After Tang Ya came out from Er Gouzi, she walked towards the center of Conner City.

"Please be kind and give me something to eat."

"Who can give me some water?"

"Someone come and save me..."


Tang Ya looked at the skinny and depressed ordinary people everywhere on the roadside.

They didn't even have a small tent to live in, and could only spread some rags on the ground as their bed.

They prayed that people passing by along the way could give them a very small help.

If this were any other city, it might be very easy to get help.

But this is Conner City, where everyone is in danger. Being able to eat well and wear warm clothes is already a superior existence, not to mention that most people here are in this state.

Tang Ya looked at the people who were about to starve to death everywhere on the roadside and wanted to lend a helping hand, but could he save one person who could save so many people?

And they themselves also need to survive. Although Tang Ya sympathizes with these people, she knows that this behavior is equivalent to suicide.

Tang Ya can only ignore these people, look forward and walk along the street.

At this time, not far ahead, a man with a hurried look was trying to cross the street.

Suddenly he was tripped by a stone on the road, and then he rushed forward and fell to the ground.

And this was just a very ordinary and normal thing.

But the next second, the man who fell down saw a round white thing rolling out of his clothes.

It was a white steamed bun!

The man looked at the white steamed bun rolling out of his shirt in horror.

At this time, he had only two words in his heart.


As expected, the next second, he saw those people around him who were originally begging for help.

Seeing the white steamed bun rolling out of the man's clothes.

Instantly turned into hungry wolves and pounced on the white steamed bun.

At one time, more than a dozen people were fighting for the white steamed bun on the ground.

Some people even stuffed the steamed bun they had just broken off into their mouths, but it was taken out by others, so they stuffed it into their own mouths without caring about anything.

And there were more people joining in.

They wanted to break off a little bit from the white steamed bun, even if it was just a little bit.

"No! That's mine... My child hasn't eaten for several days..."

The man looked at the white steamed bun he had worked so hard to get, but it was snatched away by so many people.

He wanted to rush in and take back the steamed bun that belonged to him.

But there were too many people rushing over.

He couldn't squeeze in at all.

When the crowd dispersed, the white steamed bun had been eaten up by the first few people who arrived.

The man looked at the empty ground helplessly.

He wanted to say something, but the shouting just now had exhausted all his strength.

And he also knew that if he hadn't fallen down like that, it would be enough for him and his own child to eat for many days.

But now everything has to start from scratch.

When Tang Ya saw this scene, she thought of the food in her arms, and she held it tighter.

Because although she was protected, these people were not afraid of death. They would rather eat well and go on the road than starve to death here.

So when they saw the food, they would rush forward frantically to snatch it.

They didn't care who you belonged to.

This is also the first thing to pay attention to when surviving in Conner City: Never expose your food on the street, otherwise you will be "dead"!

Tang Ya looked at the ground and paid attention to the surrounding situation at the same time, so as to avoid the same thing as the man just now.

Finally, Tang Ya finally passed through the most dangerous area of ​​this section.

Going forward, you will enter the area in the center of Conner City.

There are guards in this area.

And the roadside is clean, and there are no beggars along the way like before.

At this time, Tang Ya took off the headscarf on her head.

Then she took out a bag of food in her clothes and walked straight over.

At this time, the soldiers guarding the entrance to the central road of the city saw someone coming and were about to step forward to stop him.

But they found that it was Tang Ya who was walking over.

Then they immediately said respectfully.

"Master Xiao Ya!"

"Why did you come back alone? It's very dangerous outside with those rioters..."

The soldiers saw that Tang Ya came back directly from outside the city without any guards, which surprised them.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just went out to treat someone's illness."

Tang YaweiSmiled and said.

"Doctor Xiaoya is out treating those people again."

"Help if you can. Okay, I'll go back first."

As she said that, Tang Ya walked in with food in her arms.

The soldiers looked at Tang Ya's back: "Lord Xiaoya is really amazing. She dared to walk through those civilian areas alone, and then walked back intact."

"That's not right. I heard that when the city lord was sick, it was our Lord Xiaoya who cured him."

"Not only that, the boss of the largest gang in the city came to Lord Xiaoya for treatment when he was sick. He is a strong man that even our city lord has to treat with courtesy!"

The soldier nodded quickly and said.

"And Lord Xiaoya is very friendly and doesn't look down on ordinary people like us!"

At this time, another soldier sighed: "It would be great if there were more people like Lord Xiaoya in the world."

Tang Ya pushed open the door of a two-story villa, "Old Ling, I'm back!"

Just as Tang Ya finished speaking.

A burst of hurried footsteps came from above Tang Ya's head.

Followed by a burst of, bang, dong... sounds.

Then a middle-aged man rolled down from the upstairs.

Tang Ya was also amused and helpless when she saw the man in front of her appear in this way.

"Old Ling, I know you want to welcome me and you are very excited, but you don't have to hurt yourself in this way."


The man held the wall and slowly climbed up from the ground.

While crawling, he covered his buttocks and back.

"It hurts so much, it hurts so much..."

Then he held the wall and walked up the last flight of stairs.

"Old Ling fell so hard, are you okay?"

Tang Ya put the bread in her hand on the table in the living room.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

"No! Don't talk about me first, I'm talking about you!"

Suddenly, Old Ling raised his head and looked at Tang Ya.

The expression on his face became very serious, and then he walked straight to Tang Ya and said.

"Wife, didn't I tell you? If you want to go out in the future, you must tell me, and you can only go out with me."

"Why did you go out secretly this time without telling me!"

"I've been worried about you all day today!"

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