From the perspective of origami, Tosaki Kakuzo throws himself here and disappears. After trying his best to break the rope that bound him to no avail, origami still does not give up. He is slowly moving his body little by little, trying to run. Go to a place with many people.

   This ghost place with no people, you don't need to think about it to know what the other party's idea is.

   "Don't struggle, you still have use, I won't let you be affected, so lie down obediently for a while." I don't know where Tosaki Kakuzo's unique madness sounded into Toiichi Origami's ears.

   Eyes slowly widened, Origami moved more violently after hearing this.

   I don’t know why, but Origami’s first reaction now is to inexplicably not want more people to be harmed.

The words of Kakuzo Tosaki clearly indicated that her target was those who smelled the scent of meat. The origami heart was also very disgusted with the despicable scum of this kind of behavior, but there was something in her heart that couldn’t be anymore. The motivation to continue her movement.

   recalled the situation he saw that day after being caught, the innocent elf nicknamed "Princess", the desire to escape in Origami's heart became stronger.

   The source of the elves, the way of elves, all of these make Origami want to work hard to discover, she wants to know the original appearance of each elves, she wants to understand the meaning of the elves to the world.

   Now she recalled the fire that killed her parents. In addition to the revenge that supported her for a long time, she began to want to understand the facts at the time.

   Why did the fire spirit suddenly cause that big fire? What is behind this incident?

   Fairy, "Princess", "Fire Spirit", Tokazaki Kazami! Origami wants to go deeper into their hearts.

   "Why are you still struggling? How ugly is this stumbling forward? Why are you not good at learning?"

   Suspicious questions came, and Origami could only whimper a few words from his throat to show that he had something to say.

   Unfortunately, Origami did not receive any reply.

   Until the beginning of a frivolous chat, the voice became clearer and clearer, "Today's money for moving bricks is available, where can you go to have fun?"

   "Of course... Wait, there seems to be a white thing moving?"

   Hearing this, Origami silently closed her eyes, and a sorrow for her came out from her heart.

A few minutes later, Origami, who had been unbound, looked at the dark red liquid on the ground and shivered. The desire for life that broke out before death and the cruelty that slowly swallowed people. The path completely shocked the origami who had never seen such a scene.

   Now, no matter what she looks at, the desperate cry and the gushing dark red will always appear in her mind.

   Tokisaki Kakuzo is a demon once again occupying Origami's mind, and some thoughts that shouldn't have been repressed by her.



   On the other side, in the dedicated conference room at home, a group of Tokisaki Kazumi opened the people’s election meeting.

   "We want to be fair! Oppose dictatorship!" The atmosphere on the scene is fierce, and a clone is taking the lead in making trouble.

   "You say it again?" Lin Qingyin raised her eyebrows, looked at the large group of avatars in front of her, and then at the support rate of no one behind her, feeling that she was still a little too relaxed about her usual discipline.

Damn it, I blamed the news in my mind that I didn’t know where I saw it before, saying that Tokisaki Kyouzo and Tokisaki Kyouzo used to get along fairly with each other. As a result, this group of clones kept using this point of view to make trouble. thing.

   When there are no outsiders, you really don’t give me any face?

   And no one wants to take this opportunity to please me who holds your power to kill? This Nima is too real, is it so afraid that I will take the opportunity to pull the supporters into a coolie? Am I the kind of person who can pit myself?

Lin Qingyin said that he just wanted to find a clone to replace him to pretend to practice with Wuhe Shidao, anyway, he is still in the training stage, a large group of people in the sky are staring at them and they can’t do anything. How can I say this? Are the avatars shaking their heads?

   "In the twenty-four-character mantra of the development of the new era, there are two words of equality and justice. Don't forget, we are the successors of the new era. Don't want us to do things that you don't want to do."

   "It's because I don't want to do it myself that I want to find someone. Otherwise, what do I want your clones to do? You don't waste your spiritual power for nothing?"

   "Fair! Fair! Fair!" A tidy shout came in response.

   "You guys!" Lin Qingyin gritted his teeth, "Don't force me, engrave the emperor..."

"Wait~" A clone stood out from the crowd to stop Lin Qingyin's movements, "I'm going, I'm going to do it, really, is it necessary to make this matter so grand? It still looks decent? I used the living room to have a meeting. Didn’t you see that we could only stand half-body inside the wall? You are not too crowded?" Pointing to the clone that was partially stuck outside by using the City of Eating Time, this clone weakly Tucao.

   "You come out early." Another tidy voice came out.

"Can you be quiet? You will come interrupting my work!" Upstairs, I was flipping through the book while planning the next "Make Love More Beautiful" action in Erya He protested loudly in dissatisfaction.

Just now it’s hard to build a picture of a happy family harmony in their minds. The two can let go of all the common things and watch their favorite anime together in a room that belongs to the two people, drinking their favorite beverages, and even in the summer. I had to turn on a 17-degree air conditioner and lie in the bed together. Even if such a beautiful picture was interrupted once, it didn't take long for me to come again for the second time. I was very angry, really angry.

A group of avatars originally wanted to complain, "I finally have a conscience that can't bear the acting for so long, and an idiot who stands up and is willing to do nothing for the main body has appeared", but after hearing Erya's voice, they collectively closed their mouths. .

   Everyone knows that Er Ya can be regarded as the highest in Lin Qingyin's heart in this world, and it is better not to continue to mess around if you don't want to really make the body angry.

   "Hmph, count you acquaintances." Lin Qingyin snorted in satisfaction, gave the clone who volunteered to take on the difficult task an encouraging look, and then signaled that everyone was gone.

   You guys have squeezed the room inside, three floors and three floors outside. Can you leave the way? I’m going to see my dear Erya.

   After Lin Qingyin left, the remaining clones suddenly became silent.

   "Everyone feels it, someone has been absorbed." A clone interrupted the silence.

   "Yeah." A few answers were sparse.

   "The sense of proprioception is the same as ours, not happy or something."

   "I hope she can figure it out by herself, anyway, everyone will be resurrected in the end."

   "I started to understand a little bit how our character was developed. Every day in the various guilt, everyone will be a little crazy."

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