The next day, Hinata woke up from her sleep, pinched her hands, and felt that she had gained some strength.

What a powerful skill! The food she ate yesterday was transformed into her own strength overnight. She didn't need to work out hard. She just needed to enjoy the food. She could not only eat without gaining weight, but also increase her strength. She envied those people who were lifting weights in the gym.

I just don't know if there is an upper limit to this skill. If not, Hinata said she could keep eating until she became the god of the ninja world.

Hinata waved her hand, and she could see with her naked eyes that wherever her hand passed, a gust of air was raised, forming a gust of wind pressure. She secretly thought in her heart that it was not good to increase her strength too quickly. Now she was a little out of control. Every move she made would have a huge force.

Today, she would punch Hiashi with all her strength. I guess she could directly succeed to the position of clan leader.

Hinata stood there motionless while thinking, letting the maid help her put on her clothes.

It was not that Miss Hinata had a temper tantrum, but she really didn't dare to move next to the maid, for fear of small���When she bumps into someone, she breaks their bones.

Besides, the fabric of her clothes is very fragile. If she is not careful, she will burst.

When the maid helped her put on her clothes and took Hinata to comb her hair,

Hinata's skin in the mirror looked pink and tender, as if it was about to drip with water.

"Who would have thought that the physical fitness increased by the gluttony could also beautify the skin?"

Hinata laughed wildly with her hands on her hips in her heart, what a magical skill, it was simply a magical skill!

After dressing up, Hinata went to have breakfast, and Hiashi, who had rested for a night, also appeared at the dining table.

In Hiashi's shocked eyes, Hinata started to show off her meal while eating. Hyuga Riko, who had been prepared, specially arranged two people to be responsible for adding rice to Hinata.

The two maids with the strength of Genin had left afterimages with their hands, but they still could not keep up with Hinata's speed of showing off her meal.

The two maids, who were sweating profusely, unconsciously turned on the chakra to assist in adding rice, and just kept up with Hinata's rhythm.

It was the first time that Hiashi saw his daughter showing off her meal, and he was so shocked that his chopsticks fell down.

It was really rare to see such a thing.

Chakra was even used to add rice.

Who would believe it if he told others about it?

"Hinata" Hiashi said with a bit of mixed emotions

"Why has her appetite suddenly increased so much? Has it always been like this?"

Hiashi felt guilty. If it was because her daughter suddenly awakened some ability that caused her appetite to increase, then it would be fine. But if not, then Hinata had always been hungry before, and he was unworthy of being a father by training and scolding her so strictly.

Hiashi felt a little pain in his heart.


Hinata was a little puzzled when she heard Hiashi's question with a guilty tone, but she immediately thought of the reason, so she said,"I have awakened an ability to increase my strength from food. I had a little bit before, but it didn't feel big. I don't know why I felt very hungry after I came back yesterday, so I ate so much."

Hiashi was relieved to hear this, but she immediately thought of another thing. Could it be that she had some kind of blood disease? There are all kinds of blood diseases in the ninja world, and the manifestations are different. It is hard to say whether Hinata's is the same. Most people who have blood diseases have a short life. Thinking of this, Hiashi said:

"We still can't take it lightly. It's a pity that Lady Tsunade is not in the village now, otherwise she can help Hinata check it out. I will go to the hospital and ask a few powerful medical ninjas to come to our house to check Hinata carefully to make sure there are no hidden dangers."

If Hinata's strength requires her life, Hiashi would rather let her baby daughter starve.

""Okay then."

Hinata said indifferently.

She knew in her heart that her cheat could not harm her, but she could not tell this to Hiashi. Since her old father insisted on doing so, she would let him go. After the examination, he would be relieved and not be so worried.

"However, father, can you please teach me the Hyuga soft fist later? I feel my strength is growing too fast and it is a little out of control."

Hinata requested sweetly.

Faced with his daughter's cuteness, Hiashi, the daughter slave, was completely vulnerable and surrendered directly, and agreed without hesitation.

After Hinata finished showing off her breakfast, Hiashi took Hinata to the backyard.

Along the way, Hinata walked carefully, fearing that she would cause damage accidentally or cause her clothes to burst if she moved too much.

It took half an hour for Hinata to move step by step from the restaurant to the backyard.

Looking at Hinata's movements, Hiashi could not help but frowned.

"Why, is the increased power a lot?"

"It's about doubled compared to yesterday."

Hinata answered carefully.

"Really? Then let's train alone today, first practice the moves and power of the soft fist. Then daddy will fight with you using the shadow clone, you have to attack with all your strength, so that you can better control your own strength in the battle."

Hiashi said, and he made a soft fist starting posture.

Hinata just imitated Hiashi's movements and made a starting posture, and heard a"swish" sound, and the training clothes she was wearing had two big cracks on the shoulders.

Hinata frowned slightly,

""Forget it, let's just explode when we have to." She said in her heart in self-abandonment, and pulled off the sleeve that was in the way and threw it aside.

Under the instruction of Hizu, she followed Hinata in performing soft boxing.

While performing, Hizu explained the key points of exerting force and corrected Hinata's movements.

While teaching, Hizu found that his daughter seemed like a novice who had never learned anything before. She didn't know some of the basics that had been taught, and she didn't correct them until Hizu pointed them out.

Hizu didn't lose heart. She was stupid so she was stupid, and her moves were rough so she was a little rough. Anyway, she had innate divine power, so there was no need to pursue the sophistication of the moves. At worst, she could be a little bit stupid.���Strength can defeat skill.

Hinata learned Hyuga Soft Fist little by little from the beginning under the guidance of Hiashi.

Although she was a novice in physical skills, Hinata traveled from the modern era of information explosion. There are too many fighting videos on Bilibili and Douyin.

As the saying goes,"Watch all the movies in the world and you will be naturally divine in your heart."

While learning the soft fist taught by Hiashi, Hinata searched for related memories of her past life in her brain.

Hinata made rapid progress. After Hyuga Hiashi practiced with Hinata three times, Hinata could practice on her own in a decent manner.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: Hyuga Soft Fist. It needs 100 points to be strengthened. 】


Hinata, who was practicing Soft Fist, had her eyes light up. There is a new skill that can be strengthened.


Hinata said in her heart.

【Ding, 100 points of enhancement points are consumed, and the Hyuga Soft Fist is enhanced to the Immortal Art·Soft Fist. The next enhancement requires 1,000,000 points.

Current host skills:

Skill 1: Taotie.

The ability to consume food is increased by 1000%, the speed of strength growth is +1000%, and the speed of physical growth is +1000%. Energy bodies can be swallowed.

Skill 2: White Eyes (unopened)

The blood limit of the Hyuga clan, perspective + insight, has not yet awakened.

Skill 3: Immortal Art·Soft Fist.

The skill generated by the Hyuga clan's soft fist enhancement, basic damage +150%. You can absorb natural energy and store it in your body during practice. When fighting, you can choose to add natural energy damage to the soft fist.

Wow, I made a fortune!

Little Hinata smiled happily. As long as you practice, you can accumulate natural energy. You don't have to eat insects like the seventh generation to learn immortal arts, and you will also turn into a stone statue.

Safe, efficient and painless, and practicing the Hyuga Soft Fist can also help you control the surge in power. Kill two birds with one stone, perfect!

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