forces!"

"Even many countries on the verge of collapse have risen directly because of this mutation."

"One person fighting an army is no longer a plot in the movie. It will become a reality. What do you think the countries of the world will choose to do when facing such a person? !"

Xia He looked at Hai Wukong and took a deep breath.

"Attacking in groups! ?"

"So the people on this wanted order...regardless of country and force, as long as they can catch the people on the wanted order! "

Hai Wukong took a breath.

"If you want to blame someone, blame her for being too strong. I watched the videos she appeared in, and many of them were controversial and taken out of context."

Hai Wukong now understood that her existence undermined the interests and balance of various countries, so she was issued a wanted order.

To put it simply, neither the underworld nor the white world likes her!

"So tomorrow, she has only two choices, one is to go but never come back, and the other is to join the Federation!"

Xia He said with two fingers.

At this time, Hai Wukong laughed and stretched out a finger: "I think there is a third possibility!"

"Huh? What third possibility? !"

"She will slap those people hard in the face!"

Hai Wukong laughed and said.

"It is indeed possible, let's wait and see! ”

In the morning, the sun slowly rises from the east of Los Angeles.

The road is full of people preparing to go to work.

The horns of cars on the road resound throughout the street.

"What's wrong with you? It's not usually so congested?"

People in the car kept looking at the time on their phones and said anxiously.

"The road ahead is closed, and we have to take a long detour, so there is a traffic jam."

The driver said while looking at the navigation map on his phone.

"What road is closed? Is there a traffic accident ahead?"

The passenger frowned and said with a puzzled look.

"I don't know either. I saw it when I started picking up passengers this morning. The notice of the road closure should have been issued yesterday morning."

"Maybe there is something particularly important? Otherwise, the road in this place cannot be closed. "

The driver also looked depressed. The announcement from the Federation only mentioned a temporary closure, but did not mention the time of unblocking. This was very strange.

You know, this place is a must-go for office workers, passing through the center of the city.

"We will definitely be late for the company."

The passenger sighed and said.

At this moment, there was silence in front of the parliament building.

And on the roof of the tall building opposite.

Special police in police uniforms had been deployed here early to observe.

"The report did not find any abnormalities."

"Okay, continue to observe!"


In the meeting hall of Daxia.

At this time, it was already full of federal congressmen who came to attend this conference.

"What do you think the president of the parliament means? He asked us to come even though he knew there was danger. This meeting should be delayed!"

"Who said it wasn't! That 'Bai' dared to be so arrogant and send a notice to the TV station and newspaper saying that he would also come to attend the parliament? ! ”

“That’s an SSS-level psychic. Isn’t that treating us as cannon fodder? Where is our safety?”

“Yes! You see, he didn’t come… I think he’s staying in some safe house!”

“Shh! Keep your voice down! What if the Speaker finds out…”

The members of the conference hall were full of resentment.

Hai Wukong was a little annoyed by the chattering people and was about to put on his headphones.

At this time, Xia He came over.

“You still came?”

“Yeah, otherwise how can I watch the show?”

“Xia He, how do you think these people become officials? I feel that catching one on the street is better than this.”

“Hahaha, that’s true, but they are not useless.”

Xia He raised his hand and pointed at the middle-aged man who was standing and talking bad about the Speaker.

“His son is an A+-level psychic in the army. In a few years, he will probably be S-level. "

"You know that old lady over there, her daughter is an S-class superpower of your Superpower Association - Surge of Wind!"

"The world is changing dramatically, and mutual restraint is the only wayThe hard truth of development makes them chatter here and have no time to do other things. "

Hai Wukong sighed, "This magical world!"

On a high building a few kilometers away from the Parliament Building.

"It's interesting. I almost got cheated. This is a net of heaven and earth, right? !"

Ling Yun stood on the roof and looked at the empty space in front of the Parliament Building in the distance.

"I wanted to talk to you as an ordinary person, but it seems that talking nicely is useless!"

"I'll give you a big one today!"

Ling Yun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then put on his iconic mask and disappeared on the spot...

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