Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 102: ashes

What are you still doing, hurry up to the incineration plant.

Anna directly pressed the accelerator button, and the exoskeleton armor screeched and ran. One step was two or three meters, and Coulson was thrown away at once.

Anna thinks that after this, who would dare to say that they have short legs and can run Bibi.

Go out and walk along the corridor.

Coulson was thrown off a lot, but had no choice but to run to keep up.

The Holy Trinity Church looks ancient and full of history from the outside, but the inside is actually a shabby place.

This place is essentially an old crematorium. The corridors and roads are full of potholes. You can also see exposed natural gas pipelines on the side. Sewage drips from the pipelines. You can also see carts pushing dead bodies on the road.

When he walked to the corner of the corridor, Coulson saw his short legs shrunk, half of his head sticking out.

Following Anna's gaze, two men in suits and sunglasses stood at the end.

One tall and thin, with his hands under the gear, his eyes swept around every minute, looking very alert.

Between the tall and thin man's crotch, bulging, there is a gun.

One is a little short, with big arms and round waist, and one person can block a door.

This guy was holding a Nokia mobile phone and rubbing it, looking like he was playing with snakes.

No need to worry about this.

The place where the two can be guarded is the cremation workshop.

Nick Fury didn't send Coulson here to eat and drink. He also had the duty to protect his short legs.

She signaled to Anna that she should not be in a hurry.

Coulson is most familiar with the routine, walk out of the corner slowly, go up first and lower your guard in the form of questioning, wait until you are about an arm's distance away, reach out and quickly hit the tall and thin bodyguard's throat, first Destroy the combat power of the alert bodyguard, and at the same time kick the bodyguard on the right with a kick to hit the weak point, and then destroy the strong man.

He is a fighting expert. When he encounters such as Doctor Octopus or Viper with a bulging belly, he is already capable of not dying.

But dealing with two people...

Simple, Coulson touched the gun between his crotch and walked out of the corner with his usual good-natured appearance.

"Hi bro."

The tall and thin bodyguard moved, put his hands between his crotch, and covered his gun holding position with a suit.

Coulson squeezed a smile and stared at the two bodyguards, his hands spread out to indicate that he had no equipment, and he appeared to be quite harmless to humans and animals.

In this regard, being short is an advantage, and being short means he is not a threat. In addition, Coulson has really gained several pounds in the past few months, and his face is round.

It looks like the kind-hearted Lafayette.

The short and stout bodyguard grabbed the phone, raised his head and glanced. The short and fat people all sympathized with each other.

At this time, New York was still very peaceful. Except for small-scale people entering the campus with machine guns, or two or three teams running to the bank with AK47s, there seemed to be no major issues.

"I'm just here to find the bathroom, you know, I just came to work in East Hampton, and I'm alone in this kind of place at night..."

Coulson pretended to be innocent.

The tall and thin man pursed his lips and indicated his position to Coulson.

There really is a bathroom here, at the end of the corridor, not far from the incinerator.

Coulson walked over with a smile, and said to the chunky bodyguard as he walked, "Are you playing Snake, you're about to eat a big egg, wow, it's 4,500 points, so strong."

The short and stout man showed a smug look at Coulson, and lowered his head to continue his great work. The tall and thin man gradually lost his guard and put one hand on the lintel.

Coulson was ready to shoot.

Bang Bang... With two consecutive sounds, the two bodyguards fell to the ground.

Coulson only sees two robotic arms sticking out from behind his shoulders

"It's not over yet."

Coulson saw the manipulator retract, and Tang Yuan Jing stared with big eyes.

Anna felt that Coulson was really too long-winded. Could it be that after three months of pampering, this guy's skills are rusted?

Seeing him chattering for a long time, Anna was annoyed.

Looking at Coulson's dazed eyes, this guy... electromagnetic railgun, electric pulse bomb, electromagnetic bomb... This time, he is staring at the exoskeleton manipulator, ready to blow the pillow on Nick Fury.

"A set of $1 million can be cheaper if you buy more."

Coulson was looking at...

"You and I haven't reached that level of love yet, so you can't rent it. When your arm is broken, I'll give it to you for nothing."


Anna felt that she had strength, and regardless of whether the door was locked or not, Anna lifted the mechanical foot, and kicked it according to the position of the door handle.

Boom... Boom, the door opened.

The tin door with the door leaf and the lock is twisted into a twisted structure, four hinged hinges, and three hinges fall off.

A door is just like a rotten old man, hunchbacked and drooping, looking like he is about to die.

Inside the door, sitting on the long bench was a middle-aged man in a vest with half bald hair on his head, holding a cigarette in one hand and resting his leg in the other, staring at the time.

"It's in the furnace?"

The cigarette drooped down, and the middle-aged man stared blankly at the cloaked man.

In this place, the only difference between the rich and the poor in front of them is that they use high-end furnaces and ordinary furnaces.

The ordinary furnace was open, and there was an iron pliers for ash removal, and there were no corpses in it.

The rest is the high-end furnace. Look at the electronic timer above, the temperature is 950 degrees, and the incineration time is set to 60 Now it has been 20 minutes, which is just the time when the temperature rises to the highest.

Coulson couldn't figure out the situation either. He was what Anna asked him to do. He watched Anna press the red emergency stop button and pulled out the iron door.

At this time, the refractory bricks were still red.

With the sound of clicking, Coulson watched Tangyuan Jing pull out the incineration bed with a mechanical hand. When pulling it too hard, the incineration bed was pulled directly from the track.

There was only one skeleton left inside.

No, how to collect DNA without muscle tissue.

Anna's eyebrows were drooping. Without DNA, it would be impossible to prove that Stark was alive, nor that old bald Stan lied.

Likewise, Colonel Roddy wouldn't be able to carry out a rescue operation without knowing that Stark was alive.

With just Stark himself and his broken MK1, he might be able to escape from the cave, but can he escape the Ten Commandments Gang's sphere of influence?

Knowing that the surrounding area is a desert, even if he flew out of the mountains and landed on the desert, how likely would he be caught by the U.S. Air Force by coincidence.

Almost zero without search and rescue.

Anna groped unconsciously.

It was the first time Coulson saw Tang Yuanjing showing this expression. Before, no matter where he saw her, he was full of confidence. This time...


Coulson was about to pull Anna to comfort him, when he suddenly saw Anna's big eyes lit up with a ray of light.

"Yes, there is no muscle tissue or pulp!"

The two little chubby hands clapped, and the short legs jumped up, making a metallic clacking sound.

She took a tweezer to the ashes.

Found a three molars, and an extra large golden tooth.

p.s. Ask for a recommendation ticket

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