Today was a sunny day.

It was the day for the Ninja School to register. Hyuga Hiashi led his lovely daughter, Hinata, to the Ninja School to register.

Riko was supposed to send Hinata off, but Hiashi refused due to her health.

Riko left alone with Hinata.

""Dad, I can actually go alone."

Hinata muttered. With an adult soul, Hinata had long been accustomed to being independent.

"How could that be possible? It was my daughter's first day of school, so as a father, I had to accompany her."

However, his constant greetings and praise of his daughter along the way had exposed his true purpose.

He was here to show off his daughter.

"Oh, isn't this Shikaku? Shikamaru looks good, so energetic. What? Can play shogi? Great, great, unlike my Hinata, who only learned soft fist and nothing else"

"Where, where"

"I am over-flattered"

"Oh, Ding Zuo, you are here too. My Hinata Balabala……"


Hinata followed behind, and she really admired Hiashi, how he could show off his child in a serious manner without laughing.

When they arrived at the entrance of the Ninja School, the crowd gradually increased.

As the Hyuga clan in Konoha, ninjas had already come out to warmly welcome them.

Not long after, the registration procedures were completed, and Hiashi once again reminded Hinata and went back.

Hinata and her friends walked into the campus and went to the playground to gather. The third generation Hokage would routinely talk about the will of fire to the freshmen!

Hinata stood in the team, listening to Sarutobi Hiruzen on the podium talking about the will of fire, and her mind gradually emptied.

Hinata's eyes were a little blurred, as if she was immersed in Sarutobi Hiruzen's speech.

As a modern person, she is completely immune to Sarutobi's nonsense and brainwashing literature.

She will not insert a few small jokes. Bad reviews, she will feel drowsy after listening for a few minutes. Hinata simply emptied herself, pulled her attention back, and silently calculated her plan for the next stage in her heart.

First of all, it's about the strengthening points. Since meeting Kumogakure, the strengthening points on her body have been gradually taken from Ningci, Itachi and others.

There are about 2,000 points in bits and pieces, most of which are contributed by Ningci.

As for Itachi, he doesn't talk to Hinata now. Hinata's wool-pulling skills are too bad, and he was plundered to death at one time. Ningci doesn't come to compete with Hinata now, maybe he has seen Hinata's strength.

Skill 1: Taotie, the next level of strengthening requires 500,000 points.

Skill 2: Senjutsu·Baiyan requires 10 million points to strengthen the next level.

Skill 3: Senjutsu·Soft Fist and Skill 4: Senjutsu·Soft Fist require 1 million points to strengthen the next level.

Looking at the long string of zeros behind those skills, and then looking at the more than 2,000 points left on her body, Hinata feels that she has inexplicably felt like she had to take out a loan to buy a house in her previous life. Alexander. She could have made a fortune from Shisui and the Uchiha clan, but because of her bad mouth, she spoiled the spoiler.

As a result, the reinforcement points also flew away.

Hinata secretly hated the Uchiha for being born evil and not grateful at all. They owed her such a large amount of reinforcement points, but Shisui and Itachi did not show any appreciation.

In addition to the reinforcement points, she had a little trouble. She could not show in front of others that she could use natural energy, which meant that she could not use ninjutsu in school.

This did not matter, but the problem was that the graduation exam required the three-body technique. How could she break it?

Hinata suddenly had a flash of inspiration in her mind. She realized that her skill: Taotie, after being strengthened, had the ability to absorb chakra energy bodies. If she strengthened it again, would it bring more changes?

She began to imagine boldly, and a surge of excitement surged in her heart. Taotie, as her life skill, was not very helpful to her now.

It was time to strengthen it again. Moreover, the reinforcement points required were the least among several skills, only 500,000 points. As long as my lovely classmates worked hard, they should be able to get them all before graduation.

Hinata's mind became clear after she figured it out, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was standing on the high platform, glanced at the sleepy faces below the stage.

Suddenly, his sight stopped on one of the faces. That face stood out in sharp contrast to the listlessness of the other children around it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but feel relieved, and secretly sighed:"It seems that not everyone in the new generation of Konoha Village is hopeless! At least there is one person who can truly understand the meaning of the Will of Fire."

He slowly stretched out his finger, pointed at Hyuga Hinata, and said in a loud voice:"Okay! Then let's ask Hyuga Hinata to talk about her unique insights into the Will of Fire."

As he finished speaking, everyone's eyes were focused on Hinata.

What? Let me talk about the Will of Fire? I'll talk about your uncle.

Hinata was a little flustered. Facing such a situation, she was really at a loss, but she couldn't openly disobey the order. So, she had to grit her teeth and use the nonsense literature of her previous life, saying:

"The so-called will of fire actually means that wherever the leaves of Konoha fly, the fire will never cease.

This sentence sounds reasonable, but in fact it contains a profound philosophy.

Konoha represents the land we live on, our village, and also symbolizes the ninjas living in Konoha.

Therefore, the will of fire is to protect our homes and the people around us.……"


Blah blah blah, Hinata talked over and over again for an hour, and a big drop of sweat flowed down Sarutobi Hiruzen's forehead.

It was too sloppy. He didn't expect that the child of the Hyuga family could speak so well.

Speaking and listening to others speak are different feelings.

Not long after, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a little drowsy, and the other children almost fell asleep.

He quickly interrupted Hinata's long speech,"Okay, okay, Hinata's will of fire is very passionate, but that's it for today. Now, the teachers of each class will take their students back to the classroom to start the class."

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Hinata licked her lips with satisfaction. It seems that her fighting power is still good. As for the students, they were all refreshed and followed their teachers into the classroom as if they were pardoned. Hinata

's teacher is indeed Umino Iruka, just like in the comics, and the assistant teacher is Mizuki.

All the 12 strong men of Konoha are included. It seems that this is the key class of the ninja school. To be a qualified Konoha ninja, you have to start from Konoha elementary school students.

"I want to go to school and not be late every day……"Humming a song,

Hinata greeted her friends and followed Iruka and Mizuki into the classroom.

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