"Ah~ I'm so tired." Ling Yun closed the file, stretched his waist and yawned. "Oh my god, it seems that not choosing this major was a correct decision. This record is too detailed." The things in this castle are indeed recorded in great detail. Almost everything that can be seen has been recorded, and photos have been taken. "Nako, how is your place?" Ling Yun asked Nako. "I wrote it all down." "How about it? Do you remember anything?" Ling Yun asked hurriedly. "Not yet." Nako, who was in the pure white space at this time, shook her head. There was also a pile of documents beside her, which were the materials just written down. Ling Yun went through all these files for a whole afternoon and wrote them down first. Halfway through, Professor Li came over and gave him a key, saying that it was too late to read, so he would stay in his apartment at night. He did not live in the school, and the school assigned it to be empty. "It's okay. At least we have made substantial breakthroughs."

"No need to run around like a headless fly like before!"

Ling Yun took a deep breath and felt that the doubts in his heart had at least been revealed a little.

"But this thing has disappeared now, which is a bit difficult to deal with."

Ling Yun thought about it. This appeared two years ago and now it has disappeared again.

I can't find it by myself.

Ling Yun picked up the phone.

As soon as he turned on the phone and saw the time on it, Ling Yun was stunned.

Because the time for his daily transformation is coming!

There are still ten minutes!

"It's over, it's over! I'm going to die! I actually forgot such an important thing!"

Ling Yun hurriedly packed up.

"I've seen everything when I came here, and I've packed everything!"

"I'm leaving first!"

Ling Yun greeted the administrator at the door, and then ran directly to Professor Li's own apartment.

This is Fancheng. If he transforms here, it will not be a social death.

Fortunately, Ling Yun arrived at the apartment at the last moment, and the moment he closed the door, Ling Yun also completed his transformation.

Ling Yun leaned against the door and breathed heavily.

If it had been a little later, it would have been a disaster, because there was a surveillance camera in the room just now, and he couldn't hide.

But fortunately, he still rushed back in time.

Ling Yun looked at the long silver-white hair behind him.

The clothes on his body also turned into a pink and white battle skirt.

But fortunately, he came with clothes on his back.

Just change clothes.

"Forget it, let's go out to eat something after dark."

Ling Yun sighed and said, originally thinking of going to see the previous teacher in the afternoon, but he didn't expect that he would see it directly at night.

Ling Yun looked back at the room.

He found that the layout of the room was very simple. It was indeed as the teacher said, no one lived there all year round.

There was a table, a bed, and a bookshelf in the room, and nothing else.

Ling Yun walked to the bookshelf and saw that it was filled with archaeological books.

On the table was a group photo.

Ling Yun immediately recognized his parents and Professor Li in the photo.

Ling Yun reached out and picked up the photo.

More than two years had passed.

If his parents really disappeared in that castle, if no miracle happened...

But then Ling Yun clenched his fists and said, "Mom and Dad, don't worry. I will find you no matter where you are!"

At this moment, Ling Yun suddenly felt a tearing sensation in his brain.

Then a first-person perspective appeared in his mind.

There was a little girl in front of him, who seemed to be practicing magic hard.

Then the picture turned again.

'He' was touching the head of the golden dragon, and the golden dragon licked him with its tongue.

Then it passed again.

In front of him stood a legion of knights in black armor. They were coming aggressively, and seemed to be coming for him.

The final scene disappeared.

"The memory appeared again."

The tearing sensation in his head also disappeared, and Ling Yun sat on the sofa and gasped.

This time, the scene did not have the sound of the last time, but showed more things.

Ling Yun quickly closed his eyes and came to the pure white space.

Nako was sitting on the ground staring at the scenes that had just appeared.

"Her name is Anya."

Before Ling Yun could speak, Nako spoke first.


Ling Yun quickly walked to Nako's side.

"Have all your memories been restored? ! "

Ling Yun asked in surprise.

"Not fully restored."

Naka shook her head and said.

"I only remembered some memories about them."

"But about myself... I still can't remember."

Ling Yun heard what Naka said.

Although there was a little disappointment, there was still a little progress.

Any bit of restoration is a bit of recovery!

"Remember what I told you before, I have an apprentice?"

"Yeah, I remember, what's wrong?"

"Is that little girl your apprentice? "

Ling Yun immediately thought of the little girl who practiced magic at the beginning of the scene.

"Yes... But I can't remember the rest. I don't know why I feel uncomfortable and want to cry when I see her..."

Naka choked, then turned to look at Ling Yun and said.

Ling Yun looked at Naka for a moment, and Naka's eyes were red at this time.

Tears were rolling in her eyes.

Seeing Naka like this, Ling Yun was also affected and felt uncomfortable.

Ling Yun quickly asked: "This... What happened..."

"I... I don't know... I only know that when I saw her, my heart seemed to be pinched, it hurts! "

At this time, Nako stood up like a child and hugged Lingyun.

She actually started crying in Lingyun's arms.

For a moment, Lingyun didn't know what to do?

This was the first time a girl cried in his arms.

And Nako didn't know why she was crying.

Could it be that something happened to Nako's apprentice?

Lingyun thought about it and there was only this explanation.

For a person who has lost his memory, forgetting the most important person is definitely a very painful thing.

After crying for a while, Nako wiped her tears.

The mood also eased.

Lingyun also quickly changed the subject.

"What is the golden dragon of Nako... and what is her relationship with you?"

"The golden dragon you summoned that day... should be my contracted pet."

"Contracted pet? ! What is that?"

"It is a contract concluded with other creatures through magic."

"Once bound, it cannot be dissolved for life."

"Unless the owner dies." "

Ling Yun nodded, and then asked about the last scene.

This is also what Ling Yun is most curious about. Why is 'himself' standing in front of so many knights? Did something happen?

And it seems that the target of those knights seems to be 'himself'.

"The Black Feather Knights... an organization that specializes in judging heretics, but specifically..."

Naka wanted to continue thinking, but a sharp pain in her head stopped her.

"Every time I want to think about it, I am stopped..."

Ling Yun also felt pain.

It seems that this is all I can know. Although there is some progress, it is too slow.

How long will it take to fully recover?

When Ling Yun opened his eyes, it was already dark outside.

"Let's go have a meal. I've been hungry for an afternoon. I'll come back to sort out today's things. "

Ling Yun changed into a neutral outfit, and then put on a hat, hiding his silver-white hair inside his clothes.

He was ready to go out.

At this time, he was in the university.

A large truck was driving slowly on the road to the school.

Finally, the truck stopped at the door of a building.

The driver in the car made a phone call.

A few seconds later, the call was connected.

"Sir, the first phase of the mission has been completed and the destination has been reached. Do you want to start?"

"Okay, stay where you are and wait for me to notify you before you start."

At this time, the driver and his companions got off the truck.

Then they quickly left the truck.

At this time, on the other side of the phone.

"Why make it so complicated? Isn't it enough to just rob it?"

Elena said puzzledly while eating a lollipop.

"Sir, if we force it directly, the federal army is nearby and we can't get away."

Norton smiled and explained to Elena: "And there is a possibility that the whole army will be wiped out! ”

“Are you making such a big fuss just for this thing? What is this thing?”

“This thing is what the doctor needs. My lord, you have also seen how powerful it is.”

“It is really powerful. An ordinary B-level psychic can directly jump to S-level and kill S-level psychics.”

Elena nodded. This drug is indeed a bit scary.

“But your side effects... What happened to that guy now?”

“He is almost dead.”"Since he chose this power, he has to pay a price for it. How can there be a free lunch in the world?"

"His dosage is one hundred times the normal one, so he also got the power to kill that person."

"But the price is...death..."

"One hundred times?"

Elena was even more surprised to hear this. If that guy can be improved by more than one hundred times to S-level.

If I use it, can't I defeat that 'Bai'? !

Thinking of this, Elena asked: "What will be the result if I use that potion?!"

"This... Excuse me, sir, I can't give you an accurate answer."

"Because we haven't done any related experiments."

"But now our medicine has been sold to the entire federation. Isn't this a natural experimental field?"

Norton said with a sick smile, opening his hands.

"Then we just need to get the thing the doctor needs from Van City."

"So what is it?"

Hearing this, Elena was a little curious about what it was.

"I don't understand the professional terms the doctor said. Anyway, it's a long list of names. It can only be found in the laboratory. There is a laboratory in this university that has this thing."

Norton shrugged. After all, he didn't know what those things were, but he could get whatever the doctor needed.

"Okay, I'll go back to play games first. I have to practice again after I died last time."

Elena stood up and said.

After Elena's character died, even the game saves would be deleted directly.

The only way is to play it again from the beginning.

But it's not so easy to play a game that can summon S+-level psychics.

It took Elena two years to collect and play it all!

Although it is a replay, the position of the props can be remembered, but the various copies still need to be refreshed by yourself, and the characters need to be retrained. This difficulty is abnormal...

"Miss, they didn't do anything to you, did they?"

William asked after returning to the room.

"Do they dare? Do they really think that I only have that one S+ level psychic? They sent people to Fancheng to get something, saying that the doctor needs it."

"William, what do you think of that potion?"

Elena looked at William and asked.

"Only a small bottle of medicine can make an ordinary psychic directly forcibly enter the S-level psychic!"

"This is definitely something that subverts the world order. As long as the problem of side effects can be solved, we don't have to be afraid of any country in the world."

Elena nodded. If the problem of side effects can be solved, and then used by her subordinates, wouldn't it be possible to train more than a dozen or twenty beings beyond the S-level? !

"Miss, do you think we should... now..."

William whispered to Elena.

"Don't worry, if we give it to us now, do you dare to use it? What's the use of gaining temporary power? You will die anyway."

Elena glanced at William and said.

"We just need to wait. There's no rush to make a move when it's mature."

Elena stared at the game console and said slowly.

William nodded and stopped talking after hearing it.

In the cafeteria of the First University.

"It's worthy of being the spicy hot pot that I have eaten for four years without getting tired of! I only recognize this taste!"

Ling Yun sat at the door of the store and looked at the bowl full of things.

"Classmate, can you eat so much by yourself?"

At this time, the store owner said to Ling Yun with a smile.

"I can finish it, of course I can finish it. I used to eat three bowls of rice by myself!"

Ling Yun stretched out three fingers and said to the boss.

"What? You, a girl, eat three bowls of rice and so many dishes?"

The boss said in great surprise when he heard Ling Yun's words.

"Ah? Ah... I didn't... I came with a friend, so we ate three bowls."

"I didn't eat lunch today, so... I ordered a little more."

Ling Yun immediately realized that he was wrong and quickly changed his words.

After hearing Ling Yun's words, the boss's expression eased.

"You scared me to death, I thought you, a girl, ate three bowls of rice after finishing this pot of food."

The boss laughed and said.

"How is that possible... How can a girl like me eat so much?"

At this time, Ling Yun found that there were many more discussions around him.

"Look, there's a girl, with silver hair! So cute~~"

"Yes! Are you from the anime club? "

"Impossible! I am from the anime club. There are only a dozen girls in our anime club, and there is no such girl."

"And I have never heard that there is a girl with silver-white hair in our school!"

"Do you dare to ask for the Penguin account? ! "


Ling Yun didn't want to listen, but his hearing was still very good after his transformation.

It was hard not to listen.

Once upon a time, he and his roommates were sitting together discussing the school beauty.

I didn't expect that now the positions were directly swapped and he sat in the position of being talked about.

But Ling Yun didn't care. After all, he had been practicing for more than two years and was used to it.

Just when Ling Yun was about to continue to pick up his chopsticks.


A loud noise came from outside the cafeteria.

Then, the whole cafeteria shook, and the glass on the side was shattered in an instant.

The whole cafeteria was in a mess.

Everything happened very quickly.

But Ling Yun's reaction speed was faster, and super delay and super speed were activated almost in an instant.

The people in the cafeteria had almost no time to react, and Ling Yun used magic to move them outside the cafeteria.

At this time, Ling Yun stood on the roof and looked at the smoke and flames not far away.

"What happened again? !"

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