In the surprised eyes of the lucky guy, the host, and the audience, Lin Qingyin said in front of everyone, "What about Tosaki Kakuzo, whatever you ask, I know it." .

   Doubts and longing emotions filled people's hearts.

   can really ask anything?

   Does she know all about Tokizaki Kuzou?

   Is there any ulterior transaction between her and the author of Date War?

   Cutie told her all the stories about Tokizaki Kuzou in her mind?

   Or, is she really Tokizaki Kuzou?

The more the audience thought about it, the more unbelievable, the feeling of illusion and reality that the whole venue brought about has not faded. "Kuangzaki Tokazaki" said such words again, it will inevitably make people feel tempted to "She is Kuang Tokazaki". Three" aspects to think about.

   So, after experiencing the surprise and surprise that a single dog was stunned by a beauty falling from the sky and leaned on you, the little brother on the stage stammered with joy and asked questions that had not been thought of by the brain.

   "Then I, I want to ask," the little brother's drooling sound was accompanied by a deep drooling voice, and then.

   "Kuang San, do you really like the Five Rivers Shidao?"

After the    words were amplified by the microphone and heard by the audience, the audience was in an uproar.

It’s such a good opportunity to ask what’s not good. You have to ask a question that involves people’s emotions. It’s already very obvious in people’s animations. It’s impossible to like it. It’s impossible to like it in this life, not to mention being taken by others in general. When asked about this question, it is very likely that people will not answer positively, which is a waste of opportunity to ask questions.

Even if you ask how Kuangsan and Erya can solve the **** needs, even if it is a question that is destined to be unanswered, it may be beaten, but at least it can further verify whether Kuangsan is really in the anime. The crazy three are the same.

   If Kuang San is really asked about this kind of question, the result must be obvious. Most of it will be rewarded with a cruel and inhuman lesson. As for how miserable it is, it is definitely not a question for other people to think about.

   What everyone cares most about now is whether you can verify what she said just now. The soul of gossip, such as emotion, has long been squeezed to the horizon because of the doubts about the existence of the real two-dimensional.

   However, a few people still showed hope when they heard this question.

  They, including the younger brother on stage, are the ones who have a deep affection for the big date battle and have a great sense of substitution for the male protagonist of Wuhe Shidao.

What they desire most in their hearts is to see the final result of the secretly main line of "Five River Shido and Tokisaki Kazakh Three and Two Endings" that has been running from the outside to the feature film in the anime. Can it get an answer that satisfies them? .

   stared at this little brother with a smile for two seconds. Lin Qingyin could probably guess why he raised this question without hesitation.

   Maybe he just wants to get a positive answer, even if he has had such vague words, to satisfy his own inner desire for fantasy and beauty.

   However, Lin Qingyin would not follow his ideas.

   In fact, there has always been a feeling of guilt for Wuhe Shidao Lin Qingyin, not only for using him, but also an apology for playing with him.

   In the final analysis, Lin Qingyin has done so many righteous and kind things, and for his own part, he can continue to travel to the world where he has left indelible traces.

   Although my own goodwill is indeed something I want to convey and actually do, but after including selfish desires, some things will be different.

   In the world of dating, this part of selfishness led to Lin Qingyin feeling guilty for Wuhe Shidao after the mission was successful.

   If it is really like a saint with pure goodwill, then there will be no such thing as guilt.

and so.

   "I...ashamed of Wuhe Shidao," Lin Qingyin said the first sentence after a slow pause.

   didn't answer the question raised by the little brother directly, but everyone probably understood Kakuzo Tosaki's thoughts.

   Do not answer, that is no, as expected, it is still the same as in the anime, she really has no feelings between men and women for Wuhe Shidao.

   Moreover, the word guilty also shows her apology.

   "Even though I thought that the Lord made all things develop towards a better side, and put all the relative burdens of achieving beauty on my own side, I still failed to achieve this goal in the end."

   On the stage, Lin Qingyin's smile gradually diminished and said this in a calm tone.

   These words have always been the true thoughts buried in Lin Qingyin's heart. There is no falsehood, but they have never been told to anyone in the world of dating.

   didn't want to say anything that might make him know that he was ashamed of him in the world where Wuhe Shidao is.

The two people who were entangled in the first place (Wuhe Shidao unilaterally) may be completely cut off after the story is over. It is with this idea that Lin Qingyin after returning to the dating world. Decided to no longer appear in front of Wuhe Shidao.

   It's a pity that I was really moved by Wuhe Shiori in the end.

   Hearing the words of Tokizaki Kakuzo, the enthusiasm and excitement of the little brother gradually faded-the dream in the heart of the illusory story that was purely imagined by the beautiful yearning was almost shattered.

The most beautiful and touching heroine in the story does not make people feel uncomfortable in the end not being able to get together with the hero, but she can only do it in her heart. Maybe they are in fact a dream of love but can’t be together, and the real situation makes this fantasy all the same. The fight was fragmented.

   What they have substituted is the Five Rivers Shidao, just like the Five Rivers Shidao, they will long for this girl who has been the brightest in their eyes from the beginning to the end.

   "Even if you only like it for a moment? Is there any?" asked with a dead heart.

   "Sorry..." Two words, a simple and clear answer.

   The facts that were not clearly stated in the animation but naturally understood in many people's minds were exposed nakedly, and the atmosphere at the scene was a bit embarrassing for a while.

"Thank you for your confusion." Raising his hand and rubbing his eyes, the lucky little brother covered his face and took a deep breath, then put down his hand and smiled again. "You don't need to apologize. What you did for Wuhe Shidao is actually It’s much more important than that little problem."

   It seemed that after taking a deep breath, the whole person completely calmed down, and the little brother actually said something that the authorities would not say.

   Lin Qingyin nodded, with a little approval in his eyes.

   If it were Wuhe Shidao, he would definitely not be completely sad about this. This is also the reason why I know I can't afford him but continue to use him.

   Wuhe Shidao is like the little brother in front of him, even if he knows all the truth, he won’t be really angry.


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