After hearing Hiashi's question, Hizashi calmed down from his ecstasy.

He thought of one thing. Hinata was only one year younger than Neji.

If the eldest brother saved Neji, it meant that Hinata would most likely replace Neji and be engraved as a bird in a cage.

This was very important. Those old stubborn people wanted to blame Hinata for Neji.

Hizashi was willing to save his son. This was his responsibility as a father, but he was unwilling to exchange his brother's daughter.

So Hizashi wanted to interrupt Hiashi, forget it, enough, enough, he was satisfied to hear Hinata say this.

So be it, whether it was himself or Neji, this was fate.

Accept your fate quietly, knowing the intentions of the eldest brother and Hinata, this was enough.

Then seeing Hinata open her beautiful eyes and say seriously:"Of course, brother Neji is very good to me. He is so outstanding. I don't want him to be a bird in a cage." After hearing Hinata

's words, Hiashi was silent for a while, and Hizashi said anxiously beside him:"Brother, you can't……"

Without waiting for Hizashi to finish, Hiashi interrupted him with his hand and said to Hinata:"What if the elders ask you to replace Neji, would you be willing?"

At this moment, Hiashi was full of aura, without the gentleness he usually showed to Hinata. Now he was just a cold head of the family.

Hearing what Hiashi said, Hiashi looked even more anxious. He was worried that Hinata would make a decision that he would regret if she didn't calm down.

He looked at Neji. Yes, Hinata was also the beloved daughter of his eldest brother. He didn't want his son to be trapped in a cage, and his eldest brother didn't want his daughter to be like that either.

Hiashi regretted that he had pleaded with his eldest brother before. Although his son was important, he was asked to exchange the fate of his eldest brother's daughter. He couldn't do such a thing.

Neji looked at his father's eyes and understood his father's decision. Neji would not agree to let his sister replace him. His sister was meant to be loved, so how could he let her get hurt? Neji wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Hiashi, who was also emitting cold air.

Hiashi stared at Hinata, wanting to know his daughter's real decision.

"Dad, Neji is a genius. If you adopt him, not only can you keep his talent, but you can also learn the secrets of our family. He will definitely be able to revitalize the Hyuga clan. I am different. I cannot refine chakra, and I don't know if I can open the Byakugan. We can't kill a genius just because of those ancient systems and those old stubborn people."

Hiashi ignored what Hinata said, his eyes were still fixed on Hinata's eyes, and he asked repeatedly:"Even if you are engraved as a bird in a cage, are you willing?"

Hinata smiled and replied:"Of course not." Hiashi was stunned. He thought his daughter was a born saint, but he didn't expect to hear such an answer.

So he asked:"Then how do you deal with the threats from the elders? They won't let you go easily."

Hinata smiled slightly:"I know that although my father is the head of the clan, some things are also subject to the elders of the clan. I just want my father to buy me some time, and I will convince them in the future."

Hinata emphasized the word"convince".

Hiashi looked at his daughter, heard what she said, and admitted that he had misjudged her.

His daughter turned out to be an out-and-out hero. She was going to use her own strength to convince those old stubborn people. What a pity. Why was Hinata a girl? It would be so much better if she was a boy.

However, even if it was a girl, Hiashi would not give up. He secretly made up his mind that he would protect Neji and he would not give up Hinata.

Hinata's performance was worthy of becoming an excellent heir.

As for those old stubborn people... Open and hidden attacks? Let him, the old father, block them for her.

He understood Hinata's meaning. As long as he bought her a few years of development time, her strength would advance by leaps and bounds to the point where she would ignore the rules, just like the first generation, who had the same status in the Senju family.

The self-confidence revealed from the bones was so dazzling that Hiashi couldn't believe that Hinata was the same person as the timid daughter before.

So, Hiashi said to Hizashi:"Brother, it was my big brother who was useless. I didn't protect you in front of my father back then. Now let me protect your son. Leave Neci to me in the future."

Hizashi's eyes were full of tears. He grabbed Neci and bowed to Hiashi and Hinata.

He said:"Brother, thank you."

Then he turned to Neci and said:"Ningci, you must remember the kindness of your uncle and sister Hinata. In the future, you must protect Hinata well, even at the cost of your life."

Ningji's little face was full of determination. He had always had a bit of sister-con attributes, and now he understood that Hinata used herself in exchange for him not to be marked as a caged bird.

The childish voice said seriously:"Dad, uncle, don't worry, whoever wants to hurt Hinata must get past me first. I will risk my life to protect my sister."

Hiashi laughed. The two little brats were talking like adults.

The guilt towards Hizashi was swept away."Brother is really useless. Even a child as young as Hinata can think of a way, but brother can't. I'm sorry for you."

Hizashi choked up and said,"Brother, I know, you had no way back then. Everything was decided by father."

Hinata blinked her big eyes, looking at the two brothers Hiashi and Hizashi showing their deep brotherhood, thinking, fortunately Hiashi is also a man who values friendship and loyalty, otherwise her plan would be in jeopardy.

Turning her head and looking at Neji, I still saved you this time, that's great, I hope you can firmly grasp your future destiny in your own hands.

Neji saw Hinata staring at him, and asked,"Sister Hinata, is there anything you need? Do you need my help?"

Hinata had a flash of inspiration, and thought of a good idea, and said to Neji,"Brother Neji, can you deliberately lose to me during training?"

What she thought was that she might be able to work with Neji to find the bug in the system and see if she could get the strengthening points.

As long as she raised her hand, Neji would fall down and admit defeat. If possible, it would not be slower than brushing the seventh generation.

Who knew that after hearing that, Neji said with a serious face,

"How can you do this? Training is self-cultivation. If I lose to you on purpose, I am not helping you, I am harming you. I absolutely cannot do this."

Hinata said righteously, and she was so angry that her teeth itched.

You ungrateful bastard, I saved you in vain. Humph.

Seeing Hinata's angry look, Hiashi and Hizashi felt funny. How could this Hinata still be so vain? She even asked Neci to fake a match during training.

But what they didn't know was that this was not Hinata's vanity, but her rigid need.

Hinata, who was rejected by Neci, was a little unwilling, and wondered in her heart whether she should use her fists to intimidate her cousin.

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