"Miss, our destination is the city ahead."

William pointed to the small town on the edge of the desert and said.

"What kind of place did that guy choose? There is no one here."

Elena looked at the desolate surroundings, bare and nothing.

"Miss, I think the place they chose is still okay."

"This place is close to the border of the Federation, and across the desert in front is the Federation."

"And the small country next to it was destroyed because of the appearance of the superpowers, and now it is divided by multiple forces."

"In this place, if he has power and money, he has the right to speak."

"So that's the case. I didn't expect Norton to be so thoughtful."

"And Miss, I think they have been guarding against us recently."

Then William whispered to Elena.

"Being on guard against us? This is also very normal, but it does not affect our plan at all. Do you think they can really create an artificial S-class psychic?"

"I can't say for sure... But I think that Dr. Zhang Qiling does have some abilities. When the time comes, we can catch him first!"

"Yeah, don't worry, wait until their research is completed before we start."

Although Elena really wants to become stronger again.

But she doesn't want to lose her life.

"Okay, let me explore the way first."

Elena took a small box from William's hand.


Elena appeared next to her.

A silver-white warrior wearing armor.

This is the latest S-class psychic that Elena has created.

"Let's practice with this new character!"

Elena controlled the white warrior and walked into the city.

I don't know how long it took.

The white warrior came to the entrance of the city.

Looking around, the whole street was empty, with no one.

There was no customer in the store that should have been bustling, only the clerk sat in the store with a dull look.

"It's really strange."

From the moment Elena stepped into this small town, she had an indescribable weird feeling.

"Is there no one in this city?" Elena continued to walk forward.

The whole city was very quiet, so quiet that it was a little scary.

At this time, Elena seemed to notice something, as if someone was watching her.

But she didn't pay attention, but continued to walk forward.

At this time, she walked to a building.

This is where the mayor works.

Push open the door of the office.

Elena was greeted by an empty office.

There was no messy scene after the battle as imagined, but it was unusually neat and clean.

It was as if nothing had happened.

"What's going on? It's really easy. They took down the whole city with just one soldier?"

This made Elena even more curious. Who did this?

"Finally, some different people are here."

Suddenly, a low, slightly vicissitudes of life voice came from the corridor.

Elena immediately became 120% serious.

Since she lost to 'Bai' last time, she began to reflect on herself.

Don't take it lightly when facing anyone!

After a while, a middle-aged man with a cane and a gorgeous robe came out.

Elena saw the man in front of her.

She immediately recognized that this person was the person in the photo that Norton showed her at that time?

Is this the person who took down all three A-level psychics?

Elena looked at the man in strange clothes in front of her.

This doesn't look like a strong man.

Elena suspected that he was not alone, but a trap. There might be a dozen people like him lying in ambush around.

Elena looked around to make sure there were no ambushes.

"You don't need to look. There are only two of us in this house."

"Are you really alone?"

"Are you their boss?"

"Boss? No, no, no, I'm not. I'm just here to finish you off."

Elena shook her head and said.

"Take care of me?"

The man laughed.

"Do you think you can really beat me? Or do you think you can get away?"

The man said without even paying attention to her.

It seemed as if he had already declared victory in this battle.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Elena said coldly.

"But to be honest, your strength is indeed much stronger than those people."

"In the words of your world, you should be an S-level or above superpower.. "

The middle-aged man said slowly that he didn't care about the battle that could start at any time.

"Are you also an S-level psychic?"

Elena also had some doubts about the real strength of the man in front of her.

If the man on the other side is also an S-level psychic, then Elena has a 50% chance of winning him in this battle.

But if he is also above S-level.

That's hard to say.

But fortunately, the characteristics of the character Elena chose, whether she wins or loses this battle, she can get out of it unscathed.

This is why Elena chose this character.

"Then let's give it a try."

As soon as the voice fell.

The white knight threw out two darts.

Shooting towards the man's eyebrows.

The man just smiled slightly.

"It's just a trifle. "

The scepter was on the ground, and it poked lightly.

An invisible barrier blocked the man's way, and the dart hit it and fell to the ground.

When the man looked forward, the white warrior disappeared.


"Two extreme slashes!"

Two white crescent-shaped slashes came from behind the man again!

This is the first skill of Elena's game character.

It is also the most proficient skill. Elena directly upgraded it to the maximum level in the game.

With the orange legendary weapon in hand, it ignores the effect of defense bleeding.

Even the simplest skills can cause great damage to the enemy.

"Huh? !"

The man felt threatened.


Slash and chop!

But the man disappeared, leaving only a scarecrow stake in the original place.

"What a good sword skill! It reminds me of a sword master with extraordinary sword skills! "

The man's voice came from behind Elena.

"But... you are still a little behind her."

"Blood mist!"

The man poked again.

A large amount of red mist leaked out from the gem on the scepter.

It instantly filled the entire room.

Elena's vision was instantly blocked.

She couldn't see anything at all.

"Secret Art·Mind's Eye!"

Elena immediately activated one of the secret arts of the White Warrior.

The warrior closed his eyes, and all the sounds reached his ears.

He just stood there, without any intention of defending...

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