Chapter 202 The whole network set off a ridicule, and the idol was called his wife’s trouble

“Ghost Blowing the Light” is officially on the shelves from 56 chapters, and the first volume: Exquisite Ancient City, only has 47 chapters, that is to say, readers of the first volume can be prostituted for nothing.

Even the second volume: Dragon Ridge Labyrinth can also cover a small part of the content.

By six o’clock in the afternoon, many readers who were free and fast readers had finished reading the first volume, and some even saw the second volume.

Under the book review area, it is unprecedentedly hot, and book fans are commenting frantically.

“High energy ahead”, “Barrage body protection”, “Scared to death!”

, “Frightened pee”, “What about my Tianlinggai?”

, “The wives bully me again, a pure boy”… And so on comments keep appearing.

Even in the novel, the paragraph review after each paragraph is crazy to build a building.

Especially those passages of horror plots, dozens of floors of cover!

And on the Internet, there are more and more feedback about “Ghost Blowing the Light”.

“Youmingyue’s new book is good to see and burst! Can’t stop at all!”

“I admit I was deceived, Zhenji is on top! PS: That’s not a reason for me to go to work and read novels!”

“The new work is really brilliant!”

“The whole person is obsessed!”

“People light candles, ghosts blow lamps!” The chicken can’t touch the gold! That sentence alone can make me orgasm! The setting is amazing! How did Youmingyue come up with it?”

“There are also dragon hunting thousands of eyes to entangle the mountain, a rush is a heavy pass; If there are a thousand locks when the door is closed, there must be 773 princes living here! This sentence is also absolutely impossible!”

“Sect Leader Sister Niu Beep!”

“Watching Ghost Blowing the Lamp, it’s like I’ve become the protagonist myself to explore various tombs! Knock magic, I didn’t expect to see such a magical novel in my lifetime.”

“It’s worthy of being written by Youmingyue’s wives, I didn’t wait in vain, it’s so good-looking!”

“I was originally indifferent to the first person, but this novel succeeded in making me ignore the first person.

It even seemed to have a magic that gave me an immersive tomb robbery experience.”

“God TM immersive tomb robbery experience…”

Feilu Novel Network, Gu Qingyao rubbed her sour eyes reading the book, looked at the comments of netizens, and couldn’t help but laugh.

However, she thought about her experience when she read a book, and it seemed that it was indeed full of immersion.

Seeing Hu Bayi open the coffin, but the candle went out, her heart suddenly mentioned her throat and eyes, and her heart beat faster.

Seeing the zongzi appear, she was covered in sweat and hair standing on end, and her back was cold.

Seeing that the protagonist and the others finally came out of the tomb, he breathed another breath.

Few books can toss themselves to death like this.

Thought in my heart.

Gu Qingyao’s slender jade finger slid, continued to browse the comments and feedback of netizens, and found that more people, like her, found this book tense and exciting.

“Scared to death! I didn’t dare to go to the toilet when I saw it… I’m a big man, in the middle of the day, I dare not go to the toilet!”

“You seem proud?”

“Hahaha, I guess the wives are trying to scare me to death, and then inherit my tens of millions of happy beans.”

“It’s really super scary! Paper women, dead children, desert marching ants, corpse konjac, fire ladybugs… Everything can make people die peacefully! It is also that the protagonist group has an aura, and the eight characters are hard enough! If you change to someone else, I don’t know how many times I died early!”

“The terrifying stimulation made my scalp tingle, and the adrenaline was racing, but I was afraid and wanted to see it, and I couldn’t stop!”

“Me too!”

“Let’s just say, the two sisters of Youmingyue should really be some kind of tomb robber family heirs, right? This is so true! All kinds of feng shui, geography, historical allusions, folk culture, I Ching gossip knowledge, etc., are so powerful! And there is a wild imagination, a steady stream of inspiration! It’s a real beep!”

“Agree, compare with them, what kind of stuff are those concave masters in the entertainment industry.”

“The two sisters of Youmingyue hugged their chests with their hands and threw back tactics: I heard, you said that you are a master?”

The Internet is extremely lively, there are many hot searches, and all the praise of “Ghost Blowing the Light” is overwhelming.

For many book lovers of the dark moon, supernatural novels may make them uncomfortable, after all, there are many people who do not like to read such novels.

And they entered the pit from “Covering the Sky” before, which is a fairy novel, which is completely different from the supernatural suspense style of “Ghost Blowing the Light”.

But when they try to take a look, just one glance, they are instantly captivated.

Wonderful plots and texts that hook them to death.

That kind of wandering in the strange underground world, arousing all kinds of whimsical feelings among book fans, makes people feel like they are dazzling, and they can’t stop at all.

However, it is really scary.

Frightening with a strong mental stimulation, this kind of emotion is directly full under the action of the talent of empathy.

So much so that many book fans, when they saw the wonders, were frightened on the one hand, and on the other hand, they slapped their thighs fiercely and said: “It’s worthy of the dark moon!”

In fact.

Not only readers, but also countless web writers are also paying attention to “Ghost Blowing the Light”.

However, unlike the reader’s focus, these authors focus on the subject matter of the novel.

Although “Ghost Blowing the Light” belongs to the supernatural and suspenseful, it is clear that this is a new genre novel!

Countless web writers were stunned! There is a boil in the various author groups! Tomb robbery stream!

This is the name originally decided for this subject by the sixth group of the Feilu editorial department, and it has now spread throughout the online literary circle.

“Youmingyue is too terrifying! The last book is a god, this book creates a new genre!”

“Brothers, I’ll pay tribute first!”

“You’re late, I’ve already opened the book!”

“It’s ruthless! Soon!”

At this time, a web literature god appeared:

“To be honest, if I didn’t have a novel that was being updated, I would have liked to follow the trend!

The style and creativity of the book “Ghost Blow the Light” is not to say that you can drink wine and eat meat like You Mingyue, at least follow them to drink some soup, there is no problem at all.

However, when following, there are a few points to pay attention to:

First, the character, it can be seen that the characters in the novel are very distinct, especially the protagonist group: Hu Bayi, Shirley Yang, and Wang Kaixuan, who were completely written by You Mingyue.

The second is the structure of the world, factions, black words, chronological sense… Everything has shaped the world into a very real world!

The third is the design of the plot and copy, which is particularly subtle, many people may be easy to focus on the “open coffin”, but it should be noted that the series of foreshadowings before the “open coffin” is the most important.

The excitement of “Ghost Blowing the Light” is here.

This is not a feeling after reading “Ghost Blowing the Light”.

After the Great God finished speaking.

Comments quickly scroll:

“Thank you Zhang Da for your guidance.”

“Got it!”

Subsequently, many web writers ran to Youmingyue Weibo and brushed up comments.

“Thank you wives for taking me to the soup.”

“Thank you wife for sending me pocket money!”

“Wife, I’ll follow the wind, no problem, right?”

Girl: “…”

Jinling, a hotel, Xu Youyue showed an expression of “subway, old man, looking at mobile phone”.

Walnut on the side laughed and held back his internal injuries.

Maybe that’s the boss’s biggest annoyance.

I will always be called a wife.

Thinking in her heart, she took out her mobile phone and also commented under Youmingyue Weibo: “Wife, sticker”.

Of course, your own account must not let the boss know.

If she knows it, she will die completely!

Walnut doesn’t know, in fact, there may be other gods unfolding… Imperial Capital.

Gu Qingyao packed up the documents and prepared to leave work.

In the past, she dared to face the fear of the dark, and took the initiative to work overtime in order to get a higher commission for novels, but tonight she was really afraid.

When it gets dark, she always feels hairy in her heart.

The terrifying monsters in the “Ghost Blowing the Light” novel kept coming to her mind… The whole room became eerie.

“Fake, all fake… Reality cannot exist.”

Gu Qingyao shook her head, but her steps were getting faster and faster.

Obviously on the side, there are other colleagues.

But this sense of terror has always filled the heart.

Gu Qingyao had a hunch that she might not be able to sleep tonight.

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