Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 118: laser cutting

Anna watched the bearded man babble, and didn't know what the bird was saying, and then the two men behind Killian moved, as if they wanted to twiddle their sleeves.

Wow...still two factions.

The five people are divided into two factions, which is interesting.

Following Killian were a man and a woman.

The man was wearing a leather coat, with a bald head, a small bald head, a big bald head with a beard, and two eyes the size of a copper bell.

The little bald head widened his bald head.

He wiped the rain on his bald head with a dry towel, and continued to stare after wiping, looking rebellious.

The woman looked like a killer. She was wearing a small suit. The suit was soaked. She took it off and threw it directly into the stove in the closet. She rolled her eyes at the bearded man.

Both of them are a little familiar.

Anna uses brain waves to call the chip, and the chip connects to the indoor WiFi, and the human brain and the computer constantly exchange data.

Killian's jammers cut off cell phone communications, which are in the gigahertz range.

And the indoor WIFI is 5GHz, and it is not cut off, which means that Anna can contact Coulson at any time.

But Anna didn't want to contact him.

She thought the short one was a pig teammate.

This guy deserves credit.

Star point!

In the last invasion of Building B of Beacon Hill Manor, Shorty helped her start the diesel generator set.

More sins.

In fact, if it wasn't for him running over to interfere with his own judgment, a scum like a bulging viper would have turned his brain into a paste long ago.


The house was almost demolished.

So Anna thought that this short man must not be notified.

In fact, if Maya hadn't thought Coulson was reliable, Anna wouldn't even let him enter Xavier Castle.

In Xavier, this guy ate nothing but to eat. He didn't solder circuit boards for her, and he didn't tear up graphene for her. Apart from being a mascot, he had no use for anything.

Better to keep Coulson in traffic.

After logging into the official database of S.H.I.E.L.D., after face recognition and data matching, two faces jumped out in the end.

It turned out to be these two.

Eric Savin and Alan Blunt.

It can be seen from the information that Eric Savin and Alan Blunt are both former U.S. soldiers who retired due to disability during the war in Afghanistan.

The woman's right arm is broken, and the man's left foot is broken.

As for the reason for appearing here, it is obvious that the two must have been transformed by the Extremis virus and became Killian's subordinates.

Eric Savin is much more famous than Killian, and in the comics, he is also stronger.

In the movie universe, he was forcibly killed by Tony Stark without armor.

So did Alan. The bomb exploded by the microwave oven. After he came out, he took a cold shower, and the heat expanded and contracted.

Both were killed.

Desperate Virus...

Anna thinks that Killian is in a hurry to develop, and got the Extremis Virus so early?

However, the short legs think that it is by no means the perfect version. If it is perfect, what would they do with Maya.

Recall the debate between Killian and Beard.

The Desperate Virus and Jericho's son-and-mother guided missiles, and the short legs are silent. This may be the trump card that Killian dares to appear in New York.

Anna heard Colonel Roddy talk about the power of the Jericho missile.

Within a radius of 100 meters, no grass grows.

The last time he escaped, even though he was 50 meters away, the shock wave of the explosion still shattered the winglets of the Transportation Bureau.

If it wasn't for Colonel Roddy's tyrannical flying skills, Stark would not have brought him back.

Ana thinks that Stark is also a pig teammate.

This guy is the traitor who threw bombs into his teammates when he was eating chicken.

It's a pity that Stark has been in a coma since he woke up last time. He moved his eyes from time to time, but there was no text.

Otherwise, Colonel Roddy would have caught Stark and asked how many he had made.

Jericho is a mother-to-child guided missile.

A weapon on the battlefield, the latest counter-terrorism weapon of the U.S. military.

In the end, before he could throw it, the Taliban threw one at Baghdam Air Force Base.

That's funny.

She didn't want to hear the radar alarm.

Xavier is an old castle, and she has nowhere to cry when a shot is fired.

Electromagnetic railguns can be intercepted, and gamma ray guns can also be used. The problem is that intercepting this kind of thing is not 100%.

Even if she didn't intercept it, she didn't care. Anyway, she had a super desperate factor in her pocket, but Maya and Garcia were bad.

Until she had to, Anna didn't want to tear her face.

Tadata, the ship's electromagnetic rail gun bay, the No. 6 robot received the order from Anna and has loaded it into the chamber, waiting for the interception order.

Garcia shivered beside her. She had never seen such a situation before.

Maya showed her eldest sister's style and comforted her softly.

With a small face with short legs, she took a bite from the bottle.

She felt she had to be cautious.

Maybe it's time for a frontal wave.

Killian and the bearded bald head happened again. It was estimated that they had a quarrel. They used bird language, and the translator would translate it roughly.

She seemed to accuse Killian of not obeying the order, and then Anna watched the bearded bald head approach, striding, and stretched out her big claws toward the sofa.

"Ahmadi, Maya can't kill, we need her." Killian pointed to Maya and said.

Ahmadi stopped his arms, spared Maya, and picked up Garcia.

"We don't need her!" After speaking, Ahmadi grabbed Garcia's hair and dragged it out, pressed it against the wall, took out a pistol, and prepared to start.

Hit his forehead against the wall, Garcia shivered.

She was desperate.

She blamed herself for not listening to advice.

Braving the heavy rain, he came to inform Maya, who knew that he had run into such a thing.

It's a terrorist and a missile at the same time. The bearded and bald head is standing behind her, and her arms are thicker than her waist. Now she takes out a cold pipe and puts it on her Isn't it a gun?

Garcia didn't dare to look back. She felt that if she didn't look back, she might have a bald head with a beard and a beard that would bypass her.

That's a gun!

It took a long time for Garcia to understand that it was a gun, and he was being held by a gun.

In an instant, she almost fainted out of breath.

That's a gun, a peanut can kill you.

Is this going to die?

Are you dead?

Not dead yet? !

I don't know when, Garcia found that the energy behind his head was gone.

She still didn't dare to turn her head, if she turned her head, she would die.

For a long time, it was a century for her, and there was still no sound around, no exclamation, no crying, and no laughter.

She finally realized that the atmosphere was wrong, turned around, and saw the big beard behind her.

Staring at the bull's eye, he looked extremely vicious.

It just doesn't feel right, like a plaster wax figure.

Then she knew why it didn't feel right.

Bang... The arm thicker than her waist fell and hit her feet.

Pfft... A scar the size of a basin appeared on her shoulder, and blood spurted out from the scar, spattering her face.

Then there are the feet, then the thighs, waist, chest, ... the head.

The huge body collapsed instantly, falling on the ground like building blocks, with a thud.


Garcia was dazed for a while, then suddenly screamed.

He clenched his fists with both hands and stood in front of him, his back was straight, his thighs were stiff, and with a bang, he fell backwards to the ground.


Like a zombie.

p.s. Ask for collection and recommendation

Thank you 3 fans for the reward

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